
Love After Marriage for the Doted-upon Spoiled Wife

The birthday present was a divorce certificate!!! On her birthday, he gave her a gift of a divorce certificate! They were married for one year, in this marriage, she loved in silence while he left without hesitation! it was pouring rain outside. In that moment, she felt hopeless, but the appearance of Gu Mucheng seemed like a lifeline. So she married Gu Mucheng, they only met for a few minutes, and their flash marriage was faster than anyone else's! She started to plan and took risks by playing games with the devil. She played games with the devil, but in the end, she couldn't control her heart and gradually fell into it. When she was deeply involved, she suddenly realized that she was just a substitute. Who will be the winner in this game?

DaoistrtniKM · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Waiting

Noah suddenly approached Emma and said, "This is your punishment for ignoring me." His warm breath blew on Emma's cheek, making her shiver as if she had been electrocuted.

The position they were in seemed ambiguous no matter how you looked at it. Emma placed one hand on Noah's chest and the other on the passenger seat, feeling his strong heartbeat. For some reason, her own heart suddenly began to race, pounding away like a drum. All she could hear in the car was the sound of her own heart.

Emma couldn't stand this ambiguous atmosphere anymore. She pushed Noah away and said, "Stay away from me!"

Noah sat back in his seat and stared straight ahead. The way he didn't speak was really scary.

Emma swallowed her saliva, wondering what she had done to upset him. When did he become so emotional? It was like he was acting like a woman!

Suddenly, Noah turned his head and grinned mischievously. He lifted Emma's chin with his hand and said, "What's the matter? Don't you want to fulfill your marital duties? Let me tell you, you won't be able to run away from me."

Emma felt helpless. Where did this bully of a man come from?

Emma was an odd woman who never showed her emotions. No matter how nervous she was on the inside, she always appeared calm on the outside. In fact, the more nervous she was, the calmer she appeared. She was just that kind of person.

She smiled faintly and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't fulfill my duties. I just pushed you away. Can't you give me a moment to catch my breath?"

She was just making excuses! She was definitely making excuses!

But Noah didn't expose her, 'Hope you can calm down tonight!' Noah glanced at her lightly, and Emma felt her heart skip a beat. Noah stepped on the car door, and the car disappeared in the dust. Emma closed her eyes and rested. She didn't speak.

She really needed to calm down. Too much had happened today, and she needed to sort things out. Noah glanced at Emma with the corner of his eye, and then slowed down the car as much as possible to make the ride smoother. The silence in the car was terrifying. After a while, Noah parked the car next to a restaurant.

Emma felt the car stop, so she opened her eyes and looked at Noah blankly. Noah said, 'Wait for me in the car for a while, I'll be right back!' Noah finished speaking and opened the car door. He slammed the door without waiting for Emma to speak. In a large mall near the restaurant, two women were shopping frantically and swiping their cards. Two or three people behind them were carrying large and small bags.

The two women were very beautiful, with curvy bodies and well-proportioned figures. One of them said, 'Today I want to buy enough!' 'Come on, if you buy the whole mall, no one will say anything as long as you're happy.'

The woman who spoke seemed to be in her forties, but her clothes and appearance exuded her nobility. The woman hugged the other woman's arm and coquettishly said, 'Oh, Mom, even if I buy the entire mall, I don't need your approval, do I?'

Ava flicked her nose and indulgently said, 'Silly girl, as long as it's something Mom can do, Mom will fulfill your wishes.'

Ava had a baby daughter and a baby son as she got older. Her family was very poor and she married a husband who was not successful and spent his days gambling. When her daughter was five months old, she suddenly had a high fever and was taken to the hospital, where it was discovered that she had a heart disease. At that time, they didn't have enough money to pay for treatment, so they decided to abandon the child, although they felt guilty about it, they had no other choice.

These were the cruelest parents in the world, and they later saw on the news that a baby had died near where they had abandoned their child. They also assumed that the child had died. Ava's husband always loved gambling and couldn't quit, so in the end, Ava had no choice but to divorce him.

She finally married a wealthy man after the divorce, but he had many other women, and she had to work hard to get to where she is today. Now, her daughter is the child of her and Aiden, the wealthy man she married, and she is his legitimate wife. This shows how ruthless and vicious Ava can be. Fortunately, Aiden loves this daughter very much and does not hold the belief that sons are more important than daughters, which makes Ava feel relieved. Aiden is the chairman of the BIG Group, a little-known but highly successful global company that dominates S.

Ava and Aiden have two children, a daughter named Sophia and a son named Liam, and they treat them equally. Unfortunately, Ava cannot have any more children, so she spoils Sophia to no end, and will give her anything she wants.

Sophia's brother, Liam, also dotes on his sister. Sophia is showered with love from all sides, which has made her personality quite difficult. If you do something that doesn't please her, she'll find ways to get back at you, but she does it behind your back. In the eyes of her brother, as well as her parents, she remains the innocent and pure Sophia.

"Hey Mom, when is Liam coming back? I really miss him," Sophia asked.

Sophia has always adored her brother since she was a child, for no particular reason, but their sibling relationship is strong.

"He might be back in a few months. Just be patient," Ava replied.

Sophia pouted and said, "Okay, I'll wait. Mom, let's go eat. I'm exhausted from walking around all morning."

"Sure, let's go eat," Ava said.

Sophia and Ava soon arrived at the restaurant, and Sophia's eyes lit up as she spotted a familiar car.

"Mom, look, that's Noah's car! He must be nearby. Maybe he's even eating at this restaurant," Sophia exclaimed.

In the car, Emma wanted to ask Noah if she could use the restroom, but he closed the car door before she could speak.

She thought she could quickly use the restroom and come back, but decided against it since she couldn't lock the car. If the car got stolen, she would never be able to afford a replacement as it was worth at least a million.

Emma was frustrated that she didn't know how to lock the car, and could only wait anxiously for Noah's return, praying that he would come back soon."