
Love affair with a beast

Amelia almost died in an accident but was saved by a strange entity. surprisingly that entity is always near her. she recovered from the accident but little did she knew her life is never going to be same. she also discovers shocking facts about her past as she moves forward and also why does this stranger do not really feel as a stranger.

Luna011 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Accident (1)

The colorful dazzling light was hitting every corner of room. The Speakers were bursting with loud music and a wave of excitement took over the entire room. It was almost midnight but no one seemed tired. It snowed a few hours ago so it was cold outside but inside the party hall, the atmosphere was really warm and cozy. 

" Hey, Sasha look here ". Steve got close to Sasha's ears and shouted loudly so she could hear him in such loud music. 

Sasha got a little startled and feeling Steve so close to her. She backed off a little nervously. Her ears and cheeks were blushed pink. She looked at him. Steve took a picture of them together. 

" Look here Sasha ". Steve shouted. Sasha looked at his phone and smiled a little and Steve clicked another picture. 

After clicking a few more pictures he turned to Sasha and asked," Can I post this picture on my Insta story ?" He shouted a little with a few hand gestures. Sasha understood him and nodded in response. 

On the other hand, Amelia who was sitting in her Car was scrolling through everyone's stories. 

" looks like everyone's having good time. Wish I could be there." Amelia murmured and sighed. 

Scrolling a little further, she saw Steve and Sasha's pictures. By just looking at the pictures, She could tell how much Shy and happy Sasha is. 

" she is definitely blushing in this one." She said as she zoomed in the picture. 

She was really focused on her phone. She didn't even notice that the Car was heading in a foggy area. However this wasn't very foggy but enough to make anyone's vision blur and cause accidents. The driver slowed down the car a little as his vision was getting blurred as well. By the time Amelia noticed the change in her surrounding, the car was already surrounded with fog. 

" What is this fog ? Is it normal here ? " Amelia asked her driver. 

" Do not worry ma'am. It happens here". The driver replied reassuring her. 

" Oh... Really. I didn't know it ". Amelia said. 

" Anyways how far is the hotel?" She asked.

" just 15 minutes away. We are almost there". The Driver responded. 

" Great ". She murmured as she closed her eyes, keeping her phone next to her. 

The Car was moving forward at its pace but out of nowhere a truck ran into the black Car. The collision was so strong, the car went upside down and bumped into a tree causing severe damage to car especially the backside and people inside it. The mirrors were shattered. The black beautiful Mercedes was now severely dented. It's seats were painted in red. The car's lights were flickering and engine was making noise. 

Amelia's head bashed into a Tree causing bleeding from that area. The shattered pieces of mirrors stabbed her in arm and face. She groaned in pain. Her vision got blurry. Her phone was flipped out of the car. It's screen suffered some damage. She slowly put off her seat belt. Her vision was getting even more blurry. The mirror pieces had cut her deeply. The blood was gushing out, drops falling on her clothes and seats, even the white snow turned red. She heavily breathed. Her phone was lying on the road. She tried to reach out to it. The tiny pieces of glass covered the seats. She tried to crawl out of the car but she was pricked by them. She groaned again but successfully got out of car. 

The Driver's forehead was bleeding and he was already passed out. Her head was getting dizzy and her body wasn't helping her much either but she was very close to her phone now. Breathing heavily, she managed to pick her phone and call Sasha with her hands which felt super heavy to her at moment. 

Sasha who was in party was not able to listen to her mobile ringing. Her phone was ringing continuously, Amelia's eyes were shutting down and so was her senses. 

" The number you have dailed is not answering the call. Please try later".

"The number you have dailed is not answering the call. Please try later".

Her hope was declining. She couldn't even think anymore. She was almost passed out but before falling unconscious, she saw four furry legs and two ears, something like a fox or wolf, and heard someone talking or maybe more like ordering something, she couldn't tell what it was. She felt as if someone picked her up before falling unconscious completely.

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