
82. Future shock part 2

Zachlor16: Hey guys. So here is part 2. But first some housekeeping. Heroes Central, back off. Do not tell us how to handle this arc. We will do what we want with this. Also to the guest asking about the parents, we do have something planned in season three. That is when the reveal will happen. Also, you guys are assuming the parents don't know. Maybe they do and they're playing dumb. Think about that. Anyways these next couple chapters take place in the days leading up to Lyle going to the past. Enjoy!

20 years in the future.

Clouds gathered above a city that while once filled with life now stood deserted as not a single soul was to be seen or heard. Areas that once held buildings now had in it's place rubble and the buildings that still stood were severely damaged. In the streets cars sat abandoned and destroyed while stray animals searched for scraps. However one figure flew through the city coated in fire. He was a man about thirty-one years old with a strong build with slicked back red hair. On the side of his head there was a small scar that rested just above the goggles he wore on his head. The rest of his costume includes dark orange boots, light orange pants with a red belt on it. He also wore a long sleeve orange leather outfit with red gloves and a watch on his left arm. On his face there was bits of stubble. He landed on the road and pressed the side of his goggles to turn on thermal vision. He looked around the area where he saw nothing.

"Nothing here." The man said in a deep voice. He pressed the side of his goggles again to turn off the thermal vision. "Must've just missed them." He looks around once again and let's out a low whistle. A minute later a border collie comes out from behind a car and trots towards him. Once she gets close the man crouches down and starts petting her. "Hey girl. Sorry I haven't been around for a while. Hope the food I gave you last time lasted you. I talked to my wife she and I finally convinced her to let me bring you home." The dog barked in happiness and licked his face. "Easy girl. I take you home after I finish my sweep." He walks around the area with the dog not far behind trying to find survivors but found nothing. With a sigh he presses a button on his watch. "Yo this is Firecracker. There's nothing here. Looks like I just missed them. I'm gonna start heading back to base." Firecracker cancels his communications and motioned for the dog to follow him before starting to walk off. The dog suddenly stops and starts growling at some rubble. "What's up girl?" Firecracker walks up to the rubble slowly as it suddenly begins to shake and all of a sudden a large creature wearing torn pants, metal bracelets with chains attached to them on each arm and a metal mask jumps out and tries to attack Firecracker who jumps backwards. "Ah Gorron. Long time no see. You're looking uglier than ever."

"Last time my brothers and I saw you, you weak kid." Gorron said.

"Well this time. I'm a man, and my powers are stronger." Firecracker said as he ignited his fists.

The another humanoid creature wearing a torn vest, ripped pants and had taped hands jumped off of a ruined building and growled. Then another humanoid creature which was smaller and leaner, wore torn pants, ripped shirt and a metal mask punched through a wall and glared at Firecracker.

"Viron and Torron, it's Mad Max reunion." Firecracker said.

"No jokes little firefly." Torron said. "Today you die." Firecracker however just groaned.

"You guys say that every week and each time we kill you or seriously injure you." He says to them. Gorron rushes forward but Firecracker flips over him and lands behind him. "I mean Parkour ripped your arms off two weeks ago Gorron." Torron takes a swipe at Firecracker who just sidesteps it. "And you Torron got sliced in half by Crystal Queen. Now that was brutal." Viron tries to pounce on him but Firecracker leans back causing him to go right over him and into a destroyed car. "And you Viron, I don't even want to think about Multiple Woman did you." He shudders. "Brutal."

"Well you're gonna not like what we're gonna do to you!" Viron shouted.

"That's what you guys all say." Firecracker said as he threw two fireballs at Viron.

The fireballs hit Viron but the wounds automatically heal. Viron smiles and rushes towards Firecracker slashes at him but he misses right before Firecracker hits a fire kick on the chin.

Gorron picks up an old car and throws it towards Firecracker, but Firecracker dodges the thrown car and throws two fire rods at Gorron, pushing him back a bit. Torron tries to sneak behind Firecracker, but Firecracker hits Torron with a Hadoken style attack with fire.

"Honestly I don't even know why Vector keeps you three around." Firecracker said. "We kick your asses every week and yet you keep coming back." Gorron let's out a roar and charged towards him. Firecracker crosses his arms and simply flies backwards. "C'mon Gorron. You're getting closer." Gorron swings at him while running but Firecracker is just out of reach. "Oh so close." However while he's distracted Torron tackles him from behind knocking him to the ground. "Ok maybe I got a little cocky." He elbows Torron in the face getting him off his back allowing Firecracker to get to his feet. He shoots a stream of fire a Torron who simply puts his hand out which allows him to catch the fire in his hands. "And I forgot you could do that."

"Getting cocky little firefly?" Torron mocked. "All alone." Firecracker however just smiles.

"Who says I'm alone?" He says before activating his communicator. "Yo Greenthumb, Armor! You guys planning on showing up at or you just gonna stand there looking pretty?"

The three monsters look and they see a motorcycle coming to them in the distance and the rider was a 37 year old man with tan skin, has a ton black mustache on his upper lip, short black hair, wearing a dark green mask over his eyes, wearing a dark biosuit with short sleeves and dark green boots. As he got closer he absorbs the metal of his bike with his right hand and forms a blade, then stabs Viron right in the chest, knocking him down. But as Viron was getting up the wound starts to heal. The rider revealed to be Armor.

"Leave my brother in law alone." said Armor.

Then another motorcycle jumps in and the back wheel hits Gorron in the face, the motorcycle was dark Lavender, with rose thorns painted on the sides. The driver was a 21 year old woman with fair skin, short blonde hair with a turkey tail, buck teeth, wearing a lavender biosuit, light purple boots and gloves, along with a light purple mask. "About time you called me bro!"

"Yeah and I feel like you two have been just sitting somewhere nearby just watching this whole thing." Firecracker said sarcastically.

"You can say that Firecracker." Greenthumb smirked.

"But let's take these freaks down!" Armor said.

Armor leaps at Gorron and hits him with a Superman punch followed up by an uppercut. Gorron recovers and rocks Armor with a right hand knocking them down.

Viron charges towards Greenthumb but she gives Viron a roundhouse to the gut, but Viron tried to punch Greenthumb, but she avoids the punches by ducking and dodging. Viron than grabs a piece of rubble and throws it towards Greenthumb. Greenthumb jumps over the rubble as she spins in the air and kicks a Viron in the face and lands on her two feet.

"I told you that those six years of dance class was worthwhile." Greenthumb said.

"I never said it was a waste." Firecracker said as knees Torron in the head. "I just said that it won't help you if Vector destroys everything."

Armor is beating the crap out of Gorron with steel hammer which he absorbed from an old car. Gorron grabs Armor and throws him to a wall. But Armor gets back up and glares. "Is that you got?" Armor asked.

Gorron roars and charges towards Armor who monkey flips him into a building. Armor then stands up and turns around to see Gorron slowly getting up.

"Armor! Get Gorron with the others!" Firecracker ordered. "Time to finish this!"

"You got it!" Armor nodded and charged towards Gorron and smacks him a bunch of times, and then gives Gorron a right hook to the face and he falls to the ground. "Greenthumb!"

"I'm on it Armor!" Greenthumb replied.

She raises her arms and multiple stalks and vines come out of the ground and wrap around the three monsters. Firecracker then shoots a stream fire at the stalks setting them on fire which engulfs the three monsters. "I think we got them." Firecracker said.

"Let's hope." Greenthumb said. "I'm sick and tired of fighting these guys over and over."

"Yeah and I'm sick of Bobby's mustache." Firecracker said before starting to walk off. "But we're stuck with it."

"Yeah. Wait." Armor said realizing what Firecracker said. "What's wrong with my mustache?"

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Firecracker asked from where he was petting the border collie. "It looks weird on your face."

"Well Lori loves it." said Armor.

"You look like the villain from Wonder Woman. But even he would rip that mustache off." Firecracker said.

"That's just hurtful." Armor said. "Anyways did you find anything?"

"Just this border collie. But nothing much." Firecracker replied.

"So no survivors." Greenthumb sighs. "I was hoping we'd find some more people but it looks like Vector was already here."

"He was definitely here if those three were around." Armor said. "But it seems like that the big man himself already left."

"Then there's no reason for us to stay here." Firecracker said as picked up the dog in his arms. "I'll meet you two at base." He the flies off while the other two get on their bikes to follow him.

Firecracker, Armor and Greenthumb are approaching headquarters. "So did you pick up the dog?" Greenthumb asked.

"She's right her." Firecracker said motioning to the dog in his arms. Armor and Greenthumb pulled into the base while Firecracker landed between them. Firecracker places the dog on the ground and the three press their watches to change into civilian clothes. With Firecracker's hair changing from red to white.

"Welcome back dudes." The three look to see a woman about thirty-five years old walking up to them.

The woman has fair skin, freckles on her cheeks, short brown hair, with buzz cuts on the side of her head, has paperclip earringsShe's wearing a purple tank top, black pants, and purple boots.

"Hey sis." Lily said, now wearing a light purple blouse, black skirt, and black shoes, with light purple socks.

"Hey Luna." Bobby said now wearing a green t-shirt, black jeans and boots.

"How did things go?" Luna asked.

"Found no survivors." Lincoln answered as he was now wearing a orange t-shirt with a black leather jacket and black pants. "But we found Gorron, Torron and Viron."

"Did you beat the crap out of them?" Luna asked.

"Of course." Lincoln said. "But as usual they'll heal and attack us again."

Luna looked down at the dog. "So you got the dog that you've been feeding?" Luna asked.

"Yeah." Lincoln answered. "Ronnie Anne was finally convinced that we could get a dog." He looks around the base before looking back at Luna. "Lori and Carol aren't back yet?" Luna's face grows serious.

"No and I'm starting to get worried." Luna replied. "They should've been back a while ago."

"If they're not back in a few minutes, we'll send someone to go find them." Lincoln said.

"Alright that sounds good." Luna said.

Lily separates from the group and heads to the area where they store the vehicles with her motorcycle. When she gets there she sees a man working on the L-Monster. A mischievous smile forms on Lily's face and she heads towards the monster truck. "Hey Timmy I'm back!" She shouts. Startled by the new voice, Timmy bangs his head on the hood of the truck and falls backwards only to be saved by a vine wrapping around his leg holding him upside down where he sees a smiling Lily.

"Do you always have to do that?" Timmy asked. Lily smiles and looked at her upside down fiance. He has red hair that was sticking up and was wearing a blue jumpsuit with his name on his shoulder and work boots.

"It's my way of surprising you." Lily smiled.

"By giving me concussion?" Timmy asked.

"Oh come on. I don't let you head the ground." Lily replied as she placed Timmy back on his feet and pulled the vine back. "So how's the L-Monster?"

"Engine took some damage in the last fight but I almost got it fixed." Timmy said as he wiped his hands with a rag. "Is my sister back yet?" Lily frowns and shakes her head. "Damn it. I was hoping she'd be back by now. I've got a bad feeling right now."

"Luna's gonna form a search team and head straight to their last known location." Lily said. "You don't have to worry about it.

"I know. It's just that Carol is the only family I have left since my parents died." said Timmy.

"You mean since Vector destroyed them." Lily said darkly. "And what am I chopped liver?" Timmy smiles her and grabs her face.

"Never." Timmy answered before kissing her.

In another part of the base, Lincoln led his dog to the medical area of the base where he sees a twenty-six year old woman. She was wearing a doctor's coat while wearing a blue shirt underneath it. She had blue jeans and sneakers. On the head was a red baseball hat turned backwards that covered blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail. The woman was currently examining a bird.

"Yo Lana!" Lincoln called getting her attention.

"Hey Lincoln. What's up?!" Lana greeted.

"I was outside looking for survivors and luckily I found this dog who needs a home, but first she needs a check up." Lincoln said.

"Just let me finish up examining this bird first." Lana said.

"Sweet." Lincoln said as he sat down. "So how's your knee?"

"It's getting better, but I still winces everytime I kneel down." Lana replies as she was checking the bird's wings. "But I'm healing at a snail's pace."

"Soothsayer could still heal your knee." Lincoln reminds her. "You're the one who chose to go the old fashioned way." Lana sighed and looked up from her work.

"I know, my pride got the better of me." Lana said. "Should've known Vector would find a weak point."

"We didn't see that one coming, but the sooner we get the pieces we need, the faster we get rid of Vector." said Lincoln.

"Yeah." Lana sighed. She picks up the bird and places it in a cage. "I'll be able to release this little guy next week. So why don't you put your little friend on the table and I'll take a look at her." Lincoln picks up the dog and places her on the table where Lana starts looking her over. "You're a good girl aren't you? Yes you are. So you guys find anything out there?"

"No, just this dog." Lincoln said. "But I ran into Gorron, Torron and Viron, but as usual, Bobby, Lily and I kicked their asses."

"Still can't believe those guys were a challenge when we were younger." Lana said. "So any word on Lori?"

"We haven't heard from her and Carol. But Luna will put a search party soon." Lincoln said. "So any injuries or something?"

"Just a few scratches but there doesn't seem to be anything serious." Lana said. "You can go do what you need to do. I can keep an on her."

"Ok Lana, thanks." Lincoln said and walked away.

In the living area, four kids sat around the t.v. Three were boys and one was a girl. Two of the boys were playing video games on the couch while the third sat on the arm of the couch tuning a guitar while the girl sat in a chair reading a fashion magazine.

One of the kids playing video games is a eleven year boy with fair skin, with black hair streak of white on his right side, and wearing a orange t-shirt and black pants and white sneakers.

His opponent is the same age as him, but he tan skin, black hair, wearing a dark shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. "You're not beating me this time Lyle!" He said as he button mashed.

"Captain Falcon wins!" The announcer shouted.

"You we're saying Leo?" Lyle smirked.

"Damn it!" Leo shouted and punched the ground.

"You shouldn't have been screwing around Leo." Said the third boy who was thirteen with fair skin, with light brown hair with a purple and blue streak in it and was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it under a jean vest with camouflage cargo pants and his feet he wore boots.

"Didn't ask you for your opinion Lemmy." Leo growled. Lemmy looked up from his guitar and flashed him a smirk.

"I know." Lemmy said. "I just gave it."

"Leo, you should calm down. It's just a game." The girl reading her fashion magazine said. She is about twelve years old, with fair skin, long blonde hair that reaches her chest, wearing a light green dress and tan flip flops.

"Yeah a game he sucks at." Lyle said.

"Shut up!" Leo shouted before jumping onto Lyle where the two form a fight cloud. Lemmy sees this and tries to break it.

"Hey guys knock it off!" Lemmy orders but gets pulled in. There fighting brings in a thirty-six year old woman wearing a pink dress that goes to her knees. She had long blonde hair that went down to her back and on her head she wore a small tiara and on her right wrist she had three bracelets on.

"Hey what's going on in here?" She demanded. Her shouting caused the three to stop their fighting and turn their attention to the woman. "Now who started it?" The boys then pointed at each other.

"He did it!" They say in unison. The woman groans and turns to the girl who hadn't looked up from her magazine.

"Mila who started it?" The woman asked.

"Leo did aunt Lola." Mila replied still not looking up.

"It's because he's a sore loser like aunt Lynn!" Lyle said.

"I told him to stop screwing around." Lemmy added with a shrug.

"Yeah sure throw me under the bus." Leo grumbled.

"Leo." Lola said sternly.

"Ok maybe I started it." Leo admitted it.

"You maybe or you really did?" Lola asked with a stern look on her face.

"Does it really matter?" Leo rolled his eyes.

"Leo." Lola growled.

"Ok I did." Leo said. "I got hotheaded and I let my temper get the better of me."

"That's what you said the last two times." said Lola.

"I would of excepted this from Lyle." Mila said as she read her magazine and Lyle gives her a glare. "Just saying." She shrugged.

"Look just try to behave yourselves and get along." Lola said. "Ok?"

"Ok." Leo says.

"Good." Lola says with a smile. She begins to walk out of the room while the kids go back to what they were doing when Lola suddenly stops. "Oh by the way, where are the triplets?" The four then stiffened and dropped the stuff they were holding.

"Uh." The four say in unison. Lola then narrows her eyes.

"You know where they are right?" Lola asked seriously. Mila, Leo and Lyle turn their attention to Lemmy who's starting to sweat. "Lemmy, where are the triplets?"

"Um, they may or may not be with my brother." Lemmy answered nervously.

"They're with Petty?!" Lola exclaimed.

"Yeah but Petty's an adult." Lemmy said. "More or less. Ok maybe it was a bad idea to let Petty take them outside."

"You think?" Lola scolded. "Oh Lynn is gonna kill you four if those three get hurt."

"I'm sure my brother is keeping an eye on them and didn't lose them." Lemmy said. Right as he said that, a seven foot rubber monster wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt walks in. He looks around the base and lifts up a crate to look under it. He slams the crate down and goes by the couch. He then proceeds to lift the couch with the three boys still on it before placing it down. "Um, Petty what are you looking for?"

"Triplets." Petty replies. Lemmy's face then pales.

"What?" He says.

"Me trying to find triplets." Petty say. "We playing hide and seek."

"Did they told you to count to a certain number?" Mila asked.

"They Told Petty to wait and then find triplets." Petty replied.

"Oh dear God aunt Lynn is gonna kill me." Lemmy said with his hand on his forehead.

"So should I tell aunt Lucy you need a casket?" Leo asked while Lyle let out a chuckle.

"If I were you Lemmy, you better start your search." Mila said.

"Hey you three are just as guilty as I am!" Lemmy accused. "You three easily could've stopped them from going outside with my brother!"

"Fair enough." Mila said. "C'mon guys looks look for them." Then a woman walks in. She was thirty-four with light brown that hung down to her shoulders. She wore white shirt and yellow skirt. And she was holding two identical seven year old boys by the hand. Both boys had tan skin and black hair. They both wore jerseys that each had a number on it. One boy had the number one on his jersey and the other had a number two. They also wore sweatpants and sneakers.

"Um can someone tell me why Cole and CJ were hiding in my office?" The woman asked.

"Sorry aunt Luan." Lemmy said. "But they were playing hide and seek with Petty. Um, where's Cara?"

Petty still looking for her." Petty said.

"Aunt Lynn is gonna turn me into a human pretzel." Lemmy gulped.

"Don't worry." Luan assured him. "She's probably fine. Lola I need to talk to you real quick." The two walk off to the side. However the kids decide to eavesdrop.

"What do you mean Lori isn't back yet?" Lola asked.

"Exactly as it sounds." Luan replied. "Lincoln, Lily and Bobby came back not to long ago but Lori and Carol haven't. Luna's getting worried. And if I'm being honest so am I."

"Mom ain't back?" Leo whispered.

"That ain't good." Lyle said.

"I hope Vector didn't find them." Lola said. "Lana's knee is just recently out of the knee brace and Lucy's shoulder finally healed last week."

"I know." Luan sighed. "But let's hope that they're fine."

"I hope so too Luan." Lola said.

"I hope my mom's okay." Leo whispered to himself.

"I'm sure Carol and aunt Lori will be fine, those two can handle anything." Lemmy said.

"Yeah. Now let's find Cara." Mila says.

In a makeshift workshop inside the base, a tall burly man was in the middle of welding something. He had dark skin, a thick beard and short hair. He wore cargo pants and a tank top along with worker boots. He currently had welding goggles on his face. "Almost got this ready." The man said with a deep. He hears something moving near him. He looks down behind his stuff and he sees a little seven year old girl with fair skin and short light brown hair with a hairband in it. She wore a red tank top with a number three on it and skirt. On her feet were sandals and she looked at the man with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Mr. Clyde." The girl said innocently. Clyde let's out a chuckle and picks the girl up.

"Hello Cara." Clyde says. "What are you doing in here? You know the rules."

"No going into your workshop without an adult." Cara said.

"That's right. What are you doing here?" Clyde asked.

"Playing hide and seek with Petty." Cara answered. "He'd never find me in here." Clyde let's out a chuckle.

"True but you know that's kinda cheating." Clyde said. "What would your mother say?"

"Mommy says that cheating is never good and that winners play fair." Cara said.

"She also says no going number two until your number one." The two turn to see Lincoln leaning on the doorway. "And she wonders why she had stomach problems."

"Uncle Lincoln's back!" Cara said.

"Welcome back buddy." Clyde said. "Found any survivors?"

"No, but I did find a dog that Lana is checking up." Lincoln replied. "Cara I need to talk to Clyde alone, can you go play with your cousins."

"Ok." Cara said. "I'm gonna make sure Petty doesn't get in trouble with mommy." She runs out of the room leaving the two adults alone.

"So what's up?" Clyde asked taking his goggles off his head and places them on his workbench.

"Your eyesight still holding up?" Lincoln asked.

"Oh you know it." Clyde said. "That laser Lisa used really has long lasting effects. But I'm sure you ain't here to talk about my eyesight."

"Lori ain't back yet." Lincoln told him. Clyde grabs a rag and starts to wipe his hands.

"So I've heard." Clyde said. "It's been a while since she and Carol left."

"Luna's starting to get worried. She's going to form a search party soon." Lincoln said.

"Yeah that's for the best." Clyde said. "We don't need to lose anybody else. Especially before the machine is ready."

"I take it you and Lisa are no closer?" Lincoln asked and Clyde sighs.

"No." Clyde replied. "We don't have the power to run it. And Vector makes getting the parts harder." Lincoln looks over at Clyde's workbench and sees blueprints. He picks one up and sighs.

"Still designing suits I see." Lincoln said. Clyde stiffens and nods. "Clyde we've talked about this. It's too dangerous and with your back."

"I know, I don't have the best back." Clyde said. "But I'm sick of sitting on the sidelines while you all risk your lives trying to stop Vector, I'm here wondering if you all are going to come back! I don't want to keep doing this. My wife is in hiding so that she can be safe. I don't want to hide no more."

"Look Clyde, I get it. I don't want hide too, but we couldn't stop Vector when he first popped up. Our friends and family were all caught in the attack. I know hiding isn't the best idea, but we need to stay safe." said Lincoln.

"But let me help! Let me help you fight!" Clyde begged.

"I'll talk to Lori but I make no promises." Lincoln said. Suddenly a thirty-six year old woman with short light blonde hair that went down to her neck wearing a turquoise dress and white leather boots runs up to the entrance of the workshop out of breath. "Leni what's wrong?"

"Lori's back." Leni breathed out.

"Ok, but what's wrong?" Lincoln asked.

"It's Carol." Leni cried. Clyde and Lincoln share a glance and they quickly follow Leni out. When they get to the entrance they see Lori in the entrance holding an unmoving Carolborg in her arms. Lincoln looked at the condition his sister was in. Her costume was torn in several places and there was blood coming out of the tears and off her forehead. Carolborg had much damage to her. Her robots were damaged beyond recognition and she was missing one arm. Clyde walks up and holds his arms out.

"Let me take her." Clyde said. Lori to exhausted to decline nods and let's Clyde take her. Lincoln then approached her and started to guide her.

"What happened?" Lincoln asked.

"We were looking for survivors and out of nowhere Vector ambushed us! We tried to fight back, but he was too tough for the both of us. He even survived the homecoming cannon and worse even bested the crap out of Carol." Lori explained as tears streamed down her face. "I had to use a flashbang grenade to get us out of there.

"Why didn't you call for back up?" Lincoln asked.

"We tried too but I think Vector figured out how to take out our communications." Lori said. "He also said that my team would be too busy to help." Lincoln let's her words sink in and then realizes something.

"Gorron, Torron and Viron were a distraction." He said. "He knew we'd be going out so he had those three lie in wait to ambush us which allowed him to ambush you and Carol."

"Vector was so brutal." Lori said. "I couldn't even get near him. After he shook off the Homecoming Cannon, he slashed Carol's arm off before he stabbed her. I think he stabbed her in one of her human organs. I just had to get away."

"As you two got away from Vector is all that matters." Lincoln said as he brings in Lori for a hug. "We're gonna fix Carol up, I promise."

Clyde carries Carol to a table and gently places her on. Then a twenty-four year old woman wearing a green turtleneck with maroon pants and black shoes with glasses on her face rushes in and gets to Carol's side.

"Clyde what's the status?" The woman demands.

"Missing arm, several system failures." Clyde reported. "Lisa I don't think it's the robot part of her that's dying. I think it's the human part that's dying."

"My lord." Lisa gasps. "Mr. Cuddles I require some assistance!" Soon a teddy bear with one ear runs in followed by an old man with a staff. The bear climbs onto the table and looks Lisa in the eye.

"How bad?" The bear asks.

"She's slowly dying Mr. Cuddles." Lisa responded. "We must take action."

"Right." Mr. Cuddles said. However before he can start, the old man puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes his head.

"She's already gone." He said somberly.

"No we can still save her!" Mr. Cuddles exclaimed.

"My friend, her heart has already stopped." The old man said. "I'm sorry." Mr. Cuddles looks at him in shock before sitting down. Lisa wipes a tear from her eye before sitting in a nearby chair. "I know I ask you this every time Soothsayer but can you bring her back? She's part machine maybe that's a good enough loophole." Soothsayer shakes his head.

"She's still human old friend." Soothsayer said gently. "I can't bring her back." Lori then walks up and places a hand on Carol's shoulder.

"Thanks for everything." Lori whispers. She hugs Carol's body before turning to the others. "Someone needs to tell Tim."

"I already know." They all turn to see Timmy in the room with Lily next to him. He walks up to the table and sighs. "Had this gut feeling that something was wrong and begged prayed that I was wrong." He places a hand on his sister. "But now she's gone." He places a kiss on her forehead while Lily hugs his arm in comfort. "Rest easy sis."

"I'm so sorry Timmy." Lily replied solemnly.

"At least she's human again and with mom and dad." Timmy said as he tried to hold back his tears.

After Carol's death, Lori called a meeting with everyone. Lori sat in the living area while Mr. Cuddles wrapped a bandage around her arm as she waited for the others. "We went so long without losing someone." She says. "The last friend we lost in the fight against Vector was Road Hazard. Now Carol."

"It's rough." Mr. Cuddles sighs. "At this point Vector seems unstoppable. But we have a plan it's just that he's making it hard to proceed with it."

"Whenever we're one step closer, Vector, Gorron, Torron and Viron get in the way and send us to the medical wing." Lisa said.

"You're telling me. Vector is smarter than he looks." said Lana.

"Every time we fight him, he just demolishes us." Luan said. "He keeps learning from each fight. And everyone that steps up doesn't make it. No matter who they are." She turns her attention to a thirty-three year old woman with brown hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a red shirt and sweatpants with sneakers on her feet. She was currently sitting on the couch with her hands in her lap. "Lynn?" Lynn looks up when she hears her name.

"I'm fine don't worry." Lynn said. "I just can't stop thinking about Vector. We need to stop him. We have to avenge everyone that he killed. Including Francisco."

"We will Lynn." Lily said. "He killed my future sister in law and many others. I hate to see Timmy upset, but the only way to fix it, but he stands in the way."

"We know Lily." A 31 year old woman said sitting in a chair. She had tan skin, freckles on her cheeks, wavy black hair that reaches her neck, wearing a dark purple shirt, light violet pants, black shoes, and she was pregnant around 7 to 8 months.

"Just putting it out there Ronnie Anne." Lily said. "I just really hate this."

"You aren't the only one." A thirty-five year old woman said leaning on a wall. She had fair skin, long blonde hair with a blue streak in her hair. She wore a blue leather jacket with a white shirt underneath it. She also had purple pants and boots. "Carol was crushed when Jack died and she just wanted to avenge him. She ended up just joining him."

"Have you heard from your dad at all Sam?" Leni asked.

"No." Sam replied. "I know he's still in the city, I just don't know where."

"He's still the same after all these years." Someone spoke behind Sam. Everyone screamed at the sight of a 28 year old woman other pale skin, black hair that reaches her neck and only covers her right eye, as you can see her left eye. She's wearing a black dress, with black socks and black shoes.

"Much like how you are always the same Lucy." Luna said.

"Sigh, not completely." Lucy said somberly. "But I feel like there's no more hope for us if we can't even lay a hit on Vector. Like Lori said, she couldn't even get close to him."

"Maybe if I could, Carol would still be alive." Lori said as a tear slowly fell down her cheek.

"There's still hope." Clyde said. "Carol's power core wasn't damaged to bad. We might be able to use it for the machine."

"Agreed." Lisa said. "While it won't provide the amount of power that we require it'll be a start. But we'll need Timmy's permission. It is his sister after all."

"Take it." They turn to see a somber Timmy leaning against the wall. "She'd want you too."

"You sure, you want us to use Carol's power core?" Lily asked as she approached Timmy.

"I'm sure Lilypad. I don't want Carol's death be for nothing." Timmy replied.

"Ok. If you're sure." Lily said before engulfing him in a hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." Timmy said. He looks over her shoulder at Lisa and Clyde. "Take the core."

Both Lisa and Clyde nodded at that demand. "Even those the power from Carol's core would help, we still need the other parts." Lincoln said.

"Which we can't get because of Vector and his monsters." Lola added. "This is so frustrating." Outside the room, Lemmy, Mila, Leo, Lyle, and Petty with triplets sitting on his shoulders and head were listening in on the conversation.

"Poor uncle Timmy." Mila sighed.

"Man this sucks. Our parents are trying to get the parts they need but Vector is preventing them from doing so." Lemmy said. "How am I gonna shred my guitar when Vector kills my fans?"

"Dude, that's what you're worried about?" Leo asked.

"Guys focus." Lyle said. "Look they're running out of options. Vector will kill them before they can get the stuff." However, he instantly regretted his words when Cara started to panic.

"Mommy's gonna die!" Cara cried. She climbs off of Petty and then runs into the room where the meeting was still going on.

"Maybe there's still hope." Leni said. However before anyone can say anything, Cara comes running in and heads straight towards Lynn where she jumps into her arms crying.

"Don't die mommy!" Cara cried. "Don't die!"

"Cara were you listening to us?" Lynn asked as she looked into her daughter's teary eyes.

"I doubt she wasn't the only one watching." Lana said as she walked over to the door, she opens the door to see the rest of the kids and Petty standing by.

"We're you kids eavesdropping on us?" Ronnie Anne asked as she got up from her chair.

"Uh maybe." Leo answered. "It was Lyle's fault Cara's crying!"

"Lyle what did you do?" Ronnie Anne asked.

"I may have said something that I probably should've worded better." Lyle admitted.

"Lyle Toby Loud! You know that Cara is too young to know this! You could of traumatized her." Ronnie Anne said.

"I know mom, I'm sorry." Lyle sighed.

"Why were you eavesdropping on us?" Lincoln asked.

"In all honesty it was Lemmy's idea." Lyle said with a shrug.

"Dude!" Lemmy shouted. He soon found his moms towering over then.

"Lemmy Mick Loud is this true?" Sam asked.

"Yes, mom." Lemmy admitted.

"You shouldn't be spying on us little dude." Luna said.

"Just for that, you're grounded and you can't play your guitar for a month." said Sam.

"Yes mom." Lemmy said somberly. "But wait why am I the only one being punished? Lyle made Cara cry?"

"Yeah he did!" Cole and CJ said in unison. They then jump off of Petty and onto Lyle and try to beat him up. "You made Cara cry!"

"It just slipped out. I didn't excepted that to happen!" Lyle exclaimed.

"Well you still said it." Lincoln said. "You're grounded for a week."

"Ok but can you get these two off me?" Lyle begged as Cole and CJ continued to try and beat him up.

"Boys!" Lynn called. "Stop beating up your cousin."

"Fine!" Cole and CJ said as they get off of Lyle.

"Thanks." Lyle said as Mila and Leo helped him up. "So is Uncle Kody still out of town?"

"Yes. He's Opening for another stage performer in California." Leni explained.

"Why don't you kids go out to the treehouse." Bobby suggested. "Just take Petty with you."

"Can we go too?" Cole asked his mother.

"Ok sure. Just make you stay with your cousins." Lynn said.

"We will." CJ promises. Lynn places Cara onto the floor and the three run to join their cousins where Petty picks them up. Mila and Lemmy then climb onto Petty's shoulders. Once they're up there, Petty walks out followed by Leo and Lyle. Leo then speeds off while Lyle takes flight. Petty then runs after them.

"Now that the kids are gone. Where were we?" Lori asked.

"Figuring out our next move." Sam answers. "And we don't have many options."

"Not to mention, we keep losing allies." Clyde said.

"Luan have you heard from Maggie recently?" Lori asked hoping they hadn't lost another one and luckily Luan nodded.

"Yeah, she said she's helping survivors avoid Vector." Luan reports. "She was in the area that Road Hazard had his last stand against Vector so she had to work fast."

"She still has her powers right?" Luna asked.

"She does." Luan nodded. "She's been using them to avoid Vector and keep some survivors safe from Vector."

"Good because we might need to call her." Lori said before turning to Sam. "You have to locate Replicate."

"Lori you do realize he's in his sixties now right?" Sam pointed out.

"Yeah but just because your old doesn't mean you lose your skills." Lori told her. "Replicate is still one of the strongest metas in the city which is why we need to find him before Vector does."

"Alright. I'll go find my dad." Sam sighed.

"And I'll contact Maggie." Luan said.

In the wooded area not far from the base, the kids and Petty were making their way through towards their treehouse that was in the middle of the woods.

"I see it!" Lyle said.

"See you suckers there!" Leo said as he sped up towards the treehouse.

"I hate it when he does that." Lemmy said.

"Not if I get there first!" Lyle counters before flying faster.

"And now Lyle is doing it." Mila sighed. "Lemmy I'm glad you ain't like them."

"Petty go faster we need to beat them!" Lemmy said.

"Petty run!" Petty says before running faster.

"Me and my big mouth." Mila said as she face palmed.

Lyle looks down and sees Leo. "No way I'm letting you win Leo." Lyle said and began to flew faster.

"In your dreams Lyle!" Leo fired back and picked up speed. The two get into the tree at the same time.

"I win!" They say in unison. They then look at each other. "No I won. No I did!"

"Actually neither of you did." The two look to see Lemmy lounging on a beanbag with Mila sitting on a chair while the triplets were playing with Petty.

"How?" Lyle and Leo ask in unison.

"Mila knew a shortcut." Lemmy answered.

"Don't be too sad that some powerless kids beated you to the treehouse." Mila said.

"We're not sad!" Lyle and Leo exclaimed.

"Sure you aren't." Lemmy said. "Take a seat."

Both Lyle and Leo both sat down in their beanbags. Then Leo takes out a handheld console and began to play a game on it. "You had time to pick up that?" Mila asked.

"Yeah, can't talk need to fight some Moblins." said Leo as his eyes were glued to the screen.

"Lucky." Lyle grumbled.

"Hey man it's your own fault for getting grounded." Leo said.

"Just stuff it." Lyle said. He looks out the window where he has a clear view of the city. "The city isn't as smokey as usual."

"Vector's probably on a killing spree somewhere else." Lemmy said. "Gives people of Royal Woods a chance to breathe."

"But not for the people elsewhere." Lyle said.

"Oh yeah I forgot about other cities that Vector is destroying." Lemmy said.

"Do you guys think the plan will work?" Mila asked. "Aunt Lisa seems pretty convinced it will."

"It has to." Leo said placing his game down. "Vector is too powerful in this time. Our only chance is to defeat him in the past."

"So which member of the L-Crew is gonna get the fun job of going to the past?" Lyle asked. "Personally I don't think any of them really can."

"My mom is Injured from her fight with Vector." Leo pointed out.

"Maybe Aunt Lily. She's a great fighter." Mila pointed out. "She told me that she fought uncle Lincoln and aunt Lynn."

"Yeah but Timmy needs her right now." Lemmy pointed out. "My moms are needed here. Mom Luna is second in command and mom Sam has been keeping her calm with all the insanity. Aunt Lucy?"

"She's needed for planning Carol's funeral." said Lyle.

"Aunt Luan?" Mila asked.

"Like aunt Luna, she's third in command so she's needed here." Leo said. "Aunt Lynn is too emotionality unstable and she wouldn't leave the triplets. She's the only parent they got. Aunt Leni?" Mila gives him a look. "I take it that's a no?"

"My mom is out, because she's pregnant with my twin brother or sisters." Lyle pointed out. "Same with my dad since he needs to be with mom."

"Aunt Lana's leg hasn't healed yet." Mila said.

"So that leaves, aunt Lola, aunt Lisa and my dad." said Leo.

"Well aunt Lisa might over complicate things and aunt Lola might try to convince past her to change her image." Lemmy said. "And I think uncle Bobby needs to be with aunt Lori especially since she's really beating herself up over Carol's death. What about Clyde?"

"He doesn't have powers or a freaking Iron Man suit." Leo said.

"So? As long as the message gets across." Lemmy argues. "Besides, does it matter?" He turns towards the triplets who are drawing pictures with Petty and everyone follow his gaze. "Those three deserve to know their father and if this whole thing works out, they'll get to. This whole thing will never have happened. Everyone who died will be back. Isn't that what matters? The four of is knows what it's like to have two parents. Hell I have an older brother. Granted he's a rubber monster but that's besides the point. The point is, those three deserve to have a father. Our family deserves to be happy. Hell this whole world deserves a little happiness." Suddenly a loud crash is heard in the distance. "What was that?"

"Sounded like it came from outside." Mila said. They head towards the window of the treehouse and in the distance they see trees falling down. "Um how fast do lumberjacks work?"

"Not that fast." Leo answered. "Guys we need to get out of here because I don't think whatever is crashing through those trees is a friend."

"You ain't wrong cuz." Lemmy said before turning to Petty. "Bro we need to get out of here now!"

Petty nodded and he get up grabs the triplets, and then he let Mila and Lemmy climb onto his shoulders and jumps down from the treehouse and begins to run.

"Let's head back to the base and warn our parents." Lyle said.

"Right." Leo agreed. Leo jumps down and speeds off after Petty while Lyle takes flight above them. Lyle takes a last look at the treehouse and sees the tree go crashing down.

"Well there goes the treehouse." Lyle said.

"Doesn't matter." Lemmy said. "We can rebuild it but for now we need to keep moving! Leo clear away anything that could slow Petty down. Lyle, you destroy anything that Leo can't move."

"We're on it!" Lyle and Leo both replied.

Leo speeds ahead and pushes several branches and bushes out of the way while Lyle blasted fallen trees and boulders out of the path.

"Keep going guys!" Lemmy cheered.

"Don't worry guys, we're almost at the base." Mila said to the triplets.

"Yo Lyle can you see what's crashing through the trees?" Lemmy asked.

"Um no and I really don't want to." Lyle replied. As Petty ran, he didn't notice Cara start to slip out of his grip. Soon she was out of his arms and on the ground. Lemmy looked back and saw Cara on the ground.

"Oh crap." Lemmy gasped. "Bro you dropped Cara!" Petty stops in his tracks and looks into his arms to only see Cole and CJ.

"Ah! Petty dropped Cara!" Petty exclaimed. Soon the creature that was chasing came out of the trees. It was a large monster with a hulking frame wearing torn pants and a massive vest with it's hands taped. The creature let's out a roar and lays it's eyes on Cara who was standing in the middle of the clearing frozen in fear. The monster smiled and charged straight towards the terrified girl.

"What the hell is that?!" Leo exclaimed.

"Some kind of giant monster." Mila said.

"Whatever it is it's going straight for Cara!" Lemmy shouted. "Leo do something!"

"Like what?" Leo asked. "If I get her that things gonna get me too!"

"We we gotta do something!" Lyle shouted. Suddenly a blur of pink dashes past them. The four see Petty charging towards the creature and hitting it with a massive shoulder tackle sending the creature flying back into the trees. Petty then picks up Cara and carries her back to where the others were waiting for her. After Petty puts her down she runs straight towards Mila who wraps her arms around her as Cole and CJ join her.

"That was close." Lemmy said before looking up at Petty. "Good job bro."

"Petty do good job." Petty said. But then the creature gets back up and growls.

"I'm gonna rip you in half pinky." The creature said.

"This ain't good." Lemmy said. "What are the odds we can get out of here?"

"Not good." Lyle replied. "Well Leo could escape but the rest of us would be screwed." The three boys turn to where Mila was holding on to the triplets as they were cowering in terror at the sight of the large monster.

"Well we need to do something." Leo said. "Lyle your dad was the man with a plan think of something." Lyle looks around and a plan slowly forms in his head.

"Ok, I have a plan." Lyle said. "Leo, you go to the base and get help. Now for the next part, Lemmy you probably won't like." Lemmy looks at him in confusion.

"What is it?" Lemmy asked.

"Well for this to work, we're gonna need to have Petty distract that thing." Lyle told him.

"WHAT?!" Lemmy shouted. "You want my older brother to risk his life against that thing?"

"Leo and I aren't powerful enough to take that thing head on. But Petty is the only one with fighting experience. The rest of us are going to get the triplets to safety." Lyle explained.

"What if Petty dies? I don't want to be an only child!" Lemmy protested.

"You don't know that!" Leo argues. "Right now we don't have a lot of options. Petty is our best bet at getting our of here." Lemmy hesitates and stares at his brother who was staring daggers at the monster. Lemmy sighs and walks up to Petty.

"You think you can take him?" Lemmy asks him.

"Petty can fight monster." Petty nodded.

"Ok. Be careful." Lemmy said. "I'm gonna be in that bush calling out moves ok?" Petty nods and the two fist bump. He then turns to his cousins. "Leo go get help! Be quick about it."

"On it." Leo said before speeding off.

"Lyle you provide air support." Lemmy ordered.

"Got it." Lyle said.

"Mila, let's take the triplets over by that tree." Lemmy said.

"Right." Mila said as she guided the three to their hiding spot.

"And Petty?" Lemmy said which caused Petty to turn. "Kick his a*."

Petty nodded as he faced the creature with glare. "Petty smash!" Petty shouted as he grabs a huge rock and throws it towards the creature and hits it straight into the gut.

Then Petty punches to punch the creature a bunch of times, until it grabs Petty's fist and throws him to a tree. Petty gets back up and tackles the creature to the ground continues to punch the creature.

The creature proceeds to headbutt Petty which forces Petty back. The creature then gets back up and proceeds to tackle Petty and slam him to the ground. It then starts slamming it's fists down on Petty.

"Lyle air support!" Lemmy shouted.

Lyle threw fireballs at the creature, and even shot a energy beam at the creature's back, which gained the creature's attention. Then Petty punches the creature in the face as he gets back up.

"Ok no holding back Lyle." Lyle said to himself. "You can do this."

He fires a a energy beam at the creature but it puts a hand up and catches the energy in it's hand. "Oh that's bad." Lemmy said. The creature then throws the energy at Petty and it hits him in the chest.

"Petty!" Lemmy cried out.

Petty gets back up and stumbles a bit. "I got to help Petty, but I need to keep my distance." Lyle said.

Lyle shoots several fireballs at the creature but it swats them away and catches one. "How the hell is he doing that?" Mila asked.

"No clue." Lemmy answered. Before the creature could do anything with the fireball, Petty comes up from behind and slams the creature's face into the ground.

"How is that thing grabbing Lyle's attacks?" Mila asked.

"How should I know? I'm not a scientist like aunt Lisa." Lemmy said.

The creature starts to get back up but Petty kicks it in the face causing it to stumble back a little. Petty then proceeds to hit it with several hard shots to the head before the creature hits him with an uppercut sending him flying.

"Oh crap!" Lyle exclaimed.

Petty lands hard on the ground with a groan. Petty slowly sits up and sees the creature charging towards him. Petty stands his ground and as soon as the creature gets close, he hits it with a clothesline knocking it down.

Petty then elbow slams the creature, but the creature gets back up and punches Petty in the gut. Then the creature felt something on the back of it's head, the creature turns around and sees Lyle with balls of energy glowing in his hands.

"How'd you like that?" Lyle taunted. The creature growls and starts to approach Lyle who instantly regretted blasting the creature from behind. "Um can we talk about this?"

"Petty! You need to get your head back in the game!" Lemmy shouted before turning to Mila. "Why does it seem like the longer the fight goes on, the more Petty struggles?"

"Maybe Vector created this thing and used footage of the original L-Crew's fights?" Mila guessed.

"I doubt that Vector wouldn't even know how to use a computer." Lemmy said. "Petty help Lyle!"

Before the creature could get any closer to Lyle, Petty runs in and pushes the creature away from Lyle and the two start wrestling on the ground with Petty ending up getting pinned down. Petty tries to free himself but the creature keeps a strong grip on him.

"I'm gonna chew you up and spit you out like bubblegum." The monster growled.

"Petty no gum!" Petty growled back. Lemmy watches as his brother struggles to free himself from his opponent. Lemmy then gets an idea.

"He's able to adapt to Petty's strength and style." Lemmy said. "Time to shake things up. Bro, time to change things up! Just do what I tell you! Now put some mud in his eyes!"

Petty nodded as he threw mud in the creature's eyes, blinding it. "What is Petty doing?" Lyle asked.

Petty then hits a straight jab to the creature's face forcing it back. Petty then gets back and hits a superman punch. "Now hit a chokeslam!" Lemmy shouted.

Petty grabs the creature by the neck and slams the creature to the ground. "He's using some wrestling moves." Lyle said. "I doubt he knows any moves from street fighter."

Then Petty hits the creature at the sides of the head with a double hook, causing the creature to grab it's head and stumbles back.

Petty then charges forward and hits the creature with a shoulder tackle but it grabs Petty by the head and pins him to a tree and starts to squeeze his head.

"Petty!" Lemmy cried out.

Petty tries to fight out but the grip is too strong. Suddenly a large metal comes flying through the trees and hits the creature in the back with little effect. The ball opens up to reveal a steel covered Leo.

"That went better in my head." Leo said.

The creature looks and glares at Leo. "Leo, did you tell our parents about what happened?!" Lemmy asked.

"They'll be here soon! I'll give Petty some support!" Leo said.

The creature let's go of Petty and slowly approached Leo who stood his ground but slowly started to back up. "This might've been a bad idea." Leo said.

"Smash metal man!" The creature said as it raises it's fists to smash Leo. Then Petty tackles the monster to the ground.

"Thanks for the save Petty." Leo said as Petty began to beat up the monster.

"Leave Petty's family alone!" Petty shouted as he started smashing the creature with his fists. The creature then grabs Petty's arm and tosses him to the side.

Petty gets back and throws a big rock at the creature, as the creature gets back up, Petty knees the creature in the face and then he rips a tree out of the ground and proceeds to whack the creature with it.

The creature stumbled back and Petty charges forward fist cocked back. He throws the fist but the creature catches it. The creature then throws a punch but Petty catches that and the two are locked in a struggle.

"C'mon bro you can do it!" Lemmy shouted. "Rip his arms off!"

"Ok." Petty responded.

Petty then both arms of the creature and began to pull, the creature began to groan in pain until, both of the creature's arms right off.

"Oh my goodness!" Mila exclaimed.

"He actually took me seriously on that." Lemmy said.

"Damn!" Leo exclaimed.

"I didn't see that coming." Lyle said.

The creature's eyes widen when it saw that both of his arms were currently being held by Petty. The four kids then saw something on the creature's face that they hadn't expected. Fear.

"Petty! Finish it!" Lemmy shouted. Petty then grabs the creature by his torso and lifts him up with both hands. Petty then rips the creature in half.

Then Lemmy covers Cole and CJ's eyes and Mila covers Cara's eyes. "What the heck?!" Cole exclaimed.

"Sorry little dudes and dudette you are too young to see this." Lemmy said.

"Should I say it?" Lyle asked Leo.

"I feel that it's appropriate." Leo answered.

"Fatality." Lyle said in a deep voice. "Petty wins." They all look at the large rubber creature and saw that he was breathing heavily and was covered in the creature's blood.

"You okay bro?" Lemmy asked.

"Petty fine." Petty replied as he tossed the upper body to the ground.

"Good to hear Petty." Lyle said.

Then they see Firecracker flies in. "Alright you monster prepare to burn!" Firecracker shouted, but he looks around and sees the monster's dead body. "What just happened?"

"Oh Petty killed the monster by ripping it's arms off and then ripped it in half." Leo said casually. "It was awesome." Parkour, Genarocker, Amplifier and Prodigy then arrived on the scene.

"Where are they?" Parkour asked frantically. "Where are my kids?"

"Mom!" Cara exclaimed as she and her brothers ran towards her mother to hug her.

"Are you you three ok?" Parkour asked with a worried tone in her voice to make sure there were no cuts or injuries.

"We're good mom." Cole answered. "We just watch Petty beat up a monster."

"Yeah it was cool." CJ added. Amplifier and Genarocker walked up too where their two boys were standing and looked them over.

"You two alright?" Amplifier asked. She notices the blood on Petty. "Petty you're covered in blood."

"Petty ripped monster apart." Petty said.

"Yeah it was awesome!" Lemmy said.

"But you kept your distance right?" Genarocker asked.

"Yes mom." Lemmy said.

Genarocker then runs her hand through his hair. "We're just glad you boys are ok." She tells them.

Firecracker landed on the ground and looks at his son. "Do you kept your distance too?" Firecracker asked.

"I did, but I provided support for Petty." Lyle said.

"I did a spin dash." Leo said. "It worked as well as you'd expect."

"I'm surprised that he's not dead." Lyle said.

"I agree, even I call bull crap on that spin dash." Prodigy replied.

"I was covered in metal if that works." Leo said.

"I guess, you can say that." Prodigy said.

Firecracker then turns his attention to the creature. "So what was that thing Lisa?" He asks.

"A new soldier of Vector, or in this case was." Prodigy replied.

"Yeah but how come we're just now seeing it?" Amplifier asked before turning to the kids. "Did this thing have any special qualities about it when Petty fought it?" The four think about it and nod.

"Well he was really strong." Leo said.

"And he could catch projectiles and throw them back." Lyle added.

"And he adapted to Petty's super strength and fighting style." Lemmy finished. The adults think about it and Parkour gasps.

"Hey Lisa, what are the odds that this thing was a combination of Gorron, Torron and Viron?" Parkour asks.

"Fairly unlikely useless they fused together." Prodigy said as she inspected the dead body.

"Wait, Lily and I possibly burned their bodies to almost nothing." Firecracker said. "Maybe instead of reforming into their normal bodies, they just merged to become one."

"That is a possibility." Prodigy said.

"But Petty killed this thing for now." Genarocker pointed out.

"And they destroyed the treehouse." Lemmy said.

"I'm sure your aunt Lana and soon to be uncle Timmy can rebuild it." Amplifier assured them. "But for now let's get back to base. Everyone is worried sick."

"Alright." The Loud cousins and Petty said.

Everyone is back at the base, and the rest of the L-Crew are glad that the kids are safe. Ronnie Anne is especially glad that Lyle is safe and sound. "I'm so thankful that you're safe my little firefly." Ronnie Anne said.

"Mom." Lyle groaned in embarrassment.

"Are you ok Leo?" Lori asked as she and Bobby looked over their son.

"Head hurts a little bit but other than that I'm fine." Leo answered. "Did a spin dash on the creature. It worked as well as you'd expect."

"Well I'm glad you worked out that spin dash and the fact that you're safe is all that matters." Lori said.

Leni is making sure that Mila wasn't hurt during the creature's attack. "Mom, I didn't get hurt by the monster. I'm fine." Mila said.

"Are you sure you didn't get hurt?" Leni asked. "I mean your outfit is filthy and wrinkled."

"Well that's because I was kneeling in the dirt while Petty fought the monster." Mila assured her. "Mom, I'm honestly fine."

"Well if you say so." Leni replied.

"Ok so go into detail what went down." Lori ordered.

"Ok we were in the treehouse when it happened. We saw the creature coming towards us, so we ran back to the base. Leo and I had to clear a path for Petty, but Cara slipped out of Petty's arms, but Petty saved Cara I'm the end." Lyle explained. "While Petty was fighting the monster, Leo ran to the base and told you guys about what's happening."

"We know that part." Luna said.

"Ok but then Petty started truly beating the hell out of the thing and ripped it's arms off before ripping it in half." Lyle said. "It was awesome."

"And Petty is the MVP!" Leo said. He, Lyle, Lemmy and Mila gathered around Petty and started chanting.

"MVP! MVP! MVP!" They chanted in unison.

"Petty MVP!" Petty said as the four kids kept chanting his name.

"Indeed you are my friend." Everyone turns to see Soothsayer entering the room. "While today has had it's fair share or highs and lows, this truly is a good thing."

"You can say that again Soothsayer." Lyle said.

"Now all we need are those pieces for time machine." Lily pointed out.

"Yes but be warned my friends." Soothsayer said. "Now that he's alone, Vector will be even more dangerous. So we must act carefully."

In another part of the state, a city was burning as orbs of energy came down from the sky. Within the smoke filled sky, a figure floated above the city. It's eyes glowed red through the smoke. "So they failed once more." The figure said in a deep voice. "Fine. I'll finish them myself."

Smoke: Hey guys, welcome to the future of Royal Woods. I know the future sucks, but our heroes will fix this mess no matter what. Now the next chapter is where the L-Crew will get the pieces to fix the future.

Zachlor16: Future sucks doesn't it? Yeah we show much of Vector but I can promise you that you'll see quite a bit of him next chapter. But you all know how heartless he is seeing how he killed Carol but sadly there will be a couple more deaths at the hands of that monster. I won't say who but there will be deaths. Also I would like an OMAKE on Road Hazard's last stand against Vector. Make it good and awesome. Also, where do you all think Replicate is? Let us know.