
LotR SI: Mordor for the Orcs

Talion has come back to Nurn to take a fortress from the orcs, but has hit a little snag in the form of Thrag, an orc who has been taken over by the thoughts of the God Emperor of Krogankind. Now the undead ranger is in a race against time to stop the rise of the Orc Lord and prevent the unification of Mordor and the taking of all big tiddie elves for the lusty Thrag's harem. How will the hero over come this daring, dashing, and devilish foe? My current main focus story. You can support me and my family at ko - fi . com / jmanm

JManM · Video Games
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Let's just do some math to determine why Ulmo is lying dead on the sand right now. As a fledgling god of Metal, I am roughly on par power wise with him but with four aspects - fire, metal, blood, and noise - to his one - water. Meaning I can warp reality as easily as he can with water, but with four powers instead of one. So right off the bat just in a magical duel, I break the power deadlock via greater utility.

But wait, there's more!

I have taken for myself roughly ninety nine… point nine percent of Sauron's power. Sauron being the Maiar with the most overall power though not the most overall combat potential. Sauron also had the most utility with his powerset and I can do everything he can do, but better. So now not only would I outdo Ulmo with just my innate power, but I now have a great big edge over him.

But wait, there's more!

I have drawn out the full potential of the New Ring, a ring of power with the potential to one day be as powerful as the One Ring. You know, that old fuddy duddy with ninety nine… point nine percent of the most powerful angel's power. I have a times two on that action.

But wait, there's more!

Once upon a time Morgoth in terms of pure power could stalemate all the other Valar - all of the other creation gods. But then Tulkas min maxed to get the most out of strength, stamina, and vitality and broke the meta with his Chadness. Like Sauron he too put ninety nine… point nine percent of his power into turning Middle Earth into his horcrux, and now all that power is mine along with his affinities for it. Which is all affinities.

Melkor was right to think he could create a world all on his own.

So anyway, Ulmo, though quite Chad, is dead because I can no sell his water powers leaving us in a contest of physical skill and might. One in which he did poorly.

But not as poorly as Aule the Smith, cause nobody but Thor swings hammer better than me boi.

Lastly came Manwe and what a disappointment he was.

I really tried to carry the three of them through the fights, but in the end they just had nothing to show for it once I abjurer negated their reality warping powers. Very piss poor combat skills.

But hey, at least they are now available for me to really reshape the world with. Creation takes a lot out of a god, but with the right materials he can greatly expand the earth, waters, and sky of a planet and enrich them beyond the wildest dreams of mortals. How bout great barrier reefs all over the place. New continents and islands and a Lannister style mine under every mountain with all the exotic materials I could ever have need of.

Adamantium mine that operates for six thousand years constantly with no sign of ever slowing down? Sign me up. How bout vibranium or element zero but with different names for copyright reasons. Absolutely. Restock Moria with more mithril than ever before? Try and stop me.

Of course we'd also be getting sexy harpies and mermaids to go with our order of griffons, rocs, cockatrices, leviathans, krakens and so much more fun stuff to fight.

I'd turn the whole world brutal.

Eonwe pulled me from my internal revelry as he came down for our showdown.

The herald of Manwe and the most skilled warrior in all of the setting. An absolute master of combat ready to reveal his secrets to me, a prize almost as great as the body of his master. I obviously knew that all the prior contestants fought me to give him time to analyze my abilities, let him strategize.

I couldn't wait for him to reveal holes in my game.

It will be glorious.

He circled me as I advanced but our battle stalled when we heard a singing voice from afar.

"Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!

Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow!"

Down from the sky came a flaming comet striking the earth he landed, blasting Eonwe back, and when the dust settled from a superhero landing stance stood a bearded man five feet tall and his boots are yellow.

"Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!" he sang, then uppercut me into the sky.

As I passed through the clouds above I grinned under my helmet and laughed, "Fuck the hell yes!"

Show of hands who saw the climax of this story being a Dragon Ball punch off with Tom Bombadil. I sure as hell didn't, but I aslo thought this would be a twenty chapter in and out affair, not something nearly as long as 'It's Me, Dio!'

For those who never read the books, Tom Bombadil is the oldest being in Arda, and is speculated to be the incarnation of the song of creation. Giving the One Ring to Tom was a valid strategy discussed during the Council of Elrond, but Tom is so chad they were worried he would forget about the importance of the Ring one day and cast it aside as he don't care for drip, or anything else besides his home and his fine ass wife.

It is entirely valid to believe that Tom Bombadil is the most powerful being bar Eru Illuvatar in Lord of the Rings, and that is what I went with. In my version Tom doesn't care for anything that can't fight him, so for the first time since he first wandered the world establishing his dominance he had a reason to leave his home. To beat down Thrag.

If the godbone ship made of Tulkas is the new Kruban Bound, what the hell would a ship made of Tom be called? The Song of Power? Something like that.

You can support me and my family at

ko - fi . com / jmanm

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