
Lost you forever

A 16 years old girl was kidnapped. When she opened her eyes she was in a forest. And she found herself raped.

Neenaa · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Memory lost

As the cold breeze gently brushed past her, Aalia paused in her tracks. 

"Aalia, how have you been?'', he asked her. 

"Who are you?'', she asked him instead.

"Aalia, l...'', as he spoke he stretched his hand towards her hand but she dodged his hand. So he paused in the middle of the sentence as he looked at her surprisingly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you'', Aalia replied curtly.

"Aalia Thomas, How long are you going to pretend to not know me at all? You are thinking you're something, don't you? Unless my father adopted you, you would be rotten by now, yet you still have the guts to shame on him. Do you know, father fell into a coma because of you? Yet, here you're living without any guilt as you're carrying your child'', he shouted in anger.

Aalia stood there in shock as she listened to Yash's words. She couldn't recall anything, not a single memory. Casting her mind back to the past, she could only remember her name and that she had finished high school. Everything else seemed to have vanished into thin air. The revelation made her head spin, and she felt a sudden wave of dizziness consuming her. Before Aalia could utter a word, her body gave way, and she collapsed, losing consciousness.

Yash was shocked and called the principal. The principal was worried and panicked. If anything happened to Aalia he would be the one to face the consequences. He called the doctor in the school.

After a while, the doctor arrived and ran a check-up.

''What happened to her?'', Yash asked the doctor.

''It seems like she was in stress, she'll wake up anytime soon'', the doctor said. 

As soon as she finished her sentence Aalia opened her eyes and as she opened her eyes, she found herself lying on a cold, wooden table. The room was dimly lit, with a faint glow of sunlight coming through the windows and slits. Slowly, she propped herself up and managed to sit up on the table. 

''Miss Aalia, are you feeling alright?'', the doctor asked her.

''I'm alright'', she said and shook her head.

''Miss Aalia you have a very weak pulse, you can't get affected by your emotions. Or else not only you, but your child might also affected, take care of yourselves'', the doctor kindly reminded her.

''Alright, thank you for your advice, doctor'', Aalia said and smiled.

After the doctor left the room, the principal also left in a hurry. Aalia and Yash were left in the room alone. 

''What happened to you?'', Yash asked. Even though he looked unconcerned, he was worried for her. The anger and hatred he harboured before had subsided by fold.

''I'm alright'', Aalia said indifferently. 

''I remember nothing, believe it or not. Now, I'm leaving'', Aalia said and left the room.

In the restroom, she was looking at her reflection in the mirror as she thought about the words Yash said. Her mind was in turmoil. Despite this, she couldn't remember anything. She washed her face and went to her work.

In the evening, Lian also arrived in the village. After a long journey, he finally reached his destination and checked into a nearby hotel. The hotel was not extravagant, nor was it very large, but it provided decent accommodation facilities for its guests. After a fresh up he called Yash over.

''What about the information I asked you about?", Lian asked. Even though he was angry, he maintained his composition.

"I asked around. They all said she was living here for the past 5 months other than that no one knows anything about her. Umm, one more thing... She is pregnant for five months. Someone called David, recommended her to the principal.", Yash said.

"Who's David? How old is he?", Lian was boiling with anger.

"He is an old classmate with the school principal and he is just a peasant", Yash replied.

" Who's the father?", Lian asked him. Though he didn't mention whose father, it was obvious.

"I don't know. Everyone was just guessing. Someone even says it's David. But I don't think so.", Yash said as he peeked a glimpse of Lian's face. It was scary.

"Liam, do you want to see her?", he cautiously asked.

"Why would I?", he asked with a calm facade.

Liam may seemed to be fury, yet Yash knew his childhood friend. He was worried for her. He loved Aalia for a few years, when they proposed her engagement with Aalia she also accepted.

Their engagement date was set on her sixteenth birthday, yet before the engagement ceremony started she wrote a letter and left the house.

He, himself, someone with mild temperament couldn't even control his fury, let alone Lian.