
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs


Anna, after killing those people, was planning to wipe the entire family of chen. But Hubert meddled with Anna's decision and told her to let the matter go. Then he asked Old Ma to scram and never show his face again.

When the Old Man Ma heard what Hubert said, he quickly got off his knees and went away. He fled going back to the chen family. He planned to tell the head of what happened to their young master, then arrange and recruit a team that would take revenge for them. So old Ma quickly escaped and was rushing l towards the chen's family ground.

The thugs saw Old Ma, rushing out of the restaurant with fear in his eyes. This caused them to be scared and afterwards they followed the old Man out of the food shop.

In the Restaurant; hubert requested Anna and said, "Anna, kindly clean those pieces of garbage. It would affect our mood when we are eating. It will also make the kids sick and nausea from the scattered blood and organs, thanks in advance anna"

Yes master no problem, afterwards Anna snapped her fingers and the whole mess evaporated.

After they were done eating, they went to the cashier area and asked about their bills. They inquired on how much they needed to pay, but the manager refused to let hubert and his companions give their payments and said, " Oh dignified masters, please forgive this one for not showing his sincerity when you and your group had just arrived in our restaurant. And as a compensation, all the meals and drinks we served and provided are free. Don't worry about anything and just come back if you guys are feeling hungry. This time we would take care of your bills and charge it to the restaurant's account". Hubert frowned and was annoyed by what he heard, afterwards he threw 25 pieces of black gold towards the manager and said, "keep the change". Next, they walked away and did not care to look back at the restaurant. This made the manager's back produce a lot of sweat, he was thinking that he just offended a very powerful and a great personage.

That was a good meal big brother, their crustaceans are extremely delicious while the meat are tender and juicy. But what I like the most are the vegetables and fruits. It gives a lot of nutrition to our small bodies, marry said while making an innocent smile towards hubert.

You just like everything about food, marry. And you are just making an excuse to eat more of their food for free. That is not a good habit little sister, you would become a food monster if you continue on what you are doing. Mars said and teased her sister. Afterwards he faced the group of hubert and bowed towards them and said, " Thank you very much big brother and big sisters. We would take this as a personal debt and will try to pay you in the near future".

Little mars that is a small thing, do not take it to your heart. By the way do you still have your parents and which area do you live in? Hubert asked the children.

We are already orphans big brother, we mainly stay at the 3rd district of kaldita. And we just snuck our way coming here in the middle district of kaldita. We did this so that we could gather food for our hungry stomach.

What a brave thing you have done, but that is dangerous. If the city guards saw that you are sneaking past them, they would put you in a dungeon. After that they will torture you and just throw you away in the streets. Hubert said while reminiscing the past.

The two little children were scared of what Hubert said and was now trembling.

What are we going to do now big brother, If we would be caught by the city guards we would suffer from pain and torture. I don't like to be separated with you big brother, Marry said.

Don't worry, nothing will happen to us. If anything would, I will let myself be captured and give you a chance to escape. Mars, smiled at her sister while pinching her cheeks.

Hubert smiled at what he saw and said, " If you guys don't have anywhere else to go, just come with us. We got a new property in the town that needs to be managed. You would not suffer from hunger anymore and the two of you would be safe if you follow us back to our property. But before that let's go check the building that we got."

Thank you big brother the two children expressed what they were feeling.

Hubert and his group went to check the building that merchant Tim gave them. It was a five story establishment which was fully furnished and was in front of the brother in arms mercenary group. When they came to the structure, they saw people who were busy moving their items out of the establishment.

Alina saw that their movements were slow and somewhat reluctant, so she went in front of the building and mumbled some words, "He Flightion, Hasta Hieste Empieda". After which all the items inside the building moved, and they started floating and slowly the items went out of the establishment on their own. Next, the items arranged themselves according to their uses. And after a few minutes, the whole building was now empty. nothing could be seen inside the building except the floor and the walls.

Alina went in front of hubert while puffing her chest and waiting for a compliment. While on the other hand, the children were in awe of what happened and asked Alina to teach them her tricks.

Rewinding back, when the workers saw the items float by themselves and moved out on their own, their reluctance went away. They knew that they cannot offend the one who bought the building from Merchant Tim. They also know one thing, all people who have dealings with their boss are either a noble or a powerful person.

After the structure is cleared out. A young man approached Hubert and asked him if he is the new owner of the building. Hubert Nodded and said, "Yes I am, is there a problem?". The young man observed Hubert for a few seconds and asked for the legal papers to be shown as a proof. After which, Hubert brought the documents out and presented it to the young man. After that, the young man gave the keys to hubert and gave his greetings afterwards the young man walked away then disappeared.

Hubert went inside and checked the whole building using his perception. The 1st floor was a combination of a store front and a reception area. They can place products from the forest that they want to dispose of or sell in this area. It can also be their cover story to protect the whole building from being inspected and investigated.

Next was the 2nd floor, it was a large and wide empty space used for meetings in the past. Anna was planning to make this as his medicine and pill laboratory.

After that came the third floor. It was divided by 3 columns, but Hubert was planning to demolish the dividers and make it as his training room in the city.

Coming up next is the 4th floor, alina requested for the whole of that floor. She was planning to make this floor her personal work space in the city.

Finally the last floor. Hubert was planning to make the 5th floor of the building as their living space. Hubert also asked for Alina to build a teleportation array on this floor and connect it to their home, Lost paradise.

Now that they have decided on what to do in each and every part of the building , they gathered around and went to the 5th floor. After that alina separated herself and became busy in building and creating the teleportation array. The two kids were confused about what the adults were doing and just went to the sides and observed their actions.

While Alina was busy creating a passage, Anna went to the center of the floor and mumbled a few words, then performed a set of hand gestures. Next she drew some mysterious images and words on the air creating a spell that sealed the doors, starting from the 2nd floor until the last floor.

After the completion of the seal, she created a barrier that surrounded the entire building protecting them from any external dangers. Next, she enchanted the floors, windows, tiles and every party of the building making it tough, durable and resilient.

After which, she imprinted the identity of his master and her other companions on the seal of the building and created traps for unknown intruders.

When the imprint was successfully placed, hubert and his group can now go in and out of the building without any hurdles. If other people would try to force themselves inside the building without their permission, The building would create an alert and will send different kinds of elemental attacks towards the intruder.

Alina had just finished her work. While doing so, she imprinted the informations of hubert and his group in the teleportation array. The teleportation aray was now restricted only for the use of hubert and his companions. But before that, Alina collected the blood of each and every person present in the room. Following, she used the blood she collected from every one and mixed it with crystal powders.

Next, Alina used the mixture to drew some algorithms and mysterious symbols on the wall. For a few seconds alina performed some hand gestures that caused the array to be connected with the array present at their home " Lost paradise". And the last move she made was to create an energy gathering formation. After which she combined the teleportation array and the energy gathering formation which made the array self sufficient.