
Lost Path

lazyape · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Anna and Alina's cause of demise

When the fight happened, the city guards and the city mayor were alerted, Powerful people came out of their seclusion and rushed towards the area where the fight had happened. At the moment they arrived, they were too late to see anything , But when they saw the corpses of the ancestors of the Chen's. They were horrified beyond belief. The corpses of the chen's are intact and without physical damage, but their eyes were empty and only the white part of the eyes could be seen, it seems like their soul suffered from a terrifying nightmare and ghastly curses.

They asked the people around to what happened that caused the situation and asked how the fight went on. When the watching crowd told what happened, they were stunned and were amazed by the entire ordeal. They did not know that there are more powerful people than them living in this area. Afterwards they looked at the building and planned to visit those people after the things had settled down.

After Anna and Alina killed the Chen ancestors, they went back inside the building while carrying hubert. Following them were Old D and Merchant Tim. Inside the building Old D asked the ladies if hubert is ok. Anna answered and told them that hubert just drained all of his energy, and hubert just needed some time to recover his lost energy. He would be back at his peak in no time. Afterwards Old D and Tim sighs with relief. Anna and Alina looked at them with a gentle smile and thanked the 2 old men.

Tim broke his silence and asked Anna and Alina of their next step, knowing that the watching people had already known of their identity and would spread their knowledge to other people because of the fight. There is no more use of staying low keyed for the remaining time that they are in the city. It was better to take this as an opportunity to spread their names and warn the other people not to bother them and just go away.

The ladies smiled and said that this wouldn't be a problem for them. Afterwards they changed their appearances and were now different people than their usual characters, even their presence changed and no one could see through their disguise. Tim and Old D nod at the same time and say that their plan is feasible and was a good idea. But they asked if hubert can also perform this kind of skill, and as they expected the ladies told them not to think about it, because they would teach their master this art of disguise after he woke up from his sleep. Old D and Tim were relieved to know that Hubert can also learn and perform this kind of skill.

Old D glanced on the side and was curious to ask who those kids that are sleeping with hubert were, and where did they come from and are they related to hubert. Alina answered old D and told him that these kids were orphans adapted by hubert and fate has it for them to meet. Old D smiled and nodded.

Tim walked forward, bowed his head and said that they would be going ahead. The time is already late for them to stay in this place and they would only disturbe there rest. Afterwards Tim asked them if they would be staying on this building the entire night for them to rest. Alina smiled mysteriously to Tim and said,"hmmm. What you said is both correct and at the same time it is incorrect, we would be here but not here for the rest of the night".

Tim did not know how to answer and just smiled at the ladies. After a few more minutes of inter action, both of the men departed from the building and went their separate ways . Anna and Alina looked at each other, afterwards they stood up and made hubert and the kids float and activated the portal then went towards their home "Lost Paradise".

At Lost Paradise, Two gorgeous ladies could be seen sitting near the waterfalls. They were having a conversation about their master and a lot of different things. Anna spoke and said, Master was really agitated the entire time because of what happened to the kids, it was partly my fault but what can I do, i want our race to spread and be strong for us to be capable in the future. Yes we are unrivaled with even our current strength, but you also know that strength is not enough for us to win if there really is a great war coming for us in the future.

For example, what happened to our group. We secluded ourselves and cut our communication's outside, but some of our brothers betrayed us and planned for our demise. Yes they have no chance of defeating us 1 on 1 or 4 on 1 even 10 on 1, but when they included some higher civilization and thousands of universes. They almost wiped us in the face of the universe. We were lucky to escape on this planet while being gravely injured and gravely poisoned, but in the end we died and sacrificed ourselves just to kill our pursuers. If not for us meeting master, we would all perished.

That day, when I was at my last moments, I casted my inheritance with a chance of 0.0001 / 1000 that we could find someone who carries the blood of the Primordial one to use and bind our souls and be revived by his flesh and blood. Maybe it was fate or destiny that we found master. I don't know the reason, but master was near us that day and by chance I was contracted to him and was revived. And maybe it was a blessing that the master we found was also a genius and a genius that evolved and started his own species and own race.

Alina confirmed what anna said and replied," Yes it is true that master needs to develop faster, he also needs a proper subordinate to support him in his back and be at his call whenever he would face danger. I know that what you have done to the kids is somewhat unethical. The chance of success of the race change and forceful evolution was only 20 percent even with the support of masters' blood essence. But, what I did not really get is the soul skills master released during the most dangerous moments for the kids' evolution. It restored their souls from being scattered then refined them making it stronger then poured vigor to their soul nurturing them and making their soul stable and steady. After that, his Create Life skill went to the physical bodies of the kids and forcefully evolved each and every cell of their bodies. If this is not a miracle, what can it be. Haisst

About our brothers betraying us, and joining forces with other higher civilization and other universes just to get the "BOOK OF LIFE". They would suffer from our revenge and our vengeance in the near future. Let them think that we all died from their schemes and let them be compatible and be relaxed from their success. In the meantime, let us take our time restoring our strength, building forces for our master and waiting for our dead brothers and sisters to be revived by our master.

By the time we have finished all of our preparations, those who betrayed us and colluded with them would be surprised to find that we are still alive and kicking. I will forsure, make them suffer from our retribution. I would make them undergo things that are worse than the feeling of death, and they would wish that they had not done all of the things they did to us.

And the chance that you have discovered our master and contracted to him, that is really a blessing coming from the skies. He gave us a new leash of life and gave us a chance to get our revenge. We also got the chance to be a pioneer of a path that has never been seen before. You know that when we are at our peak, we also want to see what was behind that door, what does it feel to be able to open that door and what does it feel to reach and step beyond that door. These are the reasons why we went to seclusion and cut ourselves from the other masses. But what we have and what master has presented us, it would give a greater chance to achieve and surpass our initial goals.

When they were discussing these things, their emotions were not stable causing a disturbance in the environment. After some more talks they sighed and looked at the skies.

Morning came and the ladies went to gather food for their group. They went to get some holy angel fishes, some herbs and mysterious plants from the pocket dimension and got some meat from the kings they hunted a while back. They cooked the food gently and with details afterwards they prepared the table and waited for the kids and their master to wake up.

Marry and Mars woke up and sniffed an aromatic scent coming from somewhere, they followed that aroma and found a great amount of food presented on a table. They dashed towards the table with glittering eyes and drooling mouths. When they reached the table and were planning to grab some food, one hand pinched Marry's cheeks and another hand pinched Mars ears. Then they heard words saying," Let's wait for master to wake up before we eat, and don't forget to wash your hands before eating" . They looked at who those people were and discovered it was their big sister anna and alina.They smiled and waited for hubert to wake up.

A few more minutes later, Hubert woke up from his sleep, his stomach was rumbling and was angry like a monster that had not eaten for a hundred of years. He quickly stood and followed the scent coming from the kitchen. When he got down coming from the second floor, he saw Anna, Alina, Mars and Marry waiting for him at the table ready to eat and attack the food prepared on the table. He quickly greeted them and went to the table and devoured as much food as he could.