

it's tells us about broken relationships, broken promises, past love, sadness, loneliness, depression, past life's, hope but once again true love that still exist. it's mila again hope u guys love the story,

that_girlmila · Urban
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4 Chs

ch 3:

The next morning Nichole woke up as early as possible to go to work and also to avoid meeting her mum ,Nichole works in a film production company called MX Movies. she got ready then went outside and got into the taxi she ordered. she got to work went to her desk sat down placed her head on her table when someone came knocking at her door. she got up and went to check just to see another one of the workers whose name was Bella.

Bella : the boss said to give u this 

Nichole : thank u

Nichole collected the letter and went back to her desk. she opened the letter read it and found out she was promoted ,she smiled and continued reading the letter. the letter also stated that she has been a given a new office and that her work will resume immediately she enters the office. Nichole then got up packed her belongings and was ready to leave her old office. immediately she stepped out her fellow workers came to congratulate her on the promotion ,Nichole tried her best to make it look like she was happy even though deep down she wasn't ,after all her co-workers left her alone she started heading to her new office but as she was about to reach her office Nichole bumped into her boss josh. 

josh : am so sorry

Nichole : no it's my fault , I wasn't paying attention to where I was going instead I was busy thinking about something sir

josh : same here , u can call me josh by the way

Nichole : okay sir ,I just have a lot on my mind lately , am really sorry again

josh : no I also wasn't paying attention ,I was busy thinking of my ex Sarah

They continued talking as they walked into Nichole new office

Nichole : same ,wait Sarah sorry what's her last name

josh : Goodluck why do u ask 

Nichole : [ she laughed] indeed this is a small world , would u mind if I asked why u and Sarah broke up 

josh : she said we had to break up because she was moving 

Nichole : sad ,how people find it so easy to lie, I caught Sarah and my ex boyfriend together on the same bed on his birthday

josh : are u serious

Nichole : yes, I also didn't want believe it but I just had too

josh : but are u , no no no, Sarah did this to me but

Nichole : I know it's hurts josh, but it doesn't surprise me much now, cause I know love ain't real, it's just a fairytale.

josh : am such a fool

Nichole : no u are not, we both just got played 

josh : okay[ josh started going ]

Nichole : one advice josh, don't stress yourself thinking about it, they ain't worth it

[he smiled] josh : I won't, see u tomorrow

some hours later, Nichole got ready and went back home. she got home late and immediately went to her room to rest.