
Lost In Time - Egypt

As a powerful secret agent in the 21st century, Everret was on a mission to get the powerful emerald pendant which was said to have mysterious power, but an accident accured as she was about to return with the emerald pendant. Surprisingly, she not only did not die, but traveled to Ancient Egypt as a powerful ruler.

SilverScorpion · History
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5 Chs

Traveled Back

Everett opened her eyes, everything was blurry, she felt hot, VERY hot. To make matters worse, she couldn't remember a thing. Of course, as if that wasn't enough, her head was shockingly painful, it felt like it was about to burst.

"Seria, the mighty pharoah will die if you guys don't hurry up!" A faint squeaky voice called out.

Everett looked around, she could only make out figures of people scurrying in different directions. I must be hallucinating, she thought, and slumped back, unconscious.

After some time, Everett opened her eyes once again, she no longer felt the stabbing pain at the back of her head, and thankfully, her memories were slowly coming back to her. Everett tried sitting up, but was instantly pushed back by a hand.

"Please rest, your highness." The same squeaky voice from before called out.

It was a fair skinned girl with oily black hair tied up in multiple braids, she had delicate features - Big eyes with long eyelashes, a tall nose and puffy rosy lips. She was wearing a white tunic with golden coloured bands around her waist, neck, arm and legs. Everett pinched herself, if this was a dream, hopefully she would quickly wake up, but after pinching herself multiple times, the truth slowly sank in. It didn't seem like a dream! Shaking her head vigorously, she vaguely remembered how she died, well nearly, in a mission, but now, how would that help her? What could she do? Feeling exasperated, Everett looked down, and no surprise, the pendant was there. Maybe it could explain something, she thought and studied it. It had a rose gold chain with different symbols carved on it, at the bottom, there was a clover embedded with pearls. In the middle of the clover, there was an emerald like blue stone with a single symbol carved on it. The symbol looked like a cross with a C and a flipped C combined together. For some reason, the symbol looked familiar to Everett. Everett continued to study it, but nothing came to her mind. She was still puzzled by the symbol.

"Y-Your highness?" The fair skinned girl called, worriedly looking at Everett who was lost in thought.

"Oh um!" Everett came back to her senses. She once again looked at the girl. Instantly more questions came rushing up her mind.

"Who are you?" Everett suddenly blurted out, getting annoyed by all the mysteries.

The girl gasped: "Your highness! Have you forgotten me? It's me! Akila, your personal servant!