
Lost In Time - Egypt

As a powerful secret agent in the 21st century, Everret was on a mission to get the powerful emerald pendant which was said to have mysterious power, but an accident accured as she was about to return with the emerald pendant. Surprisingly, she not only did not die, but traveled to Ancient Egypt as a powerful ruler.

SilverScorpion · History
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5 Chs

Starting a New Life

Everett looked closely at the face, some strange memories flooded into her mind. Was this girl actually telling the truth? She didn't recall someone like her but that must probably be because she had newly traveled into the body. The girl wouldn't lie right? Everett was still suspicious - that was a natural instinct for assasinator like her, but she was gradually starting to trust her. The girl didn't seem like she was acting. In fact, she looked worried about Everett. Still, Everett still found something unerving about the girl, but she didn't think much.

"It seems like I don't remember." Everett decided to answer.

Akila looked even more shocked: "No way! You must have lost your memory when...when..when-"

Akila burst into tears. Feeling bad, Everett held Akila's hand and soothingly said: "Don't worry, I'll probably remember you soon, don't cry."

Akila sniffed and stopped crying.

After a Akila had calmed down, Everett started talking again: "So, can I ask you another question?"

Akila nodded.

"Who...who am I?"

Akila's jaw dropped open.

"Your highness, what?"

Everett smiled awkwardly and decided to put her acting skills on.

She held her head: "Ah...ow...my head hurts...I can't remember..."

Seeing Everett's reaction, Akila didn't know what to do except answer the question.

"Your highness, you're..."