
Lost in this World

After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks to clear his master's name, despite knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns, which make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 7 : Goodbye

We returned to the palace, but I did not want to enter with Claudia. I preferred to stay outside next to the carriage. While I was sitting waiting for them. It was dark, then I saw someone coming from afar. I could not distinguish his features because of the darkness, but I knew him without seeing him. I know the owner of this power and this presence. It is Leon.

He stood next to me and said: "It seems that you felt my presence again. If it is not a coincidence, this is strange as I never felt your presence at all as if you do not have any mana."

I said: "You are wrong I have it but it is very little so no one feels it."

"So that's it. I'm sorry for my direct words. We did not talk well last time. Nice to meet you."

(This person has a lot of power. When I shook his hand, I felt a shiver in my body.)

I said to him: "You are really strong."

"I'm not as strong as you think, but I have to become stronger. I'm a knight after all, but how can you sense the mana in me when it is almost nonexistent after I hid it."

"I do not know. It may be because I have a little of it so I feel the least amount in others."

He was silent for a while and then said: "Interesting. Tell me what is your element?"

"Element of darkness."

"No I do not mean the basic element but the secondary one."

"I do not have such a thing."

His features suddenly changed to seriousness and then he said: "Impossible I have never heard of this before."

"Yes everyone said the same thing also but this is the truth."

He smiled and said: "You started to interest me more. How about you participate in the knights' competition that will be held tomorrow."

"Knights' competition? What do you mean?"

"Yes it is the reason behind the meeting of the princesses today."

"I did not know that the ladies Isabella and Elena are princesses."

"Well they are not princesses yet but they are candidates to be so, there are several candidates besides them competing for this position."

I said frustrated: "What a strange country, and what is the story of this competition?"

"It is a competition for the princesses' knights they duel one on one, it would be great if you joined I want to see you duel."

I said: "As you saw I have mana that is almost nonexistent and I do not have a secondary element, I am in short a weak person."

Leon smiled a faint smile and said: "No this build indicates hard training. I'm sure you can fight because I see you have a different presence than the others, anyway it is your choice."

"I'll think about it."

"True you did not ask about the prize of winning."

"I do not care, if I participate it will be only for watching the duels."

He said smiling: "I expected that. Anyway there will be a large monetary prize offered by Lady Elena as she suggested the idea of this competition."

I said: "I think the reason for holding the competition is the position of the princess or whatever."

He said: "You are right. It is a competition to show each one of them that they have the power, and this will enhance their status as potential candidates."

I asked: "But why do they seek this position?"

He said: "It is the second highest authority after the king, even she has authority over the master of the light element."

"So that's it I understand."

"Well, I have to leave now. I was glad to meet you. I hope you come to the competition."

After he left I kept thinking about this competition and found that it was time to ...

"Hello Jean."

"Ah Ren hello."

Ren said: "Lady Isabella and Claudia will come soon. Why did not you come?"

I said: "I like to stay in places where there are fewer people and this place is good there is no one but me."

Ren laughed softly: "Haha as usual. Here comes Lady Isabella."

"You two do not stand like this come get the carriage let's go to the hotel."

Ren asked her: "Will not we go to the palace?"

Claudia replied: "No it was late and Lady Isabella refused to stay at Lady Elena's."

"So that's it well no problem."

We went to a nearby hotel and rented two rooms. I and Ren were in a room and Claudia and Isabella in the adjacent room. And in the morning I went to take the sword from the blacksmith and walked in the same way we went from yesterday but I did not see those bandits again. It seems they were really following Claudia. And when I arrived at the blacksmith's shop I entered but I did not find anyone.

"Hello is there anyone here?"

"Yes come in." I heard a voice from inside a door in the shop so I went and before I opened it I found the blacksmith outside of it and then asked him:

"Is my sword done?"

"Yes it is done here it is."

When I held the sword I found it shining as if it was still new.

"Thank you how much will this cost me?"

"It will not cost you anything. It is free."

I wondered and said: "Free? What do you mean?"

"I was wrong yesterday in judging this sword. It is a normal sword but it is made of a rare metal that does not exist in this kingdom and its design is different I have not seen this type of swords before. So since I made a mistake in my estimate and insisted on my opinion I will give it to you without charge."

"Thank you but I can not accept it without paying anything."

"It is enough that you forgive me my mistake in the estimate as this is a skill that every blacksmith should have."

The blacksmith smiled for the first time since I saw him and then said: "Can I know your name?"

"My name is Jean."

"And I am Davos nice to meet you."

"Me to."

I thanked him again and then excused myself and returned to the hotel. When I arrived I saw Claudia standing in front of the door of my and Ren's room. I waited a little away and did not say anything. And after a short time Claudia noticed me.

She said nervously: "Were you going to the room? I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you that we have to go."

Then she quickly returned to her room. I noticed that this was the first time she spoke to me normally. It is a strange feeling, I do not know what changed her.

After we had breakfast we went back to the palace of Lady Isabella, I was driving the carriage and next to me was sitting Ren. We did not talk but rarely and this is the first time he does not talk at length. It seems that something happened because it is not his habit.

We arrived at the palace and I took the horse to put it in the stable while everyone went inside. When I returned I went to look for Yuna to know if I still have to do something but I did not find her so I went to the kitchen to wait.

It was noon and the sun was in the middle of the sky and its rays penetrated the openings in the window. I felt very sleepy then so I sat on the floor leaning my back to the wall and dozed off.

"Jean! Jean!"

I woke up to the sound of someone calling me. It was Nina.

"You were here all the time then and I was looking for you."

"Sorry. I slept a little at noon."

"A little?! Do you know what time it is now?"

I looked at the window and found the sun setting. I did not feel that I slept all this time.

"Why were you looking for me? Did Yuna ask you to do that?"

"No. I wanted you."

"Huh? Why?"

She was silent for a while and seemed a little tense as if she was embarrassed and then said:

"Sorry. Can I ... no no."

"Say what you want directly. If there is a problem related to me tell me there is no problem."

"No. This is not what I meant. Do you know when you saved me when we were returning from the village then you used this skill that you moved with between the shadows? Can you teach it to me?"

I thought then how much she wanted to catch up with her sister. But I think this is a long way that can not be shortened so easily.

And while I was thinking, I saw her face turn red with embarrassment maybe because she thought I refused her request.

"I'm so sorry. I talked about this matter even though you told me not to talk about it. If you want, I'll leave now. I'm so sorry."

And before she left I said to her:

"Wait. You said you want to learn the gate of shadows?"

She said surprised: "It's called the gate of shadows then! It's a strange name somehow."

"Yes. I named it because I invented it."

Her eyes sparkled suddenly as if she found what she was looking for for a long time.

She said enthusiastically: "So you will teach it to me? But can I learn it without awakening my element?"

"I did not say I will teach it to you."

"But you said.."

"I will not teach it to you not because I do not want but because I can not, as you know I am different from the others I have only a basic element and it is darkness and thanks to that I became like a part of it and it became a part of me. Moving between the shadows is a big risk because the darkness swallows anything that enters its field. If the darkness did not consider me a part of it I would not be able to get out again. And this applies to you when you moved with me. It did not swallow you because I did not let it do that even though it was stupid of me."

Nina felt very frustrated. But this time I decided to help her. In fact, this is the first and last time I will help her to repay her what she did for me.

"So as I said I can not teach it to you but I can help you with what you have, I can know your element now."

Her face brightened a lot. I did not see her happy like this before.

"Is this really possible?"

"Yes I can do this but on the condition that you do not tell anyone about it."

"Yes I promise."

"Okay close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you."

Nina closed her eyes. And I put my hand on my right eye and then let my left eye that looks like a monster's eye to show. When I use it I can see the mana of others and also I can see their element. It looks like a glowing white or black sun depending on the basic element and around it are bodies like twinkling stars representing the secondary element. And I saw Nina's element.

"You can open your eyes now."

She said eagerly "So what is it? I'm so excited to know."

"Your basic element is light and the secondary one is wind."

Tears flowed from her eyes until I thought she was sad to hear this but she said "I'm so happy it's the same element as my sister."

While I saw her like this I decided to finish what I started so I said "I can awaken your element for you. I discovered this when I saw it. But you will not remember what happened today mostly or you will think it was a forgotten dream."

She said surprised "What do you mean.."

And before she finished her words I put my finger on her forehead and said "Thank you for everything Nina. I hope we meet ... no I mean goodbye."

I shocked her body with a little of the darkness power I have to activate her element after it remained dormant because of her psychological state and feeling that she could not catch up with her sister. Then the mana flowed in her body and the power of the wind appeared.

I shocked her body with a little of the darkness power I have to activate her element after it remained dormant because of her psychological state and feeling that she could not catch up with her sister. Then the mana flowed in her body and the power of the wind appeared on her clearly until she lost consciousness because she could not control it.

I do not care if Nina does not remember this day but what really saddens me is what will happen next.

After a few moments Yuna came and said worriedly "What happened to Nina? Is she okay?"

I replied "Yes. She is just sleeping. I hope you take her to her room."

Yuna carried her and then said "Do you know Jean that she is a good girl and she cares a lot about you."

I said to her "She cares about everyone but I am the only one who does not deserve this."

"Even if you think so Nina has another opinion."

I said "Yuna, can I .."

She interrupted me gently "Call me Yuna only. I knew from Nina that you are older than me in age."

I smiled a faint smile and then said "Yuna, can I take a leave tomorrow for the competition?"

"I have no objection but can you participate and you are not a knight?"

"I will ask Lady Isabella to let me participate as her knight. I think it is allowed for each princess to participate with two knights and I think only Ren will participate in the name of Lady Isabella."

"Okay I have no problem if Lady Isabella agreed."


Thank you for reading this chapter please tell me your opinion about the novel to improve my writing.