
Lost in this World

After his master was wronged and exiled to a faraway land, Jin seeks to clear his master's name, despite knowing that the end of this path is revenge. Along the way, he takes several unexpected turns, which make him question himself and his place in the world.

_lostMan_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 6 : How did she know my secret?

"Why did you leave the party, didn't you want to attend very much?"

I saw Nina and tears pouring from her face like rain "I'm sorry, this is all because of me, I forced you to come with me, while you didn't want that, I always cause you trouble, even though you are nice to me and helped me a lot."

She kept crying a lot as she said that, I don't know why she cares about me.

"It's okay, this is not your fault, I take responsibility for my actions, if I attended I attended by my own will, it's not your fault."

She said "But!"

"Don't worry, I'm not sad at all about what happened, I've been through worse."

I said this lie with a cheerful face, what a deceiver I am, I don't know if I'm deceiving myself or deceiving her, but the truth is that sadness fills my heart.

Yuna came during our conversation and then looked at Nina and hugged her.

"Don't worry my dear, I know you suffer a lot, this is because you care a lot for those around you, you are a really nice girl."

Nina fell into a deep sleep, she also carries heavy burdens.

"I was very sad for what happened to you Jin, but I'm sorry, if I was there I would have taken this for you, because I'm responsible here for you."

I said "No I wouldn't let anyone take my mistakes for me."

I didn't talk much because I was exhausted, so I excused Yuna and went to my room.

It was a tough night, I kept thinking all night about what happened, I couldn't sleep.

And the next morning, while I was walking in one of the palace corridors, I met Claudia. When our eyes met, she looked away from me and continued her way without saying a single word.

Although I'm sure she's the one who encouraged Isabella to do that, how I wished to tell her how despicable the behavior she did was. But I didn't care much because I know she doesn't love me.

But at that moment, I realized something important. I went to the kitchen to ask Yuna about what I would do today. But I only found Sela.

She said smiling as usual "Ah Jin, hello. Did you enjoy the party last night?"

"Ah… yes."

"That's great."

I asked her "Why didn't you attend?"

"I'm sorry. I overslept and couldn't attend."

I know she's lying. It seems she didn't want to attend so as not to cause trouble for Isabella. I heard that the people of this country despise half-humans and consider them lower than them in status and make them their slaves. What a corrupt country indeed.

"Ah, I remembered. Yuna said that if she saw me, she would tell me to go to the front garden. Everyone is waiting there."


As I was on my way, all my thoughts were what Isabella would say after what happened last night.

When we arrived at the city of Setal. It is the second largest city after the capital Orel. We went to a palace in the middle of the city. Ren was waiting for us in front of it. And next to him was a blonde girl with short hair and brown eyes. She was short and wore an orange dress. Next to her was a young man who looked like my age. Even our height seemed close. His hair was medium brown and loose. He was smiling and wearing a suit like Ren's.

Ren came and opened the door of the carriage and said: "You came in time, even Miss Elena herself came to receive you."

"What do you mean by herself?! Do you think she is really important?!"

Elena said: "Calm down, Isabella, it is not proper for nobles to raise their voices like that."

That young man said: "Welcome, Miss Isabella."

Isabella said sarcastically: "I don't know how you accepted to be the knight of this girl, Leon, she is unbearable."

Elena replied angrily: "What did you say?!"

Isabella continued: "It doesn't matter, I just came for the meeting you invited us to, I hope it will be useful."

She replied: "Don't worry, I think everyone will like the proposal I will present."

They kept talking about things I didn't understand, so I stood next to the carriage away from them. But I felt a great power from that man since I met him. I don't think I've ever felt anything like it before.

I heard him talking to Ren: "Hey Ren, who is that person standing next to the carriage?"

"Ah, he is Jin, a new person working in the palace."

That young man came towards me smiling and said: "Hello, my name is Leon, and you?"

I said sarcastically: "I think you knew beforehand."

"Yes, but it is polite to ask."


"Jin, then nice to meet you. I noticed that you were looking at me a lot. Is there something wrong?"

I felt embarrassed. "Damn, how did he notice that I was looking at him? I think he's not stupid. I won't lie to him."

I said: "I just felt your power."

"Strange, even though I was hiding it."

Ren said: "Yes, even I didn't feel it."

I said: "I might be imagining. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"It's okay. Welcome again. I'm Miss Elena's knight."

Elena said: "Ren, Leon, what are you doing there? And who is this?"

Leon said: "He is Miss Isabella's new knight."

"What?! Isabella, how dare you appoint a new knight without me knowing?"

Isabella was confused: "Actually…"

I intervened saying: "Actually, I'm not a knight. I'm just a servant."

She said: "So that's it. Well it doesn't matter. Come on let's go inside."

I said in a low voice: "Actually, Miss Isabella, I want to go fix my sword."

"Okay, but do you know where any blacksmith is here?"

"Actually I don't know anything here. But I'll search."

"In that case, Claudia will go with you so you don't get lost."

Claudia's features changed as if she saw a ghost: "But Miss Isabella…"

"Claudia, do what I say."

Claudia and I left. She was ahead of me by quick steps and I walked behind her a little until we reached the outskirts of the city on a road surrounded by old abandoned buildings.

I broke this silence between us saying: "I know you see it."

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I know you see my left eye."

She almost stuttered from confusion"Wh… wh… what do you mean?"

Claudia stopped in her place and felt how scared she was.

"Listen, even I don't know how I got this eye. But I don't know why you're the only one who sees it. Anyway, I didn't come to hurt anyone in the palace. So don't worry."

"How can I believe the words of someone who has a demonic eye like that! You might be a spy for one of Mr. Edward or Miss Isabella's enemies."

"Believe me or not. I'm a normal human being. Or less. And as I said, I don't know how my eye became like this. But it stays in its natural form usually. But you're the only one who saw it in its true form. I don't think it's a demonic eye either. Also, I searched a lot in ancient books and didn't find anything that indicates that."

She said confusedly: "H… how did you know that I see it?"

"From our first meeting, you looked like you saw a monster when you saw me. And since then you never look at my face at all. And if you look by chance you look away immediately."

Then she continued: "What really puzzles me is why didn't you tell anyone about it?"

"I have my own reasons. And I will tell everyone your truth."

I said smiling: "You can't do that. Or else you would have done that long ago. I think saying that will reveal your secret that you don't want anyone to know."

She shouted loudly: "Shut up! I'm not hiding anything. Don't think I'll believe you. I'll watch you closely. And if you touch Miss Isabella or anyone else with any harm, I'll kill you myself."

After that speech, we both were silent. And we continued the way. I was sure she hated me. But at least I knew what she was thinking.

We arrived at a blacksmith shop. There was an old, huge blacksmith in it. His hair and beard reached his chest. And his features were serious.

"Hello, can you fix this sword?"

"Hmm, let me see. It looks very worn out. Sorry, it's a waste of time. Buy another one."

"But I don't want another one. I want you to fix it if possible."

"I told you it's a waste of time and money. It's broken in half and worn out."

"Still, it's important to me. Please fix it."

"Okay, as you wish. But I still insist on my opinion."

"We left the blacksmith, but he told me before we left to come get the sword tomorrow. On our way back, we walked the same way we came from. It was afternoon, and the sun was about to set.

While I was ahead this time, and Claudia was behind me, suddenly I heard a voice saying: "Hahaha, hello beautiful, how about we take you where you want?"

When I turned my head, I found three people surrounding Claudia. They were wearing black clothes and carrying swords. And they seemed to be bandits.

Claudia said in fear: "What do you want from me?!"

"I told you it is not allowed for a beautiful lady like you to walk alone in this dangerous area. We are noble men who want to take you safely."

Then they laughed. I think they target the rich people passing by this area.

True that Claudia hates me, but I won't let them hurt her.

She said: "Let me go."

"No, that's not allowed."

And before he finished his speech, I grabbed his hand and said: "Didn't she tell you to leave her alone?"

"Who are you, you scoundrel?"

I said: "I'm her personal guard."

"Don't joke with me. You weren't walking with each other. Don't try to be a hero. If you go now we won't kill you."

The other two said: "No we won't let you go. How dare you stand in our way? Take her Jasper and we'll take care of this one."

"Okay, but we'll share what you'll take from him. And now, let's go my beauty."

And before he moved, I grabbed his hand and hit him hard in his arm, breaking it. He kept screaming from pain. Then one of his companions pulled his sword and attacked me, but I bent down and dodged him. Then I took the sword that was with the person whose arm I broke and blocked the blow from the third one. They tried to attack me together, but they seemed to be bad at using the sword. This reminds me of myself when I used to wave the sword in the air without thinking before I learned how to use it. So their defeat was easy and I injured them lightly.

"You scoundrel, we'll meet again, and then you'll regret it."

They took their friend who was lying on the ground and ran away. I didn't say anything to Claudia and we continued our way. It was as if nothing happened.


"I don't understand what you mean."

"Why did you help me? You could have left me and gone and then you wouldn't be worried that I would reveal your secret."

"You're right, but how would I show my face to others after you were my responsibility and kidnapped? I think then I would be fired from work."

"As expected, you're selfish and do anything for your own benefit."

"Well, that makes me happy."

"What do you mean?"

"Glad that you finally understood that I do this for myself and not a spy for anyone."

"I didn't say that ever. I still doubt you and this won't change anything. I won't thank you either."

I heard this from her, but I didn't feel sad because what she says is true. I'm really a selfish person and don't hesitate to do anything to save myself."