
Lost in the Cosmos: Soledad's Journey

Soledad, a young man plagued by misfortune, volunteers for a perilous mission into space. After four years of fruitless exploration, a colossal eye appears, throwing the universe into chaos. Separated from his crew, Soledad is pulled between lifeless planets by their immense gravitational forces. A mysterious voice reveals his superhuman abilities and true origins. Can Soledad avert the impending catastrophe and warn humanity? Join him on an epic journey filled with hope, despair, and incredible strength.

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12 Chs

The Descent into Darkness

Hello, Soledad here again. I barely survived the explosion and have no idea about the fate of the others. I can't contact anyone, not even our home planet. Fear has gripped me like never before. My supplies are only enough for about two weeks. How I am to survive this ordeal is beyond me. These were my thoughts as I found myself being pulled towards the center of the galaxy by an overwhelming gravitational force.

For eleven days, I was pulled deeper into the heart of the galaxy, an unwilling passenger on a terrifying journey. The escape pod's tiny windows showed me a universe that was becoming increasingly strange and distorted as the gravitational forces intensified. Stars stretched into elongated shapes, their light bending around me in eerie patterns. I spent hours staring out at the warped cosmos, feeling as though I was drifting into a nightmare from which there was no escape.

Inside the pod, the constant hum of life-support systems was my only companion. I tried to keep myself busy, rationing my food and water meticulously. Every movement was an effort to maintain some semblance of routine, to hold onto my sanity. I recorded daily logs, documenting my thoughts and observations, though the act felt increasingly futile as the days wore on.

The nights were the worst. In the absence of a natural day-night cycle, I found it difficult to sleep. My mind raced with fears and doubts, haunted by the faces of my lost comrades and the monstrous eye that had torn our world apart. I would close my eyes and see it staring back at me, its cold gaze boring into my soul. More than once, I woke up drenched in sweat, my heart pounding as if I had just run a marathon.

Each day, I felt the gravitational pull grow stronger. The pod's instruments showed me traveling at speeds that defied comprehension. A year for the universe outside was passing in what felt like mere seconds to me. Time itself seemed to be unraveling, and with it, my grip on reality. The stars outside the pod's windows were no longer recognizable; they had become streaks of light, blending into an overwhelming blur.

On the sixth day, I noticed something unusual. The light from the stars wasn't just bending; it was being consumed by an immense darkness ahead. I knew then that I was being drawn into the event horizon of a black hole. The fear that had been gnawing at the edges of my consciousness now consumed me entirely. I was being pulled into the very heart of the galaxy, into a region where space and time ceased to exist in any form I could understand.

"How am I still alive?" I muttered to myself, over and over. My voice was a hollow echo in the confines of the pod. The crushing gravity should have torn me apart, yet somehow, I remained intact. "Am I no longer human?" I questioned, desperate for answers that wouldn't come. The reality was too surreal, too terrifying to comprehend.

As the eleventh day approached, the gravitational forces became almost unbearable. I could feel my body being stretched and compressed in ways that defied explanation. I clung to the hope that my mission was not yet over, that there was still a reason I had survived this far. But that hope was tenuous, a fragile thread in the face of the overwhelming void.

Then, without warning, I crossed the event horizon.

The transition was both instantaneous and eternal. One moment, I was staring into the maw of the black hole; the next, I was engulfed in utter darkness. There was no sensation, no sound, no sense of up or down. It was as if I had been plunged into a vast, infinite ocean of nothingness. I floated, weightless, my thoughts drifting aimlessly.

Time lost all meaning. I had no way of knowing how long I remained in that void. Seconds felt like centuries, and yet, it all seemed to pass in an instant. The human mind is not meant to endure such experiences, and I felt my sanity slipping away, piece by piece. I was no longer sure if I was alive or dead, or if such distinctions even mattered in this place.

But somehow, through sheer willpower or perhaps a stroke of luck, I managed to hold onto a fragment of my consciousness. I became acutely aware of my own existence, a solitary spark of awareness in the vast, empty expanse. I clung to that spark, refusing to let it be extinguished.

After what felt like an eternity, I began to sense something changing. The darkness around me seemed to shift, and I felt a strange, almost imperceptible pressure building. It was as if the void itself was compressing, folding in on itself. I had no idea what it meant, but I knew instinctively that I was on the brink of something momentous.

And then, without warning, I was expelled from the black hole.

The transition was abrupt and disorienting. One moment, I was floating in the void; the next, I was standing on solid ground. I blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden change in my surroundings. I was no longer in the emptiness of the black hole, but in a place that felt familiar, yet different. It was as if I had returned to the universe, but to a version of it that had been altered in some fundamental way.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. The air was thick and heavy, filled with an unfamiliar scent. I looked around, trying to get my bearings. The landscape was strange and alien, with twisted, otherworldly forms rising from the ground. It was a stark reminder that I was no longer in the world I knew.

But I was alive, and that was what mattered. I had survived the destruction of my ship, the gravitational pull of the black hole, and the terrifying presence of the Eye of the Void. Now, I had to find a way to continue my mission, to warn others about the Eye of the Void, to ensure that the sacrifices of my comrades were not in vain.

As I took my first steps into this new world, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I turned, half expecting to see the Eye of the Void looming behind me, but there was nothing there. Just the strange, twisted landscape stretching out before me.

I didn't know what lay ahead, but I was determined to find out. I would navigate this new world, face whatever challenges it threw at me, and continue my mission. The journey was far from over, but I was ready to face it, no matter what came next.

As I walked, I thought of my friends, of the sacrifices they had made. I would honor their memory by continuing to fight, to survive, and to find a way to stop the Eye of the Void. Their sacrifices would not be in vain. I will definitely warn people about this catastrophe – at least the sacrifices of my comrades should not have been in vain.

With a renewed sense of purpose, I set off into the unknown, determined to find answers and a way to protect those I had left behind. The journey was long and fraught with danger, but I was ready. I was Soledad, and I would not be defeated.

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