
Lost Domain

In a world full of harsh reality where evil has reigned in the place. The MC has long abandoned being a human full of anger and hungry for revenge. He will tear his enemies and breakthrough anyone who goes between his revenge. Will he achieve his hunger for revenge? or perhaps there are more surprises that have yet to be open? Join him in his journey to achieve his beautiful revenge. NOTE: The picture is not mine I just found it in Google and edit it.

_artbukluver_ · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: The History and the Seven Deities

In the beginning, before the earth has been made, it is said that seven Deities created the earth.

It is believed that these seven deities are made out of the excess energies called exlair energy. Exlair energy is the purest energy and core to everything that exists.

On that planet, there are seven continents each govern by one deity. The eldest of the deities the God of Mankind has to govern the central continent. The second one the Goddess of Demon kind and Envy governs the western continent. The third deity is the Goddess of Greed, Wisdom, and Secrets governs the Eastern continent. The fourth is the Goddess of Beastmen and Gluttony who governs the Northern continent. The fifth one is the God of Elves and Sloth who governs the southern continent. The sixth is the God of Titans, Dwarfs, and Wrath who governs the Northeast Continent. And the last one The Goddess of Succubus and Lust who reigns the Southwest Continent.

Each of the deities together with their creation often interacts like a parent and a child. Their era is called the Time of Gods, in which the creation used to have contact together with their creator. Well 'used to' the harmony was broken because of the greed of the one human.

He was jealous of the powers of the deities which could move mountains with ease. It blinded him, he was so jealous that made him sneak into the Goddess of Wisdom's Library. Which holds the knowledge that could break the balance of the world.

He took the book that was protected and hidden from away the wrong hands. He left unnoticed even the guardians who protected the sacred library. Of course, he could not succeed without someone's help. He used a magical tool to erase his presence that even the Deities cannot be noticed it was made by a dwarf friend. He tricks the dwarf by a bet that made the dwarf lost the bet and created a tool that could even escape the deities' eyes.

When he successfully rob the book and return to his home. He immediately opens the book excited to gain the powers that could overthrow the Gods. When he opened the book he was blinded by a light that shines like a sun. He immediately tried to close the book yet he couldn't because it wouldn't close. No matter what he tried it didn't close the book this didn't go unnoticed by the deities. They immediately go after the strong light that was coming from the central continent.

The greedy human was then caught by the deities yet the book was not supposed to be open. The book was stored all the bad omens and calamities that will end all the living things. Everything that was sealed in the book was released into the world and it became chaotic. It is full of disasters and monsters that corrupted the land killing every single living creatures. It was so horrible by the time the book was open the ba omens has already spread so far. The deities were so angry at the greedy human and punished him for his greediness. He would always carry all the guilt and was forced to be in prison in the land of the dead.

All the dead souls that come in the land of the dead that died full of regrets and unable to reincarnate because of the last attachment in the living world. He must fulfill the regrets of the dead souls in order for them to rest in peace. If he couldn't fulfill their wishes he would be struck by a bolt of lightning that could break the mountains by a mere second. This would continue for all eternity, the greedy human pleaded to the deities for mercy but they ignored his pleas.

The greedy human was in despair and full of guilt for what he has done. Now he governs the land of the dead in the underworld. He couldn't get out no matter what he did he continues to fulfill the wishes of the dead until today.


Once the greedy human was punished the seven deities felt bad for their creation who was the victim of the other's greed. The God of Elves was worried about the spread of the bad omens into the world. Which made the other deities worried about the children's safety. As the bad omens have created new living but not living creatures. They are all black with deform appearance and it corrupts all the living creatures when it came to contact with them. These are called the 'Nightmares' true to its name it gave its host the worst nightmares. Which slowly controls the mind of its host and as it slowly gaining control of its body. Its only purpose was to feed and destroy anything on its path. It will not stop and almost unable to kill this parasite monster.

The deities then gave a weapon to the trusted chosen children to protect the other creations. Each of the chosen children has been given a gift to protect and eliminate the danger. A sword, a wand, an armor, a book, a shield, a scythe, and a ring. These seven children became heroes to the other creations. Yet this is not finished for the nightmares would come back again where the night takes over the sun.

The Goddess of Wisdom proposes an idea to avoid repeating its history. The Gods made three realms is the first realm is called the Elarthian realm where magic and energies do not exist. The second realm is called Limbo where magic exists but is limited and it is a chain by the rules created by the deities. The last realm is where the deities live and watch over their own creations. These would keep out the nightmares to enter and destroy everything on their path. For it is unable to cross realms and always disappears when a portal is open to the Elarthian realm. For it possesses similar energy of exlair energy making the nightmares dissipate. This proves to be successful and the affected host would be cleansed from its effects. The three realms were then established and peace, as well as harmony, was created.

Alexius was disturbed in his reading his book it was a history book about the origin of the world creation as well about the seven deities that govern this world. As he notices the elf man that was the one who made the noise beside him. He notices the strange behavior that he performs in front of him. He has now a new impression of this young man in front of him it seems that the elf man was clumsy and a bit haughty person.

The elf man seems to be red from suppressing anger and it seems he was extremely pissed at him. Let's ignore this idiot too much hassle and trouble just leave him alone he would probably shut up later.

Yet sometimes everything seems to be what Alexius thought it would be. The elf man continues to berate him despite him ignoring with clear boredom on his face. It seems that things are not going how they would seem to be to Alexius.

'Aghhh....F***k my life'

Are the last thought that always repeatedly comes to his mind when facing this noisy brat at his side.

Hello dear readers!!

A new update is release hope you enjoyed my new update. I was having a hard time re organizing the history. Truth to be told I like myths it's just that me and history are not compatible. Lol well I hope you have fun and please don't forget to vote and comment below

Thank you!!!!

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