
Lost childhood

DaoistkL9ly9 · Teen
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7 Chs

Growing up as a teen

As a teenager one day I was told,"one day you are going to have a child that will be just like you."I was just a smug about it,laughed at the person. I can't even have kids I said to myself.

I was that out of control teen,suffering and in pain,all I had were bitter memories of my past.

I was only nine years old when my mother woke up and left.nobody had an idea of what had happened or where she went living behind two young kids.being nine I was the eldest.

Days went by weeks and then months,our dad was not ready to spend all his life single taking care of us,he decided to remarry.

I remember vividly when dad was about to remarry,he sat me down and said "my daughter,you see things have not been easy since your mother left us,I have tried my best to search for her but I can't find her anywhere,and now it's time to move on with life,am bringing home a new mom",he said.

I never understood what he meant until he came home with our new mommy,

The woman he was secretly seeing that led to their break up with mom.

Honestly I was not happy on seeing her,I never liked her at the first sight.

I was so bitter that someone else was going to take my mom's place.

Well,she didn't come alone.

She had her three boys who were elder than us.

Wow!what a big family it had become!.