

We were supposed to get married. Mother already disliked April for being different then the other girls. She said she was unfit to be queen, but that just made her even more stunning in my eyes. I had everything plan, so why! Where is my beloved April.

The Walk back to the castle felt like hours and as I walked the enchanted animals followed.

Stepping inside the castle I already new what mother was going to say "good riddance".

"Welcome home sweetie why you look like that, what happen," she said.

"April fall of a cliff," I said with the sound of tragedy in my voice.

"Well that's ok, she said.

"I've found the perfect girl for you to marry"

"No! mother I said angrily "April is the only girl I will ever marry."

"But April is not fit to be by your side"

As she said that she stood up but I wasn't going to back down.

"Please mom, I beg of you just give me time to find her she must be alive!"