
Chapter 6 : the fair

Getting to the town of woodsvein, maeve was excited as seeing so many things and a lot of delicacies. Walking around the stalls next to her mother,staring at a particular pastry had her mouth water. When she turned she couldn't find her mother anywhere, with worry as she felt lost in the crowd, she moved back and bumped into somebody.

Am very sorry sir,maeve apologized.

But the man was having none of it, though the lady was beautiful, but staring at her clothes he noticed she was of lower status and he clicked his mouth in detaste.

I don't get why lowly people as your self are always causing a scene,or are you trying to steal from me.said the man to eve with disgust and lust.

Maeves eyes narrowed at the man as she don't like his tone, and his lustful eyes like its striping her. Not being able to hold her tounge she remarked,

For someone accusing me because of my status, aren't you staring at my breast, with such bad intentions. She raised her brow, I may be of low status but I have manners.

People stop to stare at the commotion.

And the he was embarrassed his pale blue eyes glared at the woman for behavior. If not that his in a full crowd he could have dealt with her. With gritted teeth he said,

If not that am in a hurry I would have put you in your place. hmm the man harrufed and walked away.

With people still staring at her, somebody touched her, turning she found her mother.

Furrowing her brows she asked maeve ,

What's it all about?

Nothing of importance mama! She waved her hands to assure her mother.

OK come, I have something to show you.

Maeve wondered what her mother wants to show her, but she obediently followed

sorry for the short chapter, and not writing on time as am occupied with my college studies.

Goody_Brownscreators' thoughts