
Lord of the war

In the pages of history there is mystery, and it has not disappeared forever from the pages of history, and this is what makes horror present and eternal Who is the enemy? Who is the ally? In the twentieth century, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the hero of our story, Hermes Joe Radicar, rises from the ruins of an ancient war battle in order to impose his dominance and the beginning of his legend

TRAYND · Fantasy
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16 Chs

the awakening

In a mysterious underground place, the place was almost destroyed

There were many corpses and skulls on the ground, at first glance it seemed that a very bloody battle had taken place in this place. It led to very great destruction

In the middle of the majestic, destroyed place, there was a table engraved with very old and strange carvings, and above the table was a black and old coffin.

It seemed to be inside this mysterious, dark coffin. There is a very great and majestic being.

Bubble. Suddenly the coffin exploded! A handsome man with a small, sharp face and a look full of arrogance and evil came out of him. He had black eyes and long black hair. His body looked bright white and had signs of decomposition, but they seemed to disappear.

He opened his eyes and said: "A thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye, but it seems that my plan has failed."

Tsk. What was I missing for success ?

He sighed, looked at his palm, and laughed, "But it seems that I may know the path to success in the near future"

After all, the past buried my memory and the memory of my legend

A thousand years ago:

There was an army of knights looking at Hermes with looks of ridicule and threats, and they said, "Stop, Hermes."

It's too late, your plan won't work. And you'll never make a mare, you evil criminal

Surrender, you crazy villain, and give us your life.

Today is your last day

You have committed the worst crimes and today is your day

They were all surrounding Hermes, which had an old, broken laboratory behind it

Hermes' expressions were cold and indifferent, looking at them as if there was a lion with a group of weak hyenas around him

Hermes smiled a little and laughed, then said: Congratulations, the experiment has failed and I have completely lost my great power, but you cowards will lose your life in return!

They answered him and said: "Hermes, there is no point in that. Your words will never hide us."

Surrender, you are a danger to humanity, you dark devil

They were all wary of Hermes and what he could do in his current situation

Hermes laughed at them hard and said, "Devil?" Unjust? Evil ? Your words make me laugh a lot, you hypocrites

He laughed a little and then said that failure is possible, but success is coming. No matter what you do, you are too weak to stop me. Indeed, I see my success, no matter how difficult the loss is for me, the success must be great .

I already know that my path, no matter how difficult and confusing it is, will achieve many successes and glories.

For the being to succeed, it must stumble and fall, but I am very satisfied with what I have done so far and have no regrets or fear of going back and working again!

He laughed, then looked at his palm, and a black coffin came out of it and fell on an engraved table. He looked at them and said, "Hermes is dead, and you will die with him, too."

Suddenly he turned into a shadow and entered the coffin. Then a strong and horrific explosion occurred in the place, turning all the people into masses of flesh, blood, and skulls.

Hermes remembered what had happened to this place, sighed and said, "I failed in the end. If it had been successful, the world would have gone through many changes."

But it doesn't matter!

Failure is possible, but success is coming. Today I may walk on mud, but tomorrow I will walk on the corpses of my enemies. It doesn't matter how much pain I may feel. What matters to me is how much victory I will achieve and feel .

Through regret, you will work harder not to regret it, and through pain, you will understand other people's pain and how life works

This is how a person matures, and through ambition he allows everything except despair !

My ambition is great and difficult, and in order to reach it I must feel remorse, pain, failure and success

If we go back to the past, in order to reach what I achieved, I have gone through many failures and successes.

I cried. I cried a lot and through that I understood the pain and knew how life works

No matter what happens, my goal never changes.

Control the Central Continent and make mares!

A weapon capable of blowing up and destroying the planet !

Circumstances created me and refined my personality. You made me a being

I am not tempted by all the pleasures of life

Yes, the world created Hermes Joe Radicar !

Hermes walked between an entrance that had many ancient symbols and images, and it began that the entrance had very old and strange symbols. There were pictures of very strange creatures, but they seemed strong and bold

The place was very old, starting as if it were a noble castle from a very ancient era

On the horizon appeared a glow of strange light. Hermes laughed when he looked at him and said, "It looks like I've reached the door

The door that will take me out into the world after an absence of more than a thousand years

Slightly advance. He jumped and opened the door with his foot and left, then opened his eyes completely and looked in front of him

There was a huge forest and behind it was a huge temple whose roots extended from underground until it created a broken tower in the sky that was hidden by huge trees

Boom. Suddenly Hermes laughed and behind him the tower fell and exploded completely

He stepped forward and with a sharp look looked at the sky and said, Hey, it seems that I have completely lost my strength

Starting from scratch ?. Sounds like an interesting trip

Hermes walked forward and started jumping between the trees like a ninja, so suddenly he noticed that there was a group of people walking

It looked like a caravan was going somewhere!

Hermes smiled. He jumped towards them and fell as if he was injured and wounded

The group leader turned to Hermes when he fell and said: What ?

People shouted and said enemies !

There was a group of people in silver clothes with swords hanging on their clothes, quickly forming a line

Said their leader, a person who had a pale face, silver eyes, and the features of a man in his thirties who had witnessed many disasters


He may be peaceful.

The leader moved forward. He examined Hermes and sighed, then said, "Help him. It seems that he has not eaten for a very long time.

Hermes woke up in the east and said with a worried expression, "What. Who are you

Why are there so many people here

The doctor looked at him and said, "We are one of the United Empire convoys going to the city of Zapheth !

Lucky for you because we found you on our way and saved you

A beautiful person with Western features and wearing silver clothes, with a noble aura around him, approached Hermes.

The idea that there is someone living in the outcast forest of Aarav .

Who are you, this ?

How she endured living in a place where many dark creatures roamed

With a sad look from Hermes, he said, "I lost my convoy 4 months ago and stayed in this place reserved." Fortunately, my skills in hiding and exploring were high, otherwise I would not have been able to survive all this time

Sigh the person .He said this must be fate. Do you want to accompany us on our journey ?

With a happy and surprised expression, Hermes said what! Can I ?

Yes, of course, the person opposite responded

Hermes cried happily and said thank God thank you really thank you

The person smiled and said, "No thanks for the duty. This is our mission (Evelies Knights)

The person went from the tent and Hermes smiled with a sarcastic and cold expression and said, Are these members of the Ethnic Empire?

Are you thinking that this Mediterranean empire has the influence of its caravans passing through this forest ?

What exactly happened to the world. Well, a thousand years is not a little

Hermes laughed and went towards the doctor and said, "Please, who is this person?" The doctor smiled and said with a noble expression that he was Neil Ivaro, one of the great knights of Evlis

He is one of the knights of the great United Empire

With a surprised expression, Hermes said: A united empire ?

The doctor noticed Hermes' surprised expression. And he said what! You don't know her ?

It seems that you did not study well, young man

Then he said with noble expression that the United Empire is the greatest empire in Middle-earth

It was formed through the union of the Ethon Empire with the countries of the western, eastern and northern regions of the continent after its defeat

The evil Aromonian Empire more than 700 years ago

Oh amazing, the doctor laughed when he saw Hermes' expression and said yes, yes, by the way, what is your name, boy

Hermes smiled and said, "My name is Gray"

Oh what a beautiful name

My name is Nathaniel

Nice to meet you.