
Lord of the war

In the pages of history there is mystery, and it has not disappeared forever from the pages of history, and this is what makes horror present and eternal Who is the enemy? Who is the ally? In the twentieth century, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the hero of our story, Hermes Joe Radicar, rises from the ruins of an ancient war battle in order to impose his dominance and the beginning of his legend

TRAYND · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ragnark plan

‏Silver Fang Pub:

‏Gray was in his room, sitting cross-legged, collecting the sevrania from the environment surrounding him.

‏Hermes.. Hermes.

‏A person with a light black beard and black eyes appeared while possessing mature and noble facial features and an incredibly sculpted starting jaw

‏This person was carrying a wooden stick while teaching a young boy. Black-haired with silver locks and black eyes, he was Gray when he was young

‏Hermes Today I will tell you about Cefrania because you have reached the age of ten

‏Hermes responded. Oh, I'm excited, tell me, tell me quickly, teacher. His teacher laughed, saying, "Okay, okay, listen to me carefully

‏First, Cyphrania is the huge and mysterious law in the entire world, as it affects everything in life and controls life as well

‏It is the law from which many things that we see or do not see branch, such as fire, water, air, gravity, magnets, plasma, stars, ice, blood, plants, trees, and other various things

‏The little boy's eyes filled with excitement and suspense and he said, "Amazing.

‏With a smile from his teacher, he said, "There are three levels of servant:"


‏It is the level between the mortal and the external entity of humanity's limitations and the ability to use the power of the different and great Cyphrania and can increase lifespan

‏Alstola Rick

‏It is the level from which you can get out of most of the restrictions imposed by Cyphrania and the ability to bring about changes in reality and control Citray completely

‏They are called people who have reached this level

‏Great emperors

‏The little boy said excitedly, "Really wonderful, I want to be like this. I want to be amazing like my father. The person holding the stick looked at him and said, "Then do your best to become stronger.

‏The teacher continued and said, "There is another level, but it is ambiguous, and they say that it is capable of making great changes in place and time, but no person with such power has been recorded in history"

‏The boy jumped from his place and said, "Wonderful, wonderful, I want to become like this. Truly, my teacher, I want to become great like this." His teacher raised his hand, saying, "Hermes, we all have different and changing goals, but when we instill our goals in our spirit, no creature will prevent us from implementing them

‏  The goals of humanity are many and different, but your true goal is the thing that your soul does not deny and remembers deeply, so I understood this, and the boy smiled in front of his teacher, saying, "I will make all of humanity know me, and I will be the most wonderful emperor

‏Hearing Hermes' words, the teacher laughed and said, "What a boy"

‏Suddenly it turned into another scene.

‏In the scene, Hermes was kneeling, immersed in despair and hatred, and in front of him was a person with a black scarf and an unclear face. He said, "You do not know how the world works, boy. The winds do not blow as ships desire

‏I know very well that there is no justice in the Houris, so whoever is looking for a just war, will be the first to die in the war

‏It suddenly turned into another scene

‏Hermes was wearing a black scarf, his left hand was cut off, and a deadly aura was pulsing from it. He said, "I do not care about human customs or the customs of demons"

‏ I will only follow my path, which I respect and which respects my goals, that demons are dirty and barbaric creatures, but what about humans, they are not better and they are not worse, but I know something.

‏This makes them much worse, for humanity is light, Satan is fire, and the hypocrite is dark fire

‏The scene changed to the previous scene when Hermes was kneeling in a state of despair

‏Suddenly Hermes got up on his knees, wiped away his tears, and said

‏No, you filthy people can determine my manhood

‏I will not become your slave even if I die. When a man lives his life in sacrifice and submission, is he a man? 

‏No, rather it is closer to a woman than a real man lives his life with pride and does not know the paths of humiliation and humiliation

‏The mysterious being laughed and said. Your words are interesting

‏There is a box that determines a person's destiny through many books that contain many events, and through this box, you will know a man's destiny and his experiences, whether as a man or a woman. I'm looking forward to seeing you again and your development, boy, don't disappoint me

‏I will leave you this time but I will come back again

‏At this moment Gray opened his eyes and stood up straight

‏Going to Commander Leon.

‏Meanwhile, a member of the group also appeared from his room and welcomed Gray, laughed, and then said, Oh, have you woken up, our rising star

‏The man hit his hand on Gray's shoulder and Gray responded

‏ With a smile, oh Daniel, you still wake up early.

‏Daniel smiled, then laughed and said that sleeping too much was of no benefit. Don't become like the losers behind us

‏Hermes and Daniel went down to the ground floor at the bar and Commander Leon was already awake cleaning the cups. Gray laughed

‏Internally, he said, is he sleeping?

‏The two welcomed the leader, and he responded with a smile and said, "You woke up early as usual"

‏Daniel laughed and put his hand on his head, embarrassed by the leader's words, while Gray came forward and said, Commander, when are you going to make me go to the academy?

‏Leon looked at Gray and smiled and said, "You seem hasty, boy. Remember that some haste only brings regret and loss

‏You must become patient

‏Gray smiled and said: What if slowness and patience are among the things that make us regret and feel lost?

‏Leon smiled and said it depended on employment. Some use patience and calm in the appropriate place, and some use patience and calm in the wrong place

‏Gray smiled and said, "What philosophical words, Commander"

‏I didn't think you had that kind of thinking.

‏The leader smiled and said tomorrow will be your first day at the academy, but you should know that this academy is one of the most prestigious places in the empire and it is expected that you will find the children of some of the four largest families like that girl.

‏Gray sighed inwardly and said, "How I expected that she had this high house." There is no doubt that this is the reason for her extreme arrogance and arrogance, but.

‏Gray's eyes flashed a second and he said what determines a person's home is his strength and actions, not his family and money.!

‏The leader continued his words and said, "Because of this, you must be calm and patient, and you must not engage with them in any way, because the consequences may be dire, boy"

‏I know, Commander.

‏Good, boy

‏Somewhere there was a very huge square, and this place was luxurious and unnaturally designed

‏It had buildings that were as if they had been made of silver, crystal, and diamonds, and in the middle of this place was a huge palace that began as if it were one of the palaces of the great elves

‏This giant place was the Lidono Academy

‏Inside the palace, one of the rooms, the room looked unnaturally giant and great, and there were 7 people inside

‏There was a person with silver hair and noble and beautiful facial features, and this person was talking and saying, Well, there is only a day left until the new term of Leideno Academy opens, and we must attract and train young people capable of raising the flag of our academy in the empire

‏A person with black hair and big facial features smiled and said, "This is, of course, our only goal, but in the past years, we have not reaped a good harvest because the four dirty families send us their worst children, and because of this, our academy's reputation has fallen into disrepair

‏This helps our enemies and does not help us. An old person who had majestic facial features responded and said that this thing should not continue

‏All the people responded to him at the same time and said, "So what should we do, Commander?" The majestic person smiled and said, "We will expel them in a dirty way, then,

‏What! What are you saying? Commander, they are the sons of the four great families, so all the people responded to the leader in shock before he responded to them and said, "I know, but we will respectfully expel them, only losers!

‏What? What do you mean, Commander?

‏At the end of the term, we will put a mini raganark. It will serve as the final test of the year among the new academic youth, and we will make the weak against the strong, and in this way, we will get rid of the weak and win the strong!

‏All the people were shocked by the leader's words collectively, and one of them responded to the leader and said, "But this will make us lose half of the youth of the new batch." The majestic leader looked at the one who spoke got up from his seat, and said, "I don't care. This will be our plan for the new school year,

‏The matter has been settled

‏OK!. All the people got up and repeated the word in one tone