
Lord of the war

In the pages of history there is mystery, and it has not disappeared forever from the pages of history, and this is what makes horror present and eternal Who is the enemy? Who is the ally? In the twentieth century, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the hero of our story, Hermes Joe Radicar, rises from the ruins of an ancient war battle in order to impose his dominance and the beginning of his legend

TRAYND · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Leideno Academy

‏Leideno Academy:

‏The imam of the academic mosque had many advanced students

‏For the academy, there were a huge number of different students

‏Among them was Gray. He was wearing a long black coat embroidered beautifully, and he watched the students with a look of curiosity but clear sarcasm

‏At the forefront of the academic mosque was a person with a majestic expression and a broken look, and he said, Stop! Suddenly an aura of bridges spread throughout the place. This aura made all the students straight like a mountain.

‏Gray laughed internally and said. Oh, the aura is used to control crowded students. Interesting.

‏After all the students were silent and stopped, the majestic person said. Well, whoever has a membership, please apply. And whoever tries to falsify his membership. He won't see a beautiful day!

‏After the majestic person finished his words. All the students went forward and showed their membership in front of the majestic person

‏Until it was Gray's turn and he began to advance calmly and soberly.

‏Show your membership, boy. Well, Gray responded with an indifferent expression and showed Commander Leon's recommendation.

‏The majestic person looked at the recommendation, smiled slightly, and said interesting. Okay next. When he finished the examination, Gray moved forward and entered the academy

‏Gray's features were surprised by the amazing and beautiful way the academy was designed

‏Gray smiled and said interesting. Whoever designed this academy must be a very genius person.

‏Gray stepped forward and saw that all the students were standing in front of someone else. This person had very handsome features

‏This handsome person raised his hands high and said, Well, boys, welcome to the Leideno Academy to teach cybernetics and various combat skills. In this academy, you will learn how to use cybernetics and combat skills

‏In a very diverse and unique way

‏A faint light flashed in the handsome person's eyes and said, "Only the talented and struggling people will continue with us"

‏Gray watched his words as he smiled and sighed inwardly. This is a hint that someone who doesn't try to work hard will be fired, well from the public, but what about the members of the four families?

‏The handsome person continued his words and said: In our academy, we develop combat lessons and strategic lessons. Because the person with huge fighting power and a small strategic mind. Like a bull without horns.

‏At the end of my words, I wish you every success in your lives, beautiful young people.

‏After the handsome person finished speaking, he said, "Now I will"

‏I guide you to your hostel, you must go after me

‏Everyone went coordinated behind the handsome person, and Gray walked in a very calm and beautiful way before a girl he had met noticed him.

‏You!. What are you doing here?

‏Gray turned back and saw that the girl who had hit him before was there and was surprised by Gray's presence!

‏Gray smiled and said, "The question is back to you, you stupid girl.

‏The red-haired girl got angry at Gray's words and said, you motherfucker! I will show you!

‏The girl ran towards Gray and he clenched her fist towards Gray's face, but at this moment Gray jumped into the sky and returned towards her at an insane speed. He almost hit her, but he remembered Leon's words and stopped what he was trying to do. He went down to the ground and said.

‏Why this violence, girl?

‏Gray's words caused an increase in the pressure in the girl's head and she said, "Fuck you, you filth.

‏Gray smiled and said, "We are now colleagues, I hope we can become friends"

‏In the future even if this is difficult!

‏The girl responded to Gray's words and said. Impossible!.Who wants to be friends with someone like you, you little filth?

‏Gray smiled and said. Who more can become friends with a fool like you, little girl.!

‏What do you say? The girl shouted angrily at the smiling Gray

‏Joking kidding. Gray responded with a smile and said, "Okay, we'll be late if we keep this up. We must stop and go after the teacher. Don't you agree with me?

‏The girl held her head and said yes. Let's go.

‏Meanwhile, someone was watching the students through the palace in the middle of the academy. This person had majestic features and beautiful silver hair.

‏He was next to this majestic person. Another person with red hair, beautiful and noble features, who was young.

‏The majestic person spoke and said: It seems that we had many students compared to the previous year, Sil.

‏Yes, Commander, but unfortunately with the Ragnarok test, it is expected that only a few of them will remain.

‏The majestic person smiled as he played with the cup of juice in his hand and said that the secret is in quality, not many, Seal

‏What is the benefit of a large group of students who only have empty minds and inactive powers?

‏The interviewer responded and said, "You are right, Mr. Commander, we must rethink the academy's policy.

‏The majestic person smiled and said the Ragnark test is only the beginning, Seal. You must prepare for the future.!

‏Okay, sir!

‏Well, we've arrived. The student advisor had arrived at the residential area of the academy.

‏The students whose names I will repeat come forward to tell them their room numbers!

‏Okay, Commander. All students responded at once

‏Residential area: Room No. 204

‏Gray entered the room and found it very beautiful compared to his room, which was in the bar.

‏Okay, it's time to sleep. Gray went to bed and before going to sleep he was thinking about Leon's words before leaving the bar.

‏Okay boy, before you go to Leideno, I'm giving you a mission.

‏What? Gray was surprised by Leon's words and said, "What's important?

‏The leader smiled and said, "It is a very difficult task and you must carry it out in the first semester.

‏Leon saw Gray's expression and walked towards him, smiling, and said, Do you think I will make someone who has only joined the organization for a month a student in Leideno for no reason?

‏Gray was surprised when he heard Leon's words and said, "Okay, things were going smoothly on his way, which made me worry a little"

‏Leon laughed softly and said that this was real fear.

‏Nothing ever goes as desired. When things happen smoothly, you should know that there is something you should worry about

‏Gray smiled and said nice words, Commander. Could you tell me about the mission?

‏Well boy, your task is to state that —

‏At this moment, Gray opened his eyes and said, "It's very difficult, you motherfucker. At this moment he went back to sleep