
Lord of the Rings: I am the son of Sauron.

Travis LaRowe was a baby who had lost his family. He was all alone when, Sauron the Dark Lord found him. Sauron took Travis back to Mordor and raised him as his own. He ended up growing up and became a handsome and powerful man. And he was a great fighter in combat. When his father Sauron the Dark Lord, asked him to go on a journey and follow the Fellowship of the Ring. Travis ends up falling in love with an elvish princess. What will happen between the two of them? Will he choose home or love? (Read to find out.)

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(My assignment.)

Chapter one:

In the lands of Mordor, stood the Barad- dur- tower. At the top of the Barad-dur-tower is Sauron, the Lord of Mordor in his shadow form. He looks over the lands of Mordor, over seeing his evil plans and taking there affect. Making sure that his army of orcs will be ready to strike when the time is right. But, in order for Sauron to take control of Middle Earth he must possess the one ring, the Ring of Doom. However, the ring is far from his reach. For, a hobbit located in the Shire has Sauron's ring, and Sauron is determined to get it back.

Sauron was speaking with the Witch - king of Angmar at the top of Barad-dur-tower. Sauron trusted the Witch- king more than anyone else under his command. The Witch-king was the chief of the Nazgul's and was the captain of Sauron's armies.

"Which - king of Angmar, the time has come to retrieve the ring." Said Sauron, in his screeching voice. "Bring me my son, Travis"

The Witch-king bowed to Sauron, before he walked away to fetch Travis for him. While Sauron of Mordor, watched over the dark lands on his tower, his adopted son, Travis, spent most of his time away from the orcs and his father's minions. And the time he had to himself, he spent with his horse Sadron. Sadron is a black Friesian horse that his father had given to him.

Aside from training, to keep his combat skills on point, Travis has been training his horse. It was something that calmed his nerves, and gave him time away from the orcs and their putrid smell that his nose disliked so much.

Travis was lunging with his horse, Sadron, when the Witch - king of Angmar found him.

"Lord Travis, the dark lord has requested your presence at Barad-dur-tower." Informed the Witch - king with his ear piercing sound.

Travis stopped lunging at his horse. He then tightened the rope, causing his horse to walk over to him. Travis turned around to face the Witch - king, while he petted his horse's neck with his right hand.

"What is it my father wishes to speak to me about, Witch-king of Angmar?" Travis asked.

"That is for him to explain, Travis, not I." Replied the Witch - king.

Travis nodded his head. He walked back with the Witch - king to Barad-dur-tower. They walked up to the top of the tower, where Sauron was waiting. The Witch-king bowed and stood behind Travis. Travis walked forward and brought himself before his father.

"My father, Sauron, you wished to see me." Greeted Travis

Sauron stared down at his adopted son.

"The time has come Travis. The time for Middle Earth to be ruled by its one true master." Started Sauron. "If I am going to rule Middle Earth, I need to have my strongest power, but in order for me to do that I need my ring."

"What does this have to do with me?" Travis asked.

"Travel with the Nazgul's to the Shire and retrieve my ring." Replied Sauron.

Travis looked up at his father immediately. He saw this as his opportunity to leave the lands of Mordor and travel to another realm. It was an opportunity that would allow him to see light, plants, and more instead of always being in the dark. He was filled with excitement.

"Travis I am putting a lot of my trust in you." Admitted Sauron. "Don't be the one to let me down."

Travis looked up at his father with a smile on his face. "Oh believe me father, I won't let you down."

"Waste no time then. Gather what you need for your journey and then travel with the Nazgul's to retrieve my ring." Commanded Sauron.