
Chapter 144

Listening to Zhao Yuheng's words, Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi's brains felt a little down.

Their family was a vassal of the Zhao family before, so they called Zhao Yuheng an adult, and the information they knew was obviously not as good as Zhao Yuheng's.

This was the first time Zhao Yuheng had disclosed so much information to them.

And once it comes up, the amount of information is so huge!

For nearly a hundred years, their family has been exploring the arrival of the black fog a hundred years ago, and responding to the arrival of the black fog today a hundred years later.

And now, for the first time, they seem to be so close to solving the mystery of the black mist!

Seeing how the two of them looked confused, Zhao Yuheng said, "What is it saying that the formation of the black fog is a little too far, the most important thing at the moment is to collect as many holy stones as possible!"

Xuan Ming heard the words and asked, "Collect as many holy stones as possible? Could it be that there are still a lot of holy stones?"

Zhao Yuheng nodded: "This pure holy stone in my hand is formed by the fusion of five ordinary holy stones."

"Ordinary holy stones can only transform one-tenth of the soul energy, and five pieces together can get pure holy stones, which can transform half of the soul energy. The more holy stones that are fused, the more soul energy that can be transformed. high."

"And there are different types of holy stones. In addition to the fire-type holy stone in my hand, there should be other holy stones, such as earth-type holy stones and water-type holy stones. I feel that they should be divided according to elements. "

"I have a hunch in my heart that the holy stone is a very important thing, and the more I can find, the better."

"Let's not say anything else, it can be called a magical skill to help the troops continue to upgrade!"

Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi nodded frantically when they heard the words, full of desire for the holy stone.

"Unfortunately, Xuanming, your arms are mechanical. I don't know if there are any mechanical holy stones. Tianjizi, your fire-type wizards can use my fire-type pure holy stones to improve their ranks." Zhao Yuheng looked at the two and said.

There was also a hint of regret on Xuan Ming's face.

After all, judging from the current situation, the holy stones are likely to be classified as elements, and there may not be mechanical holy stones.

"Okay, try to improve the strength of your territory during this time, hunt more monsters, and explore the surrounding areas more. From the current known situation, the resources in the black mist far exceed those outside. ."

Zhao Yuheng stood up and said.

Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi nodded when they heard the words, they already had a deep understanding of this.

If they were outside, even if they stole the homes of more than 200 new lords, they would not have gained so many resources.

Zhao Yuheng nodded towards the two of them, and then extended two wings behind his fiery red armor, soaring straight into the sky, heading towards the sky fortress in the sky.

Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi looked at Zhao Yuheng, who was heading towards the air fortress, with a look of envy in their eyes.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being an adult. If you don't speak, you will be a blockbuster. The current lord should be the first in combat power of the new lord in the black mist, right?" Tian Jizi said with emotion.

Xuan Ming nodded and said: "It's natural, but it's also the accumulation of several generations. In comparison, I think that Ren Qi is more exaggerated. Did his troops rely on holy stones to improve their ranks? If so, how did he get the holy stone?"

If Ren Qi was here and heard Xuan Ming's words, he would probably respond: "You may not believe it when you say it, you will get the holy stone in one hunt."


The Five Elements Leilin Territory.

Li Tianlan was in the territory, and together with the dwarves around him, he decomposed the corpses of the monsters brought back by the Five Elements Lei Lin.

After all, the Five Elements Lei Lin is a beast-shaped unit and cannot decompose monsters, so she can only do it herself.

Fortunately, there are dwarves from Shi Yuhan in the territory, as well as dwarves sent by Li Linan to help, so it's not too busy.

Li Tianlan's Five Elements Lei Lin is steadily improving his level and his strength is also increasing, so the scope of exploration and hunting is also getting wider and wider.

With the deepening of the scope of exploration, Li Tianlan can feel that the resources obtained are getting richer and richer.

The output of energy crystals and magic crystals is increasing exponentially.

Even holy scrolls can be obtained, but they are only some holy scrolls with serious energy dilution.

"Sister Tianlan! I'm here again!"

While Li Tianlan was struggling to decompose the corpse of the monster, Li Linan's excited voice came.

Afterwards, Li Tianlan saw Li Linan who was riding on a five-element Lei Lin, trembling and trembling toward her.

Li Linan came to Li Tianlan's territory, turned over, and trotted in front of Li Tianlan.


Shi Yuhan, who was not far away, snorted coldly, and stopped to deal with the corpse of the monster.

"Lin'an? Why did you come here? Didn't you take care of the new dwarf uncle in your territory?"

Li Tianlan looked at Li Lin'an with some doubts.

Earlier, Li Linan told her that the dwarf house had attracted another powerful dwarf, an eighth-order dwarf who held a thunder hammer and could use the power of the thunder system.

It's just that the dwarf was seriously injured, and Li Linan has been taking care of the dwarf uncle for the past two days.

Listening to Li Tianlan's words, Li Lin'an's eyes flashed a dim color, and his expression instantly became silent.

"Sister Tianlan, that dwarf uncle...he died."

Hearing Li Lin'an's words, Li Tianlan was stunned for a moment, and then said regretfully, "What a pity."

That is an eighth-order combat power, and for Li Linan, who is simple-minded, he is also a partner. He didn't expect to die like this.

"By the way, Sister Tianlan, I came to you to give you something."

"That dwarf uncle handed me this thing before he died. It seems to be something of the thunder system. You should be useful."

With that said, Li Linan spread out his palm, revealing a special spar with a flashing arc of lightning in his palm.

Looking at this special spar with a lightning arc in Li Lin'an's hands, Li Tianlan was stunned for a moment, and she felt a very kind feeling from it.

Reaching out uncontrollably, Li Tianlan took this special spar with lightning arcs into his own hands.

After starting, the lightning arc on this special spar does not have any lethality, but only gives people a feeling of numbness, and even some comfort.

"This is?" Li Tianlan looked at the special spar with lightning arcs in his hand, and felt in his heart that this was a very important thing.

Li Linan said: "Sister Tianlan, the dwarf uncle told me that this is the holy stone of thunder, which can absorb the souls of thunder creatures, and then help thunder creatures to break through the life level and improve the life level."

"The dwarf uncle said that he was only a sixth-order dwarf before, and it was only after he had this holy thunder stone that he was promoted to eighth-order."

"Oh, by the way, the dwarf uncle also said that this thunder-type holy stone can be combined to enhance the effect. He has upgraded this thunder-type holy stone to a pure thunder-type holy stone."

"And the dwarf uncle died of serious injuries just to improve the effect of this thunder-type holy stone."

Hearing Li Lin'an's words, Li Tianlan was stunned.

Although she doesn't know what holy stone, but this stone can actually help thunder creatures to upgrade their ranks?

This is simply divine!

After thinking for a while, Li Tianlan looked at Li Lin'an and said, "Lin'an, this thing is very precious, you should keep it for yourself."

This thunder-type holy stone is very precious, and it was left to Li Linan by that dwarf.

No matter whether Li Linan used it for his lover or sold it for sale, there would be a great harvest.

Li Linan shook his head and said, "Sister Tianlan, your troops are of the Thunder Element, and this Holy Stone of the Thunder Element is only for you to be able to exert its effect."

"If I have a thunder dwarf in the future, I'll just come and find Sister Tianlan to use it."

Li Tianlan listened to Li Lin'an's words, and did not continue to refuse, anyway, her relationship with Li Lin'an now is almost the same as the same territory.

When the time comes, I will compensate this girl with something.

Looking at the pure holy stone of the thunder element in his hand, Li Tianlan directly gave an order to the five elements Lei Lin, who was going to hunt, to hunt down the thunder element monsters as much as possible.

She wants to try the power of this pure thunder stone!


Lomin's territory.

At this time, Luo Ming was instructing the beautiful girl Zhan Ji to expand her territory.

Now Luo Ming's territory is silver and white, completely made of pure metal.

The mineral resources around his territory are very rich, and a mithril mine was just discovered today and is being mined.

"When the mithril mine is mined, I will send some mithril to the big brother Qiqiqi." Luo Ming thought while commanding the beautiful girls around him.

For Ren Qi, Luo Ming was very grateful in his heart, not to mention anything else, but this time stealing home made Ren Qi gain a lot.

Although it is only one-tenth of the dividend, it is also a large amount of resources, enough to make him ahead of many new lords.

At this time, the beautiful girl Zhan Ji, who was out to mine mithril ore, flew over and brought back a truckload of mithril ore.

After refining, these mithril ore will become mithril that can be used directly.

"Master, when the mithril mine was being mined, a mine cave collapsed in one of the locations. We found this thing in the collapsed mine cave."

The fully-armed beautiful girl Zhan Ji said, and took out a spar from a basket.

This one is actually silver-white, with a metallic luster, and the texture is very transparent.

Seeing this, Luo Ming took it over and checked it. He didn't know what it was. He checked it with an identification mirror and found that he couldn't be firm.

After thinking about it, Luo Ming took a photo and sent it directly to the chat group.

"The mining has come to such a thing, who knows what it is?"

When many new lords encounter things that cannot be identified by the appraisal mirror, they will send them to the chat group and ask to see if any other new lords know about it.

Of course, the results are usually all kinds of words, and generally speaking, the answer that sees the most is enough.

However, this time, I don't know if what Luo Ming sent was too biased, or if everyone was busy hunting and didn't answer Luo Ming's question.

Luo Ming didn't care either, and just wanted to put this spar in the warehouse first, but the private chat rang.

Bell Hermione: "Hello, is this spar in your hand out? I'll give you a thousand energy crystals!"

Jones: "Brother, did you sell the spar in the group just now? How about I exchange it with you for 5,000 catties of fine iron?"

Xuan Ming: "Are you there? Do you have the spar just now? I need this spar more, how about selling it to me?"

Luo Ming was stunned. The three of them sent him private chats, all asking for the spar in his hand, which was unexpected to Luo Ming.

It seems that this spar in his hand is still of some value.

Looking at Xuan Ming's private chat at the end, Luo Ming thought about it and responded: "Does the big boss Xuan Ming need this spar? Take it if you need it. You gave me a lot of resources before."

When he followed Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi to steal the house before, Xuan Ming helped him a lot, and Luo Ming was more grateful.

Xuan Ming: "Really? My good brother, thank you so much, don't worry, if there is such a thing as stealing your home in the future, I will definitely call you first!"

At this time, Xuan Ming was so excited in his own territory that he almost jumped up.

I really dozed off to the pillow, I just learned the news of the holy stone, but I didn't expect to encounter one.

Moreover, from the appearance of this holy stone, it is very likely to be a mechanical holy stone!

Thinking of this, Xuan Ming's heart was flying again.

Luo Ming also began to reply to Bell Hermione and Jones with rejection messages. Just when he was about to trade this spar to Xuan Ming, the private chat started again.

This time it was Ren Qi.

Ren Qi: "Luo Ming, is the spar you posted in the chat group still there?"

Luo Ming was stunned for a moment, but Ren Qi also asked about this spar.

Without any hesitation, Luo Ming replied directly: "Boss Qiqiqi, boss Xuanming needs this spar, and I'm going to send it to him through the trading channel."

Ren Qi: "Don't! Don't give it to Xuan Ming, this guy, knowing that you are my friend, still wants to lie to this holy stone!"

Luo Ming: "Holy stone? Boss Qiqiqi, are you talking about the spar I sent to the group just now?"

Ren Qi: "I'll explain to you about the holy stone in a moment. Don't give the holy stone in your hand to that bastard, Xuan Ming."

Ren Qi was a little puzzled, but he still listened to Ren Qi's words.

And from Ren Qi's words, he already felt the importance of this spar.

Thinking of the previous three people's inquiries~www.mtlnovel.com~ Luo Ming had already guessed that they all wanted this spar.

Without hesitation, Luo Ming sent a message directly to Xuan Ming.

"I'm sorry, Xuanming boss, Qiqiqi boss said that this is the holy stone, let me keep it, don't give it to you."

Xuan Ming, who was waiting with joy, was immediately furious when he heard the news.

Ren Qi!

Without any hesitation, Xuan Ming directly sent a private chat to Ren Qi: "Ren Qi! We are all members of an organization, don't hurt me, okay?"

Ren Qi: "You should know about the holy stone, you should know that it is a holy stone, and the value of the holy stone, you should be clear, so you want to deceive Luo Ming's holy stone. In the past? Are you cheap?"

Xuan Ming: "What is cheating? I'm not here to improve the power of our organization. He Luo Ming is not from our cloud. What are you doing for him?"

Ren Qi: "Hehe, Luo Ming is my friend, what are you? Teammate? Do you count?"

"Don't talk about it, okay? We don't know each other very well."