
Chapter 143

After listening to the Queen of Shadow Elf, Ren Qi did not hesitate, and directly took the Queen of Shadow Elf to the warehouse.

With the oath just now, now he and the Queen of Shadow Elf are the closest partners!

At the door of the warehouse, Ren Qi asked Elis to go in and take out the pure holy stone.

Looking at the warehouse in front, the Queen of Shadow Elf thoughtfully said: "The space here is very mysterious, and I can't detect the situation inside. No wonder I didn't perceive the location of the pure holy stone before."

Hearing the Queen of Shadow Elf's words, a cold sweat rose up on Ren Qi's forehead.

If the Queen of Shadow Elf knew the location of the pure holy stone before, maybe she would **** it directly. Even if Elis is there, I am afraid that she will not be able to stop her.

As for Feng Ya, as the daughter of the Shadow Elf Queen, she might have something to save her life.

The Shadow Elf Queen glanced at Ren Qi absently, with a hint of regret in her eyes.

After the pure holy stone was taken out, the Queen of Shadow Elf came to the pure holy stone and took out a dark bag from her bosom.

This bag is very small, with patterns engraved on it, engraved in black.

The Queen of Shadow Elf opened the bag, and the souls of the dark creatures flew out from the walk, and quickly submerged into the pure holy stone.

Ren Qi's eyes lit up, that little bag could actually store the souls of dark creatures!

The souls of those dark creatures soon disappeared into the pure holy stone, and then the dark pure holy stone suddenly burst into a bright light.

The Queen of Shadow Elf moved slightly and put her hand on the pure holy stone.

The energy purified by the pure holy stone began to feed back from the pure holy stone into the body of the shadow elf queen.

The shadow elf queen's eyes were tightly closed, and there was a hint of relief in her expression.

This kind of life-level promotion is enough to indulge any creature.

After a while, the Shadow Elf Queen slowly opened her eyes, and a ray of light flashed from her eyes.

"The pure holy stone has been improved a lot. The remaining holy stone can only be transferred by about one-tenth, and there will be impurities that need to be eliminated."

Hearing the Queen of Shadow Elf, Ren Qi raised her eyebrows.

In the past, the black goblins said that the holy stone was a gift from the **** of darkness. If it was not a pure holy stone, it would be affected by the **** of darkness.

When Tina charmed black goblins before, those affected by holy stones that were not pure holy stones could not be charmed.

At that time, Tina said that some other power was found in the spirit world of these black goblins.

And now, the impurities in the mouth of the Shadow Elf Queen should be this.

After thinking about it, Ren Qi still asked, "Your Highness, is the impurity in your mouth the influence of the so-called dark god?"

The Queen of Shadow Elf was stunned for a moment: "God of darkness?"

"Yes, the black goblin told me before that this holy stone was given by the **** of darkness. If it was not a pure holy stone, it would be affected by the power of the **** of darkness."

The dark elf frowned and said: "This is a strange statement. According to my understanding, holy stones are special items formed by the condensation of extreme energy."

"The pure holy stone was obtained from our dark elf holy tree before, and it is the heart of the holy tree."

"Originally, I thought that pure holy stones were special and unique, but I have obtained non-pure holy stones later, and incorporating pure holy stones can increase the conversion ratio of pure holy stones."

"As for the impurities in it, it is indeed a tyrannical will, but it is hard to say whether it is the so-called **** of darkness."

"But to be able to have such a means to affect those who use the pure holy stone, the master of this will must at least be the existence of the holy order."

Ren Qi nodded, as he had a general understanding of holy stones and pure holy stones.

Afterwards, Ren Qi set his eyes on the black bag in the hands of the Queen of Shadow Elf that could store the souls of dark creatures.

"His Royal Highness, what is this bag? It can actually hold the souls of dark creatures." Ren Qi pretended to be exclaimed.

The dark elf queen raised her eyebrows and said, "This is made of the bark that fell off the holy tree and my strength characteristics. It can hold 3,000 dark creature souls. What? Do you want it?"

Can it hold 3,000 dark creature souls?

Ren Qi's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

Because of the pure holy stone, now Elis and the others need to bring back the corpses of dark creatures when they hunt.

Other monsters are okay, they can be decomposed when transported back, but humanoid monsters are useless except to absorb the soul of the pure holy stone, which is very cumbersome.

Moreover, after killing the monster, it has to be transported back to the territory quickly, otherwise the soul will slowly dissipate.

The longer the time, the weaker the soul power absorbed by the pure holy stone.

You can't let Elis hunt with pure holy stones, right?

With this storage bag, all problems can be solved.

Ren Qi smiled and said, "Your Highness, everyone is allies. If you have such a good thing, give me ten or eight to play with."

"Ten or eight? Now I only have five in total. If you want it, exchange that thing." The Shadow Elf Queen said rudely.

In the end, Ren Qi exchanged two dark soul storage bags for two thousand energy crystals.

The Dark Elf Queen briefly talked to Ren Qi about the specific alliance, and took Ta Suya away from Ren Qi's territory.

On the way back to the Black Mist Forest, Tasuya looked at the dark elf queen and asked: "Your Highness, why did you form an alliance with this guy?"

According to Tasuya's idea before, even if he doesn't directly attack this territory, he must bring a large number of elf warriors to shock this guy.

But unexpectedly, Her Royal Highness actually agreed with the lord's conditions, and even formed an alliance with him.

The dark elf queen's eyes flickered and said: "Suya, do you think our dark elf family is more powerful than his territorial strength?"

Tasuya said without hesitation: "Of course our dark elves are more powerful, not to mention you, Her Royal Highness, there are more than 20 elves in our family of eighth-order elders, and many of them are about to break through the life stratum and can be promoted. rank to the ninth rank."

The dark elf queen nodded and said: "Yes, because of this, we have formed an alliance with him, which does not have much influence on us."

"There is an accident in his territory, and we can easily help him solve it. If there is an accident in our dark elves, he will try his best to help us."

Tasuya's eyes lit up and said, "If he dies for helping us at that time, we will be able to get back the pure holy stone."

The dark elf queen shook her head and said: "I hope his power will become stronger and stronger, and the territory he said has the ninth-order undead blood phoenix, I hope it is really his friend."

Tasuya was stunned, looked at the dark elf queen and said, "Your Highness, what are you?"

The dark elf queen raised her head and looked at the black mist in the sky: "Tasuya, don't you think the black mist in the sky is familiar?"

Ta Suya was stunned: "It's exactly the same as a hundred years ago."

The dark elf queen nodded and said: "Yes, just like a hundred years ago, a hundred years ago, we also came to this world because of a black fog, and it was also from that time that the bark of the sacred tree fell off, exposing the sacred tree. The heart is the pure holy stone."

Tasuya said: "However, it is precisely because we came to this world that we were able to get rid of the pursuit of the elemental elves, and we have developed very well."

"Although this world also has the threat of lords, we have been hiding and developing steadily for a hundred years."

The dark elf queen sighed and said, "It has been a hundred years since the black fog, and now the black fog has reappeared, and the black fog forest we are in has been directly transmitted here, I am still quite flustered."

"I don't know what kind of things will be discovered. It is naturally better to prepare early."

"The lord's strength has improved very quickly. Even if this Ren Qi territory is not strong now, compared to other new lords around the Black Mist Forest, his strength has increased very quickly."

"I'm still more optimistic about him. I hope that if something changes, it can help our shadow elves."

The dark elf queen still did not tell Tasuya a word, that is, she was very uneasy, and she had a premonition that something extremely serious might happen.

Leaving Fengya in Ren Qi's territory was also a successor to her.


In the succubus territory, after sending the dark elf queen away, Ren Qi asked Elis to go hunting. With the black bag that stores the souls of dark creatures, Elis could be more relaxed.

When Elis left, Feng Ya was entangled with Ren Qi.

She only has a good impression of Ren Qi here, and she is very curious about the territory she has never seen before, and pesters Ren Qi to introduce the surrounding buildings to her.

There is nothing to do now, Ren Qi simply took Feng Ya to visit the surroundings.

At this time, in the Xuanming territory, Zhao Yuheng and the three were discussing matters.

In the sky above the Xuanming territory, Zhao Yuheng's huge air fortress was quietly suspended.

Zhao Yuheng looked at the two of them and said, "From what we know now, what will happen after the quiet period has a lot to do with the black fog."

"A hundred years ago, the black fog came, the world changed, the devil caves and monsters appeared, and people also had the ability to awaken the lord."

"But all of this seems to have happened all of a sudden, and no one can know why."

"And our ancestors have been working on exploring the cause of the black fog, and have received a prophecy."

"That is now after a hundred years, the black fog will appear again, and everything will be answered by then."

Saying that, Zhao Yuheng turned his gaze to Tian Jizi, who was on the side: "You awakened that senior's class a hundred years ago, and you can predict some things, but now there is still no big prediction about the black fog, you just know what will happen after the calm period. Something big happened."

"And I, according to the instructions of the family prophecy, used those holy scrolls to concretize the territory to a special place in the black mist."

"And there, I got this thing."

With that said, Zhao Yuheng took out the fire-red holy stone that he had obtained.

Tian Jizi and Xuan Ming's eyes both fell on the fire element holy stone in Zhao Yuheng's hands, and a look of shock flashed in their eyes!

"Holy Stone?!"

"This kind of thing actually exists!"

Tian Jizi and Xuan Ming were all shocked.

Among the books handed down by the family before, the holy stone was mentioned and listed as top secret.

But there is only the name of the holy stone, and there is a chapter of blurry pictures, other than that, there is nothing else.

But from what they have been taught for generations, everything seems to revolve around the holy stone.

Zhao Yuheng's eyes flickered: "Yes, this is the life and death that our ancestors mentioned before!"

"Also, mine is a pure fire-type holy stone!"

Xuan Ming heard the words and said, "The pure holy stone of the fire element? Could it be that the holy stone is not one piece?"

Zhao Yuheng said: "According to my current understanding, not only is the holy stone not one piece, but there are also distinctions, and there are pure holy stones and ordinary holy stones."

Tianjizi frowned and said, "What do you mean? I can't think of anything in my head."

Zhao Yuheng opened his mouth and said, "First, let me briefly introduce some of the functions of holy stones. Holy stones can absorb the souls of dead creatures, and then convert them into pure energy, helping troops or monsters to break through the life stratum, and make a breakthrough in the same order!"

"What?! Break through the life class? Help troops or monsters to upgrade?"

Xuan Ming and Tian Jizi looked at each other, and there was great shock in their eyes.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yuheng frowned.

Although the role of the holy stone is very powerful, it shouldn't surprise the two of them, right?

Xuan Ming opened his mouth and said, "Sir, you should know the Ren Qi that I told you about absorbing the clouds near us, right?"

Zhao Yuheng nodded: "Naturally, I know that UU Reading www.uukanshu.com obtained a large amount of materials this time through cooperation with him."

Xuan Ming said: "That's right, my lord, we explored Ren Qi's territory and arms before, and got a piece of news, that is, Ren Qi's arms can be upgraded on their own!"

"We were a little strange before. Now that we heard your introduction to the role of the holy stone, we were thinking, would Ren Qi possess the holy stone, so that the troops could be upgraded?"

Zhao Yuheng's eyes suddenly burst into light: "The role of the holy stone is powerful, and it is very important and crucial. If this Ren Qi really owns the holy stone, it would be a good thing for us."

Xuan Ming: "Sir, you continue to speak."

Zhao Yuheng said solemnly: "Holy stones are divided into ordinary holy stones and pure holy stones, and ordinary holy stones contain powerful willpower."

"If you use ordinary holy stones to extract the power of the soul for backfeeding, you will be backlashed by this power of will."

"According to the fire creatures I robbed of the holy stone, this holy stone is a gift from the **** of fire to them."

"And I suspect that the two appearances of the black mist may be related to the powerful willpower in this holy stone!"