
Lord of the Mysteries: Path of the Abyss

*** Being rewritten *** Vilkar woke up in the world of the Lord of the Mysteries and decided to walk the path of corruption, but his view of the world is different from other devils. He doesn't want to harm the innocent only guilty. And he is their judge, prosecutor and executioner.

Ilusar · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

Exploration begins

They could see that the walls were covered by the same roots and thanks to the flowers rooms were well-lit.

They saw a long hall with the same type of door at the end, but now they had statues at each side holding lanterns. Their light made the vicinity show their colors more. Which was different when all was painted a pale white from the light of flowers.

Walls were covered with carvings of people, animals, and symbols.

The group did not enter the hall immediately as they worried about any traps or hidden dangers.

Bella and in secret Hector used their spiritual vision and saw that there was no problem.

But Hector knows that even if there was they would not necessarily see it. They still walked through the hall observing wall carvings and deducing their meaning.

Edwin then spoke, "When you look closely at the carvings you can see that at the start of the hall human and animal, imagery are quite normal. Ordinary-looking people..."

Edwin stopped talking for a moment so others could look at them Then he continued, "But further down the hall, their shape is starting to change. Look closely at their faces, their eyes, and hands."

When others heard him they came closer to the walls and saw that he was right, "What would that mean?" Walter asked.

"Well, it could mean many things. One of them would be that the deeper you go stronger corruption will lie ahead. Or it represents a history of people and their fall to corruption.

"But truth to be told. It could be something else entirely."

Then they continued to the end of the hallway and Hector once again raised the door. But this time when he opened he smelled the strong, wet, and damp stench of mold and even the metallic smell of blood.

He disregarded the thought of holding his nose as the sooner he would adapt the better.

"What a smell," Bella spoke covering her nose with her sleeve.

After passing through the door they saw that they stood at the balcony overlooking the great hall, which ground was covered with mud and water.

They could also see pale sickly thin bodies which lay on the ground, some of them were in pieces and others had their arm or leg covered with fur.

They could not see where the hall started and ended because the ground was covered with white fog.

"What is that..." Walter spoke dumbstruck, but then he went to the edge of the balcony and took a closer look. Then he hurriedly took a step back and said, "Some of them are alive"

"Well that is a problem, how do we deal with them then?" Edwin spoke.

"There... at the other side, there is another balcony leading further in." Anna pointed to their left. When they all turned they could roughly see the shape of another balcony through the fog.

When they looked for any way to get down they could see a ladder on the right side of the balcony that led down.

"So we have a way down but how we will get there? Should we simply go down and fight or shot them from here? Using revolvers and guns could be effective but also loud, and could make all of them aware of our presence. We also do not know if there is anything bigger that is hiding.

"So I propose that use of my bow, they are much silent so I can use it to shoot an arrow at their heads hopefully killing them.

"Then we will sneak through them without making our presence known to others." Walter then proposes a plan.

After consideration, others agreed and looked for the best path to get there.

When they decided on the path that would lead them through mostly already dead creatures Walter took out a bow and quivered with arrows.

Then he took out an arrow and aimed at the one of bodies on the ground.

When he let go of the arrow Hector could hear it tear through the air. Arrow then hit and penetrated the head of one of the creatures, which shook but then sunk back.

The group was relieved when other creatures did not react to the sound or death of their kin.

And so Walter started to shoot more arrows at them, killing them instantly. Only when they were farther away he could no longer tell if they are alive or dead and so he shoot them all.

Unfortunately, he did not have an infinite number of arrows, if he did he could take care of all of them and they could explore this place more carefully.

"Good work Walter. Now we can descend and get to the second balcony. But be careful with your steps." Edwin spoke and then looked at Anna and Hector, "You two should go first as you should be our best fighters, and should be most experienced, at least that's what I have judged based on your calmness."

'Spectators...' Hector thought as he went to the ladder and descended down. After him, Anna went next. Together they walked through the previously chosen path. But after a few steps, he could hear a disturbance in his surrounding. He could hear the splattering of water as the creatures are getting up.

Hector then cursed under his breath and yelled, "They are getting up, prepare yourself!"

Then he took out a revolver in his left hand and a light hammer in his right. As a righthanded person, he would take a revolver to his right for better aim but after consuming the criminal potion he can use weapons in both hands equally well.

Anna who stood next to him took out and revolver and cutlass. Hector could even see illusory scales appearing on her hands.

'I was right, she is of tyrant pathway.' Hector was pleased that he was correct, but then he returned his attention to the creatures as they started to walk toward them.

At first, they slowly walked but then they speed up until they started to run at them.


Hector heard the loud noise of the gun firing, and the creature closest to him was thrown back.

When he looked where the sound came he saw Walter holding a rifle and smoke came out of its end.

Bella was frozen for a second but then she hurriedly went down the ladder and took out her machete and prepared herself.

Even Edwin who with Walter remained on the balcony took out some charms said something and threw it at the group of creatures who were running at them.

When it hit the ground Hector could see a blinding explosion of light. When the light dissipated he could see that creatures that were hit turned to burned coal.

'Charm light granade?' Hector chuckled amused as he raised his revolver and started to shoot.

He aimed at the head of the nearby creature as it ran at him, when he hit it in its head it fell to the ground dead.

Then he aimed at another one but now he shoot them in the chest. After three shots they too fell down dead.

"They are not that strong, but that mutated limbs look more dangerous." He said as he holstered his revolver and took out his second hammer.

He then waited for them to get closer and slammed their heads with his hammers.

He enjoyed hitting them and hearing the sound of breaking bone, so he let himself go and started to smash at them in quick succession.

Anna cut at their necks and faces cutting them off or gravely injuring them. Her revolver did not remain forgotten as she cut at them she also shoot those who were farther away.