
Entering the tomb

When he get close to the group they all looked at him. Hector then spoke, "Good evening."

After he spoke the man who Hector judged to be the leader returned the greeting and then continued, "It looks like everyone had gathered and so we can start with introductions.

"I understand that we want to remain anonymous but we are entering into the tomb that holds beyonder objects inside, so even if you don't tell your true name we still need to know how to call each other when something could go wrong.

"As a show of trust, I will start. My name is Edwin, and I'm at sequence 7. Unfortunately, my sequence isn't the best fighter so I have gathered you to help me with this mission for which you will be generously compensated with money and we will also split whatever we will find down there." He spoke softly and clearly without showing any trace of worry. When he said that he is sequence 7 Hector saw as others shifted in their position. After he spoke he started to shift his eyes among them awaiting them to speak.

'Sequence 7 and has not strong fighting abilities... He should be a spectator. But strangely enough, I don't see any weapons. Is he using charms?' Hector thought as he heard another speak.

"Well it is for the best so I will be introducing myself next." The shorter man spoke.

"My name is Walter, and I'm sequence 9 with good tracking and observing abilities, and if I would say myself I'm also quite strong physically. As you can see I use a rifle, bow, or even blowdart."

'Good tracker and strength... He should be from the Red Priest pathway. So Edwin should be Psychiatrist and Walter should be Hunter.' Hector spoke in his mind after hearing him speak.

"Good evening everyone. My name is Bella, I'm also sequence 9, I can pass through solid objects and obstacles and I'm also good at Spirit Vision." After she spoke about passing through obstacles Hector realized she must be from Door pathway the Apprentice.

'Well look at that, I may even collect beyonder characteristics of Apprentice here if she will have an accident.' Hector started to look forward to any dangers that may lurk there.

Hector then decides to speak, "My name is Vilkar. I'm sequence 8, and my sequence has a strong body and keen perception, and ability to use a variety of weapons."

Hector decided to tell them his original name as he doesn't use and they will think it is fake so it didn't matter.

He also remained silent about his flame and curse abilities as if someone from them would try something shifted he would have some kind of surprise.

After that last person spoke, "Anna. Sequence 9, good balance, and strength."

'Not much of a talker... From her description, she could be a variety of pathways. But good balance could be from a sailor.

'Woman who is from Tyrant pathway is an interesting combination and out of everyone here has the lowest chance of being a spy from the church. Church of God of Storms doesn't let a woman join their beyonder ranks.'

"Good, now that we all know how to call each other and also something about our abilities we can talk strategy.

"Bella should be first to use her spirit vision and her abilities to make sure nothing will surprise us. I believe Anna and Vilkar should be next as they both have great strengths. Next will be me so I can use charms to help you. And last should be Walter so he can help us with long-range attacks."

Hector wasn't a fan of his plan as it left Walter unprotected if someone would sneak at him. And this is a beyonder tomb so he did not know if it was the best choice.

Normally he would not enter the unknown tomb but he disregarded common knowledge because he felt something pulling him there.

Then they spoke some more about strategies and ways they can communicate in a hurry if something would happen.

After Edwin finished he lead them to one of the buildings. It was a three-story building with a garden in front and back. They went around to the back garden where Hector saw a broken wall through which they could enter.

Once inside he could see the garden that was overgrown with weeds and grass that was high enough to touch his knees.

"Entrance to the tomb is inside the building. We can enter through back door, it is some time anyone came here so there is no need to worry about someone seeing us.

"I was able to unlock the door the last time I had visited. After I confirmed that there is an entrance to the tomb I had decided to employ your help." Edwin spoke as he led them to the back door, and then through the building to the basement.

When they arrived in the basement Hector saw that the ground started to gather some water. 'Surprising that no one had claimed the building.' Hector thought while observing his vicinity.

After arriving before a brick wall they stopped and Edwin spoke, "Here we are." Then he walked to the wall and pulled at the candle holder at the side of the wall.

Then he took a few steps back and after a few moments there was rumbling as part of the wall started to glow with symbols.

Edwin then took out a dagger and infused it with his spirituality. Then he walked to the wall and started to chant while he stabbed the wall with the dagger.

The dagger started to get infused to the wall and where he stabbed cracks showed themself, extending up and down until they created a form of the door.

When the door had fully formed Edwin pushed at them and Hector could hear the creaking of metal as they started to open.

Beyond them, he could see stairs made of dark stone that led further down. Walls were made of the same dark stone with roots extending from them. There was no source and so they could not see beyond a few steps that were lit by light from the candles in the basement.

Edwin then took five lamps that were already prepared at the side. He then lit them up and gave one to each. Then he took a bag that was resting at the side of the room, taking out a revolver which he put under his coat.

"As you can see there is no light but later parts are clearly lit so be not afraid. I do not know what is after the stairs so be prepared for anything." Edwin spoke as he started to walk down the stairs.

"Did any of you ever encounter anything like this before?" Walter asked in a hushed voice.

"No..." company spoke as well as Hector but he was mainly preoccupied with studying the walls. At the first moment, he thought that they were the same as the ones that were in his basement when he was concocting the sequence 9 potions. But at a closer look, they were different so he calmed down.

Group was descending down the stairs for ten minutes when they started to see the change in their environment. There was no longer pure darkness around them but the blue light that came from pale white flowers that grew from the roots above their heads.

"What beautifully strange flowers," Bella commented while trying to touch them.

"Stop." Anna spoke while taking her hand away from them, "We do not know what they are."

When she saw that Bella understood she let go of her hand and continued to walk down the stairs.

After a few more minutes they saw the end of the stairs. There was a small hall that led for a few meters after which a metallic door stood engraved with strange symbols and writings. At the bottom was a metallic handle with which it could be raised.

"This is where I had stopped last time. Those doors can be opened without any ritual but they need great strength and I was able to only partly open them. Vilkar could you try it?" Edwin spoke and then looked at Hector.

Hector nodded and walked to the door, then he took hold of the handle and raised the door. When they were nearly all inside the wall he could hear a clicking sound as the door locked itself letting them pass without needing to hold them up.

Then all five of them went through them.

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