
Day full of emotions

Vilkar kept his steps silent so his target wouldn't notice him. Gangster wore rough and from its worn out surface old jacket, and worker trousers. Vilkar stopped a few steps behind the gangster and looked at the tramp on the ground.

He could see that tromp was bleeding from his nose and mouth. Tramp's nose was bent and Vilkar guessed it was broken. Then he saw a tooth lying next to his head.

"You are a ruthless one, aren't you?" Vilkar said in a calm tone.

When he saw the gangster turning around he raised his cane and hit him on the side of his head. But only lightly he didn't want to put to sleep yet. After the gangster fell Vilkar once again raised his cane but now he hit the gangster's leg so he won't run.

Vilkar looked at the tramp still bleeding on the ground and wondered if he should help him or not. But then he decided to look through gangster's pockets. He found 9 pence and decided to give 5 to the tramp. Life is really hard for residents of the East borough. Vilkar thought and started to drag the gangster into the alley.

The gangster tried to resist but he only managed to wiggle like fish on land. After a kick to the stomach gangster started to violently cough.

When they went deeper into the alley Vilkar dragged the gangster to the wall and started to ask some questions.

"Tell me, what is your name?" Vilkar asked excitedly as he felt a nearly unbearable desire to break him. But he resisted and tried to smile friendly. But in Joyce's eyes, it was much more wicked. "Jo... Joyce... cough cough" He could hardly speak because of pain.

"Joyce... my... dear... victim." Vilkar said with a smile and stroked his chin."And why did you assault that poor man." Vilkar couldn't hold himself back but he needed confirmation. He needed proof that the man before him was a true 'sinner'.

"Why? Because I wanted to! Cough cough" Joyce was filled with fear but when he was questioned why he became so angry. He remembered when others stopped fearing him and started to question him. He remembered the humiliation he felt, and his pride could no longer hold back.

Vilkar became angry and yet happy. "Thank you." He said slowly and smiled wickedly.

Then he punched him in the knee. While listening to Joyce's screams he started to repeat what Joyce did to tramp on him.

When he was done with Joyce he left with a smile. What a beautiful night it is.

Finding a carriage at this hour of the night in the east borough would be hard so he walked until he got home. Vilkar did pay attention to avoid any police. He would have a hard time explaining why he was out at this hour.

When he returned home he quietly sneaked inside and into his room. Where he changed his clothes and got to bed. He thought about an acting method and defining principles of "criminal".

If one would go by name of sequence then as a criminal he should not be constrained by the rules of others be they individuals or nations. But there must be more to it. If that would be all then would anarchists be more appropriate? To take what you want?

Vilkar felt a strange feeling in himself as if he was more than before. "So I'm on the right track." He smiled and decided to sleep for a few hours.

The next morning he heard a knocking sound on his door. Vilkar was already preparing to go down for breakfast and wondered who it was.

"Come in." He saw one of his maids enter and politely bow. "Good morning sir. Mr. Hilbert had come"

Vilkar knew that name. He was Hector's godfather and after his parent's accident, he would sometimes visit him for breakfast. He would say that it was on the route of his morning walk but Hector knew the truth. Hilbert was a caring person who could not leave Hector alone after the tragedy that befell him.

Hilbert was different from his father. He seemed to be carefree but that only helped him as others would underestimate him. He was a good businessman and a proper gentleman. From what he heard from his father in the past he was quiet the soldier. Serving in frontlines but after he got injured in his leg he was discharged.

Where many would despair and break he rose to the top and started his first firm with his father. Which they later sold and split their money.

Hector didn't know the reason for their decision to go separate ways but they remained friends.

"I will be down in the minute," Vilkar said as he put his shoes on. Now it's time to act as Hector. He thought and after calming his mind started to walk downstairs.

"Good morning Hilbert, already drinking I see," Hector said with a smile when he saw him sitting already behind the table with a glass of wine in hand.

"Good morning to you too." Hilbert raised a glass of wine and said with a smile." You know the saying 'One glass of wine a day keeps doctors away."

Wasn't it an apple? Hector wondered as he too sat behind the table. Servants come with trails of food and drink. And as they are served Hector hears his godfather speak.

"But to a serious matter." Hilbert said more seriously and continued "It is time for you to take some responsibility in the bank. Soon I will retire and you need to know how to manage it without me."

"Yes, you are right," Vilkar said and was already thinking about how to put the responsibility on others so he would have more time for his plans.

"Don't be dejected about it son. Being the owner of a bank comes with the perks of having other people do the job for you. But you will need to evaluate and approve important decisions."

Vilkar could only smile as he was relieved because he lacked much knowledge about running any business. Hopefully, I won't screw it too much.

"You know. You are already 22 you should look for a wife" Vilkar nearly spilled his fruit juice.


Just as they were to finish breakfast, Hector told his butler to prepare his carriage.

After drinking the last sips of his tea Hector accompanied by Hilbert left the villa and boarded the carriage.

While they traveled Hector was able to keep up the small talk to avoid silence. From his memory, Hector would get nervous and Vilkar made sure to not raise suspicion. To that end, he planned to slowly adjust Hilbert's perception of Hector over time.

When the carriage stopped Vilkar saw a three-story tall building made of white stone. In front was a big wooden double door that was opened showing a bustling show of people coming and going like ants in an anthill. Before the entrance stood two men of strong build silently watching people and making sure nothing was out of the ordinary.

Hilbert and Hector went to the front door and as they passed two men guarding slightly bowed and spoke at the same time "Good morning sir."

Hilbert greeted them back with respect but an indifferent tone. Then he and Hector entered the bank.

Inside the bank was filled with people of all kinds of backgrounds and societal standings. Hector even heard someone asking for a loan for a bakery.

While there were many people, Hector saw clear paths which helped to create order in the room. Thanks to this people wouldn't bump into each other.

Hilbert took Hector further into the backside of the bank where the metal doors were located. Through them, they entered a wooden staircase which was decorated with mirrors on the sides creating an illusion of endless stairs and making the whole place feel much bigger.

The stairs themselves were decorated with red and gold rugs of varying shapes. 

After walking to the third floor where Hilbert's office was located they were greeted by more bank employees greeting them.

Hilbert's office was located at the far end of the hallway. Once they entered Hector saw stacks of papers sitting on the wooden desk, next to them stood lit candles with small dishes under them to catch residual wax.

Behind the desk stood a wooden chair with carved motifs on the back. Few of the symbols Hector recognized as symbols of the god of steam and machinery. 

At the end of the office, Hector saw more comfortable chairs put in half circles with a table in the middle, with a few bottles of vine and several cups.

Hilbert started by introducing the bank's department and management. After that, he started to talk about his work.


"What do you say about going to eat something?" Hilbert asked him. Hector himself started to feel a little peckish so he agreed. After deciding on a restaurant that was close to the bank they boarded the carriage and left.

As they entered the restaurant Hector's senses were filled with various smells of cooked meats, vegetables, and vines of considered age. He was getting hungry by the moment and his mouth started to salivate slightly. When they were seated waiter came with a complimentary vine and Hilbert ordered two chef's choices for 10 pounds each.

The meal started with a bowl of creamy corn soup. Its sautéd diced onions gave it its special fragrance, and sweet corn and chicken broth added freshness to the dish. Accompanying this soup was a white vine. 

Next followed grilled fish with a sweet fragrance and sliced, grilled, buttered vegetables and small potatoes. The flesh of the fish melted once it touched the tongue. Seasoning brilliantly balances the natural fattiness of the fish. The potatoes were nicely crunchy and salted to perfection. The dish was nicely paired with richly deep red vine.

As for dessert, they enjoyed a variety of Desi Pie with added flavors to already magnificent food. The crust was a symphony of golden, buttery perfection. After a delightful crunch once senses greeted meat with its rich juices, enveloping taste buds in a comforting dance of sensation.

Meat pie for dessert… Hector thought to himself as he enjoyed his food.

When they finished eating Hector and Hilbert stood up to pay and leave.

Hector's memories didn't give it justice it deserved. Hector was enjoying himself when a feeling deep in his stomach raised him to alarm.

Deeply vile, filthy corruption Hector looked around seeking the source of such feeling. Then as he saw its source Hilbert suddenly spoke.

"Jason! It was some time that I saw you" Hilbert said in a friendly tone. Men looked at him and smiled.

Patric Jason or as he is truly known "Jason Beria"! Hector thought as he tried to calm himself.

He is Desire Apostle! Hector reined in his thoughts.

"Hilbert, it is unusual to see you here," Jason spoke in a relatively friendly tone, not sparing Hector even a glance for which he was thankful as he was able to calm down his emotions.

"I came with my godson Hector," Hilbert said happily but then he remembered.

"Oh right, Hector this is Patrick Jason. He too owns a bank but for the competition, he is a good company."

As he felt a strange stare from Jason he just politely nodded at him but otherwise, he remained silent. They chatted only for a little as they were on their way to leave, and he was just coming in.

After saying farewell they left the restaurant.

Once outside Hilbert signaled for additional carriage.

"It was good to see you, Hector," Hilbert said with a smile.

They parted ways as Hilbert still had some work to do at the bank and he thought that it was enough for Hector for one day.

I really need to relieve some of my stress. Maybe I should go to the East borough. Hector's mood started to improve at the idea.

But I will need to make some preparations. Information about gangs their locations and much more.

So he decided to talk with residents of the East borough. And for that, he needs different clothing.

When he finally arrived at the villa. Hector took some old clothes from the cellar and went into the garden.

There he threw them into the dirt and started to tear them a little. After that, he soaked them in puddled water and hung them to dry behind a tree. Hector tried to be as sneaky as he could so his servants wouldn't see anything.

Hector then waited for the night. When he thought that it was safe he went outside to take his clothes. Good, they dried up. Hector took them and then looked for the suitcase.

He then took the holster and put it on himself with the revolver. Then he took a cane and suitcase into his hands and left.

When he arrived at the East borough he went to his previous spot. There he looked for an alley with trash bins and changed his clothes to dirty ones. Then he hid his suitcase behind the trash bin and started to look for tramps.

"I should rent one one-bedroom apartment here to store my stuff and occasionally rest. Not to mention for it to serve as a prolonged interrogation chamber." Hector said to himself as he walked through the alleys.

"Jackpot!" Hector said as he saw multiple tramps being harassed by some individual. His mouth turned into a big smile as his heart started to hunger for pain and misery.

But then he put a stop to his thoughts and reminded himself why he was here. He needs information about gangs.

Hector decided to make it quick and slowly walked to the gangster from behind. He raised his cane and struck the gangster on his head.

When tramps heard the sickening sound of a cracking skull, they tried to run away.

"STOP!" Hector said sternly as he looked at them. And they stopped not daring to move.

Hector then asked questions about gangs in the vicinity.

He found out that the gangster harassing them was part of the Street Rats gang that operated there. They were different from other gangs as they primarily targeted the poor who lived on the streets. They would demand payment for crossing or sleeping in the street that they controlled.

If they could not pay then they would beat them up and sometimes worse. But with children and women, they were most cruel. As was often the case, cowards targeted weak not daring to face more challenging targets, and when there was no other option they would just raise their numbers.

When the gangster told Hector all that they would do to their victims he seethed with cold hatred and sickly entertainment. But he continued to listen.

Street rats also ran dog-fighting pits for the enjoyment of richer people. Even by East Borough gang standards, they were looked down on for their backstabbing and lowly tactics.

Where Zmanger gang was run by a bunch of aggressive barbarians and the Proscrito gang was run with a night pleasure business with connections Street rats relied on backstabbing as they were untrustworthy and could not make any alliance with other gangs.

Only lately they started to run dog-fighting arenas which brought them some respect.

Hector then went through the gangster's pockets and threw Tramps his money.

He then dragged the gangster to the alley and started to stomp at the gangster's head until there was only a puddle of blood and white matter.

"It's decided. I'm going to burn Street Rats to the ground! Oh, the things I'm going to do to you." Hector said and started to look for more targets.