
What the nice day

"Silent Night, Blasphemous Night,

People quake at the sight

Monsters rising from Deep R'lyeh

People screaming 'please go away'

Great Cthulhu has come

Great Cthulhu has come

Silent Night, Blasphemous Night,

Great Ones reign, Death's in sight

Horrid beasties enslaving mankind

Cosmic terror destroying your mind

We're all going to die

We are all going to die" Hector sang silently as he walked the streets of East borough in search of more criminals.

When he spoke of Great Ones he felt chill but as fast as it came it left to be forgotten.

While he walked into the alley it started to rain. Hector thought if he should come another day when he heard a scream.

He hurriedly followed in anticipation. Then he saw a trio of people. The one who presumably screamed was getting up with help of another.

Hector became disappointed and started to leave when he heard them speak.

"Pull yourself together. We need to get to the boss. Don't know about you but I want to get away from this rain." After he spoke he started to walk away from the other two.

A boss he said? Hector thought and decided to trail after them.

Following them was hard for Hector. He didn't want to get caught by them. But he also didn't want to lose them. The sound of rain would make it much harder.

He became relieved when they entered the building after taking a few turns.

They entered a two-story structure made of wood. He could see patches where they repaired parts of the walls.

He thought that this building could be their headquarters or gathering post.

Hector wasn't foolish enough to follow them in without more information. He was stronger than ordinary people but bullets could seriously harm him or outright kill him if they hit him in the head or heart.

With rain like this buildings would burn. He was deciding on his next steps. He could come in another day and try it but he doesn't want to just end them.

Hector wants to see them suffer. He needs them to lose everything they have.

He never was a person that would be obsessed about something but after taking the criminal potion his desires were strengthened.

It looks like the potion had a greater influence on me than I originally thought. Even my heart beats fast. Little too fast.

He decided to stay for a while and wait for someone to leave the building.

After twenty minutes he saw a big man leave the building. It wasn't one of the three men that he followed.

He waited until the men turned into an alley and only then he started to follow him.

He saw that man was walking in the direction of the sea. Hector got an idea. He could drown him. But first, he needed confession from him.

While he saw that the man was walking in the direction of the sea he kept his distance. But then he saw men jumping into the alley.

Then he saw a pair of a policeman. They were walking down the street and were cursing the weather and their captain for sending them out for patrol.

Hector hurriedly followed the men in hopes that he wouldn't lose him. When he turned the corner he didn't see him so he ran to the end of the alley.

When he exited he saw a run-down mud road. Then in the corner of his vision, he saw a somewhat thin object coming he was.

Hector instinctively ducked and heard swooshing sound going over his head. He then saw a person standing next to him already raising his hands with what looked like a metal rod.

He jumped and roled to his right as rod hit the ground splashing mud around and making a hole in the ground.

He is strong! Hector concluded and raised his cane in case he needed to defend himself

He saw a man quickly closing in on him at high speed. It took him only a blink of an eye to close the gap between them. Then he shifted his weight and kicked out from the right side.

Hector saw that he was too close so he disregarded avoiding and used his cane to block the attack.

From a strong force, he felt his hands go numb, and his body took a few steps back.

"You are a big boy, aren't you?" Hector said teasingly. But he got only a cold stare in response.

As he was getting his stability back he faced the follow-up attack.

Men were much faster than Hector expected aiming to punch right into his face.

Hector ducked away from the punch which was a mistake. Right after punching the man lowered his body and swung his arm and striking Hector in the chest. Sending him through the window of some home.

"Sh*t! I will feel that in the morning" Hector cursed and started to stand up.

Luckily no one was inside. Hector then walked towards the door leading back to the street.

He didn't want to be caught by surprise so he directly kicked the door open and hit the men who stood behind trying to open the door.

When he saw the men laying on the ground Hector took out his revolver and started to shoot him.

Men started to stand up when Hector shot the men three times in the chest. Then he walked closer and once more to the head. Just to be sure.

Hector sighed in relief. He must have realized that I was following him. He shouldn't be part of the Street rats they aren't a big gang. They also shouldn't have backing.

Then he wondered if he was making any deal with them. If yes then his death could bring Street rats big problems. Hector chuckled at the thought.

Then he started to drag the body to the ocean. He didn't feel safe there after firing the revolver.

When he came to the edge and saw water under him he looked through the man's pockets and found 4 pounds and an iron cigarette box. He found no more weapons or beyonder objects. To show that he had good intentions for the Street rats? Lucky me.

Then he saw congealing clump on men's head.

Boyender characteristic? I will need to determine what pathway it originates from. Hector disregarded cigarettes and after carefully collecting characteristics he put them in. Then he tried to envelop it in his spirituality. When he was satisfied he threw the body over the edge and into the water.

Hector saw an image in corner of his sight. But when he turned nothing was there. He felt a strange feeling in his body.

He realized that he was feeling early symptoms of losing control. I need to calm down. Hector started to breathe heavily and decided to return home. Staying here was becoming exceedingly dangerous for him.

I should not underestimate the pathway's corruptive influence. While on his way home he stopped to pick up his suitcase.

After coming home he was completely drenched. When he changed his clothes he wondered what should he do with the ones he used. If he would go outside he would just drencher another pair.

He didn't want to leave them inside for somebody to find them. So he found a shovel, took his clothes off and went into the garden where he buried the suitcase behind trees.

When he returned home he cleaned his wet prints and entered his room.

While in the room he entered a cogitation state and started to rest. Hector decided that he would take a day off. He also had planned to participate in the beyonder gathering with Eye of Wisdom.

He also needs to buy an approximate map of the East borough so he could map the location of Street rat's hideouts and points of interest.

After calming his mind Hector lay down and slept.

The song is: Silent Night, Blasphemous Night

Ilusarcreators' thoughts
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