
Info I

"How long is he gonna chase me?" the man thought

He speed through the streets, trying to use the crowd to escape but no matter what he did the figure was following. He searched as quickly as he could for a place to lose the figure but before he could pick another figure pushed him into a building.

"Did you need to run this far Farfel." the man said "This was tiring."

" Whadda ya expect, I had ta make it look real." Farfel replied "You need to do more running."

The other figure caught up to them a second later checking his surroundings.

"Take him to the back, Andrei." Q said "People will come soon."

The man named Farfel was a sanctioned smuggler, some of his shipment is overlooked in exchanged for information.

"So what do ya want from me?" Farfel asked

"We need any info about Cambria." Q said "Everything you have would useful."

With the amount of information he was collecting and providing, he had to take a second to find what we needed.

"Ah, I think I have something for ya." Farfel said "I learned from a dock worker that a few ships are smuggling blue plume cores through the Misty strait."

Blue plumes are a delicious export from Northern Cambria but when the cores are crushed and boiled, it becomes a hallucinogenic tea mainly sold in the slums.

"He didn't give a specific date but the ships should dock within two weeks." Farfel added

"I'll let the city guards now." Q said "What are the other pieces of info?"

"I consider this two pieces but you might not." Farfel said looking at a piece of paper "A smuggler friend of mine from Kiten told me that refugees from Cambria have been entering Kiten and Abalu for days now.

This was expected, people from border towns migrated closer to the capital when the fighting started and some even went to Kiten to avoid a full on war in the country.

"This might be the info we were looking for." Q said pulling Andrei into a corner

"I get that." Andrei replied "But if that's true, our targets could blend better with people coming into the country for business."

He was right, any assassin trained by a country's military should be able to forge the necessary documents and use the accent of another country.

"Thanks farfel, this is all we need." Q said tossing him a gold coin

"Pleasure doing business with you." He said leaving the building

"I need you to tell the border guards to ramp up their checks on people coming from Kiten and Abalu." Q said

"Why can't you do it?" Andrei asked

"I have another person to check for info." Q answered "And two elite guards would slow down the negotiations."

Andrei nodded and left the building, disappearing in the crowd while Q walked in the opposite direction.