
Lord of Nanites

At the peak of his life, Alexander was conspired against, which resulted in his death. But fate has much more planned for him. Just as he was about to die, a mysterious hexagonal object fell from the sky, bringing him back from the jaws of death and granting him a new life. Get on the journey of Alexander and watch him grow from a normal young man into something unique and memorable, with the help of the mysterious object that will be bound to him for eternity. As he tried to uncover the mysteries and secrets behind the Nanites while pushing the Earth towards a new era, full of wonders and mysteries, an era of space, which every human earns for.

KingofMortals · Sci-fi
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36 Chs



Funny music accompanied the ringing of the doorbell. Alex walked towards the main door, looked at the security door cam, and saw it was the maid who had arrived.

He opened the door and let the maid inside the house and spoke. "Hello, elder sister Ingen Libris. How have you been?"

"I am fine, Alex. How are you? why the sudden arrival to Flemington city?" Libris asked back with a smile.

"I am good as always, I decided to start my own company, so I came back to the city to discuss some matters about the establishment," replied Alex as he watched the elder sister who was about 40 years old.

"That's such a excellent decision you have taken, I bless that you accomplish your goal," Elder sister blessed Alex.

"Thank you, Sister Libris, I will be staying in the city for a week and I won't be in the house most of the time, so don't worry and continue doing your work like you always do. I will be sleeping for a while, don't wake me up when you leave", with that Alex went back to his room to have a rest.

After 5 hours of sleep, Alex woke up and stretched out his body and decided to check on the two groups of Nanites, 'EN and MDN'. He then switched to the visions of the two groups and saw ED seemed to be inside a cargo container of a plane, while MDN was hidden inside a jet plane. Alex nodded in satisfaction when he saw both the groups were following his commands and performing excellently.

He then changed the vision to the Viper as she might have returned to the base and what he saw made him startled. For a second he thought, he was looking at a secret military base, as Nanites seemed to have reached some kind of underground base as he could see people walking by all over the place, and it seemed to be divided into many levels. Some of them appeared to be regular workers as they wore blue colored clothes. Some wore white lab coats, and some of them wore red-colored clothes and the whole place was tightly guarded with heavy guards. Some of the guards even seemed to be wearing some kind of exoskeleton armor and were patrolling the place.

The place looked more like some kind of multinational military base than that of an organization. He then had the Nanites divide and spread across the entire base to get an understanding of the place and its structure. After giving them the order to record information, Alex closed the visions and sighed as he thought of the huge base he just saw.

"Who the fuck are they? No matter what, I will deal with them after getting a complete idea about the organization". Alex thought to himself.

He then switched the vision towards Viper and saw her entering an elevator and it had only one button in red, she pressed on that button and the doors closed and the elevator started going down. After travelling for 20 seconds and maybe over 1000 meters deep, the elevator finally came to a halt.

The elevator door slid silently and Viper walked out of the elevator. The whole room was dark with the only source of light being the little lights embedded on the floor showcasing the path to walk forward, and at the end of the path was an elevated platform on which a throne situated and on it sat a mysterious cloaked person.

Viper hung her head low and briskly walked forward all the way to the throne without producing any sound and kneeled down after reaching the steps of the platform.

The hand of the mysterious person held a tablet in which the entire detailed scenario of the failed operation was written. After a while, the calm of the place was broken when a computerized voice was heard from the mysterious person, "so, you meant to say the young man who was on the same flight with you, managed to kill five people with guns, somehow while he was un-armed?" The voice tried to sound calm but snarled in the end and in a fit of anger crushed the tablet with the hand.

The person took deep breaths to calm himself down and the computerized voice turned eerie and growled at Viper, "Go and find that person that did this and bring him to me either dead or alive. And if you can't bring him back, do me a favor and shoot yourself to death".

After saying that, the person waved his hand and watched as Viper stood up tremblingly and left the room with shaky steps. Her eyes were red as her face had a crazed expression and she only had one thought was running in her mind, "I will kill that shitty man, I will kill him, I will kill him."

After she left the room, the mysterious person opened his palm, and the broken pieces of tablet fell from his hand, surprisingly not a little bit of blood flowed out of the palm. The mysterious person looked at the palm and sighed as some bad memories resurfaced and muttered whilst gazing at the hand, "Invictus…Invictus…How I wish…but alas." Then the person pressed onto a button on the throne and the throne slid back and disappeared into the darkness.

They both didn't know that Alex was watching them both through his visions and felt like the mysterious person seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where and when he saw as the person was covered entirely in a cloak with a mask on the face.

Alex's face was solemn as he saw how that person simply crushed the tablet with his bare hand and watched Viper walking back towards the elevator, quivering like a little girl that got scolded by her parents for doing naughty things.

"I will end her life after she leaves the base," decided Alex and commanded Animus to inform him when Viper leaves the base and collect the complete structural information about the base.

He then switched off the visions and felt hungry. So Alex decided to go out and eat at a restaurant and roam the neighborhood as it had been many years since he arrived at Flemington.

Alex went to take a bath while willing the Nanites to book a cab and dressed up in casuals with a t-shirt and pants. He then left the apartment and entered the cab that was booked earlier and left for the restaurant.

He first spent some time travelling the locality to get to know the neighborhood and refresh his memories of the place. After a few hours of travelling, Alex decided to eat dinner and arrived at a BBQ diner, when Animus informed him that the Viper was leaving the base.

<<Reminder: Commander, after interpreting targets patterns and matching the command given, it is detected that the target Viper is leaving the base>>

"Affirmative Animus". Alex then ordered food to be delivered home as he then left the restaurant and immediately hailed a cab and left for home.