
Lord of Mysteries: The Paradox

Note: Howdy, This is not my novel. I am just translating it for fun. So, translation may not be that good but i did my best. A traverser travelled to the world of 'Lord of mysteries' . He openes his eyes, and sees a crazy beauty(Mr.A) smiling at him. And in front of him was a bottle of secret supplicant potion. If he drank it, he would die later, but if he didn't drink it, he would die now, so he drank the potion and became [Bridan's Donkey].

TranslatingForFun · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

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"Fool who don't belong to this era,

you are the mysterious ruler above the gray fog,

you are the king of yellow and black who wields good luck, thank you for your grace,

so that I can have a wonderful morning..."

  In the early morning, Snow woke up Mr. Fool as usual, and then rang the bell to let the room service bring breakfast.

  Mr. A lives next door to him now, so it's really exciting to pray to other gods almost face to face.

  However, in Mr. A's view, Snow is completely offering his loyalty to the real creator, and the more he looks at Snow, the more pleasing he is.

  Unlike Snow, who was being watched by the police, Mr. A's arrival was very secretive, so after praying to the rap master in the morning, he left the hotel in a hurry and started looking for the lady.

  Regarding Megose's information, Snow did not hide at all, including her interpersonal relationship and why she came to the divination club, and he clearly explained it. Just like what he said before, it would be devastating for the heir of the evil god to be in Tingen. It was a catastrophe, but if he was in Backlund, he wouldn't even be able to splash a single splash.

  If Mr. A can take the heir of the evil god and Megose to Backlund, Snow really agrees with both hands and feet, but he believes that there is a greater probability that Mr. A's trip will return without success...


  Just when Snow finished praying to Mister Fool, in a house with a beautiful man on the outskirts of Tingen City, on an open notebook, a quill was writing without anyone holding it——

  "It's really surprising. Mr. A, who was supposed to stay in Backlund, came to Tingen. There is no doubt that he will take Megose away. Although this has not been approved by the true creator, as a crazy and pious believer, Mr. A will obviously not tolerate the Lord's heirs wandering outside, which is very logical."

  "Oh, poor Ince Zangwill, a Sequence Five gatekeeper, can't stop a shepherd who has herded seven beyonders no matter what! His plan seems to be heading towards the direction of failure slipped, probably because he is not very good at making up stories? I have to admit that as a writer, he is really quite lame..."

  Just as the quill was dancing wildly, a slightly rough pale hand suddenly protruded from the darkness and grabbed it very forcefully. Then, the owner of that hand changed the line roughly, and then used a different handwriting from before. Wrote a new text——

  "Mr. A, as the envoy of the Aurora Order , will always attract the attention of all parties when traveling. His behavior of leaving Backlund has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the three major churches. Three elite teams of beyonders are chasing after him to stay. Tingen's trail reached Tingen and stopped him while he was looking for Megose."

  "As a Series Five Extraordinary, his appearance has undoubtedly attracted the attention of all the official beyonder in Tingen City. In order to prevent this lunatic from causing an irreparable disaster, all the official beyonder stopped. It is very reasonable to start a full effort to track down his whereabouts."


  "Red gloves? Damn it!" After several times of divination, Mr. A finally locked on Megose's address, but just as he was about to arrive at the target location, a group of beyonders wearing red gloves stopped him .

  Although he was not worried about his own safety as a shepherd with almost no solutions in encounter him, but there is no doubt that it was impossible to take the Son of God away under the chase of this group of hyena-like heretics.

  While Mr. A activated his shadowing ability to enter the hidden state, he was thinking about the reason for this failure.

  The beyonder he herded included a demon, but his malicious perception didn't take effect, which meant that this was just a "coincidence".

  But is it really such a coincidence?

  As a veteran Extraordinary, Mr. A immediately connected with the information he got from Snow last night, and a ferocious expression appeared on that beautiful face——

  "Sure enough, all of this is in someone's scheme! How dare you use my lord! Damn it!"

  However, since the opponent would choose to let the red gloves stop him, it is likely because the opponent is not a Beyonder who is good at fighting head-on, at least the kind that cannot defeat him quickly.

  After thinking through all this, Mr. A immediately gave up the idea of ​​recklessly fighting with the red gloves, and released a large area of ​​dreams.

  Even if he was a Sequence Five, such rough dreaming would not be able to cause danger to the red-gloved elites, but just a moment of resistance was enough for him to escape from the battlefield.

  "Don't let him run away!" The beyonder wearing red gloves said angrily, but an older red glove reached out and pressed the junior's shoulder:

  "No, it should be said that we were let off by him..."

  Having said that, he sighed again:

  "It seems that this lunatic doesn't want to make a big deal out of it, which undoubtedly means that he came to Tingen this time not on a whim, We must pass the news back as soon as possible... as long as it has something to do with the Aurora Order . It is a thing!"


  ""Lord of the Mysteries"" is just a novel..."

  Layers of whispers echoed in Snow's ears again, and he knew that this was 0-08 starting to look for someone who disrupted the script.

  For 0-08's crazy behavior, Snow is both distressed and happy. The distress is naturally due to pain in brain, but at the same time, since 0-08 has started to go crazy, it also means that it, or Ince zangwill's script was torn up again.

  "It seems that Mr. A's actions have indeed caused Ince Zangwill a headache, but unfortunately, if Mr. A goes while that guy is sleeping, maybe he can really take Megose away. "

  Although Snow said so, everything that happened now was within his calculations.

  It is almost inevitable that Ince Zangwill will interfere with Mr. A, but as long as Mr. A can attract the attention of the official beyonder, then his plan will be half successful.

  As for the other half, it depends on our Mister Fool...


  "Captain, what do you want from me?" On the other side, Mr. Fool, who had to get up early because of Mr. Devil's prayer, came to the Blackthorn Security Company, while he and Old Neil were having a occult course, he was thinking about how to avoid it. When he told the captain about the heir of the evil god with traces, he and Old Neil were called to the office by the captain.

  Then, he discovered that he, Old Neil, Frye, Cornley, Leonard were not the only ones in the office... Even Seeka Tron, who was on vacation today, had been called over.

  Although he didn't know what happened, Klein knew very well that it must be a big deal!

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