
Lord of Mysteries: The Paradox

Note: Howdy, This is not my novel. I am just translating it for fun. So, translation may not be that good but i did my best. A traverser travelled to the world of 'Lord of mysteries' . He openes his eyes, and sees a crazy beauty(Mr.A) smiling at him. And in front of him was a bottle of secret supplicant potion. If he drank it, he would die later, but if he didn't drink it, he would die now, so he drank the potion and became [Bridan's Donkey].

TranslatingForFun · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

019 Crazy beauty in Tingen

July 24, 1349, night.

  Snow sat in front of the pretty decent dinner, clasped his hands against his forehead, and softly recited in ancient Hermes, "Thank you fool for giving me dinner."

  Although such meaningless prayers came several times a day, Snow didn't feel the slightest bit of boredom at all, because the feeling of the hard shell of the potion constantly breaking apart was really great!

  Cracking, crackling, as if every time he prayed, the cracks on it could spread, and the feeling that he could completely shatter it with just a little more force, not only brought him the pleasure of improving his strength At the same time, it also satisfies the desire for destruction at the bottom of the human heart.

  "I hope Mister Fool has gotten used to the discomfort caused by this short prayer." Snow said "blessing" without any guilt in his heart, then picked up the knife and fork, ready to enjoy today's dinner, but at this moment, he was lying on the bed. Lily, who was meditating on the table, suddenly stood up, her back arched high, and her amber eyes were full of vigilance.

  Snow almost subconsciously reached out and grabbed the charm in his pocket, but then, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded from the corner of the room——

  "Your pet is very nice."

  When Snow heard the voice, he let down his vigilance instead, took his hand out of his pocket, bowed slightly in the direction of the sound, and then tapped four times on his chest, drawing an inverse pattern of long up and down short. cross symbol +

"Welcome, Mr. A."

  Following his greeting, the shadow in the room suddenly came alive, slowly turning into a mature male with a beautiful appearance.

  "The Lord is very satisfied with your piety." Mr. A showed a happy smile, also stretched out his hand to draw an inverted cross pattern on his chest, and then glanced at Lily who was still maintaining a vigilant posture.

  "Don't be afraid, my own." Mr.A reached out and touched Lily's head, signaling it to relax, and at the same time began to release his spirituality.

  Thanks to the special nature of the secret supplicant (he will obtain different powers according to the bestowal of the gods), Mr. A did not have any doubts about the extraordinary ability he unleashed, but sat on the edge of the bed casually, and said with a smile:

  "I read your letter, what exactly is going on?"

  At this moment, Snow only felt that everything in the whole room was frozen, and even the sound of mosquitoes in summer night disappeared without a trace. Although no ceremony was held, when Mr. A opened his mouth, he had already completed the spiritual analysis of the surrounding In other words, this room has now become a labyrinth where one can talk "at ease".

  "Have you ever visited the woman who is pregnant with the Son of God?" Snow did not immediately answer Mr. A's question, but asked back.

  For his question, Mr. A didn't feel offended, but instead liked this kind of "piousness". He shook his head lightly and said:

  "Although there are no high-sequence Beyonders in Tingen City, the ability to use mid-sequence abilities is particularly easy to attract attention, and the information in your letter is also too strange, so I will come to you first to understand the situation."

  I have to say that Mr. A's current performance is really perfect. His handsome appearance, elegant conversation, peaceful temperament, and that unassuming speaking style gave Snow a feeling of spring breeze.

  If he hadn't understood the cheating characteristics of the secret supplicant pathway, Snow would have been unable to connect such a good man with the crazy beauty in the original book.

  After repeating "This is a lunatic" several times in his heart, Snow nodded and said:

  "Although I don't know how they did it, I did see a mortal woman who was pregnant with the Lord's heir. What is unforgivable is that the woman actually thought that the child belonged to that con man!"

  Snow presupposed two choices in his mind at the right time, allowing himself to enter a slightly out-of-control state. Seeing the fluff growing out of Snow's anger, Mr. A became more and more satisfied in his heart——

  "Calm down and don't punish yourself for someone else's mistakes."

  "Sorry, I lost my temper." Mr. A's reassurance triggered the option designed by Snow, which immediately tilted the balance in his heart. After completing the choice, the fluff on his body slowly faded away, and his pointed ears slowly faded away. become smoother.

  Seeing Snow recover quickly, Mr. A had a new understanding of the qualifications of this member, and he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​cultivating him well.

  But now is not the time to think about these things. He waited for a while until Snow completely restrained his spirituality and completely disappeared the abnormality on his body before continuing:

  "How much do you know about that scammer? Also, how did you meet the woman who is pregnant with the Son of God?"

"I learned about the scammer from that idiot Hanass Vincent. I haven't had direct contact with him. I only know that Hanass Vincent taught him the ritual of letting the Lord descend.

"I also don't understand how he made a mortal woman conceive the Lord's heir, as for how to find out..." Snow shook his head lightly, and said in a daze:

  "Coincidentally, I pretended to be a superstitious man who believed in divination  for the convenience of getting in touch with Hanass Vincent. Today, I went to the divination club for divination. I didn't expect that woman to happen to be there. It must be my lord's arrangement for her to come to divination club for divination!"

  "..." Mr.A was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. The speaker meant "no" but the listener was interested. He thought for a while before he opened his mouth and said:

  "Generally speaking, mortals, no, even a low-sequence Beyonder cannot conceive the Lord's offspring! There must be other problems in this, by the way, you say coincidence? You spent half a month in Tingen. Tell me everything that happened, no matter whether it involves extraordinary events or not, as long as you know, tell me everything!"

  "Ah, please wait a moment." Upon hearing this, Snow turned around immediately, and took out a copy of Tingen Candide from his suitcase. Looking at the traces of many sketches on it, Mr. A nodded inwardly, and immediately, he saw Snow spread out the newspaper, and narrated in chronological order:

  "Two days before I arrived in Tingen, the ordinary person who bought the notebook of the Antigonus family died because of black divination, and the notebook was lost, but there was a survivor who should not have appeared, which directly led to the clues being  found by the official Extraordinary who began to investigate the notes, and that idiot Sirius went to the library to borrow related books under such circumstances, and was discovered by the night-duty heretics, and I killed him because of this.

  Afterwards, a lot of incidents happened around this notebook, all of which seemed like coincidences, but they always caused the night-duty heretics to find us inexplicably, and Hanass was also targeted in this way.

  In addition, there are these, these..."

  Snow continued to restore the fringe news in the newspapers into extraordinary events, and Mr. A's expression became more and more serious. Although Snow didn't seem to know anything about it, he was already aware that there might be something in it. The shadow of a certain mid-to-high sequence beyonder.