
Lord of lightning

A young man dies from a series of misfortunes, and he gets reborn in the world of MHA with a few wishes.

LuckyDemi · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


I'm probably the most unusual reincarnator. Well, I haven't heard or read about such cases, and I've read a lot. Well, a whole lot.

The familiar scenario: got hit by a car — "boom" — already in another world. There are many variations of death: killed by electric shock, stabbed, shot, or in an airplane crash, and for some, even without adventures — fell asleep at home, woke up as a time traveler.

Well, okay.

Now, a little bit about me: born — lived — died. The "born" phase can be skipped: I don't really remember my childhood well.

The "Lived" phase went well. I lived well, just wonderfully. No, really. I studied well, found a decently paid clean job. I had a three-room apartment and a car. I had hobbies: watching anime, reading manga, fanfiction, and all sorts of fantasy, mysticism, and a bit of playing RPGs.

As for the last phase, "died," it's not all that fine anymore. Well, what good can there be in death, especially in your own?

It all started with this truly unfortunate Monday morning. Waking up to the sound of the alarm clock, I turned it off with the usual movement of my hand. But this time the usual algorithm did not work, and instead of turning it off smoothly, my hand touched it, sending the watch crashing to the floor. Cursing everything in the world, I got out of bed, putting soft white slippers on my feet.

The first step ended with my left foot landing on the damn alarm clock and spreading gracefully. The scream of a wounded man was heard in the house.

Despite my flexibility and dexterity, which I had retained since childhood, doing the splits without preparation was too difficult.

Ten minutes later, almost finishing my morning exercises and praising the apartment designer for placing the outlet in the bathroom just twenty centimeters above the floor and next to the water pipe, I finally noticed a completely rusted drainpipe under the sink, which splashed in slow motion directly into the outlet. Putting down the electric razor, I jumped out of the bathroom, surprised by this turn of events.

I flew out of the bathroom, but didn't quite fit into the corridor. So, when there was a crash behind me and sparks flew in all directions from the burnt wiring, I greeted it with sparks in my eyes and a bump on my forehead. Rubbing my forehead with the lump that had formed on it, I gradually took a vertical position against the wall and flicked on the switch in the corridor. He clicked it again, then again, checked in the kitchen and only on the tenth attempt did he come to terms with the fact that the lights in the entire apartment had gone out. Walking into the kitchen in the dark, not daring to go into the bathroom, I turned on the water in the sink and washed the shaving foam off my face.

Getting myself in order, I went to the microwave and took out a half-heated breakfast. Well, I won't risk eating it; I'll have a snack in the office during my lunch break. With these thoughts, I headed to the room to get ready for work.

After putting on a white shirt and tying the hated tie, I began to put on black trousers. Looking in the mirror, I didn't notice anything special, not beautiful, but not ugly either. Brown, slightly disheveled hair and crystal clear blue eyes were, perhaps, all that distinguished me from the mass of ordinary people, to which I, by the way, belonged.

After changing my tie to a darker one, I began to dress in my favorite look. In the meantime, I call first the electricians, and then the plumbers, and arrange for them to come to me in the evening.

I can't live without water and electricity.

I put on my coat and left the apartment, closing the door behind me. Walking over to the elevator button, I pressed it.

Listening to the rhythmic whir of the elevator ascending to the thirteenth floor, I thought about my fate.

After all, if I had fallen less fortunately, tripping over the alarm clock, I could have hit my head on the corner of the bed, and I don't even want to think about what would have happened to me if I hadn't done that. Fortunately, I escaped with only a couple of unpleasant moments and a bump on my forehead. The elevator stopped on the floor below me and never reached me. Well, damn it, now I have to go, which for me is like a painful death with my physical condition.

I went down ten flights of stairs and reached the third floor, shuddering at the thought of returning home. And then the real show began. It turned out that starting from the stairs between the third and second floors, the stairs were dirty and somewhat slippery. Clinging under my weight to the rickety railing, I began my heroic descent, constantly trying not to fall down the stairs.

Having crossed the last floor, I slipped and began to fall back, but at the last moment I grabbed the ledge of the lock on the entrance door to the building. Straightening up and taking a stable position on my own legs, I looked in surprise at the brick behind me, where my head should have landed. It was close, there's no other way to say it, but I can't shake the strange feeling that this hasn't happened before. Coming out of the entrance, I sadly noticed the stained side of my not very cheap coat. Apparently, the railing was also in some disarray, but what was much worse was the torn coat sleeve. Having expressed everything I thought about such luck, I looked skeptically at the front door and decided not to return to change clothes. Instead, I lifted the victim from the stairs and hung him on my arm. I think I won't freeze in just a suit, without a coat


In the golden throne room with carved columns, the God of Games sat down on the throne, casting dubious glances at the adjacent throne, now empty. But his contemplation was interrupted by the appearance before him of a creature that looked small compared to the giant.

- "So, where is our new Vict..Volunteer? He should be here by now, but he's still alive!" - asked the giant with carefully controlled rage.

-"Everything will be done, wait a little longer, boss." - squeaked the crumpled servant. To which his boss just kindly waved his hand, giving him some more time.


And when I got to the taxi, it starts raining.

-"The weather forecast said no rain for the week..." - I think to myself.

I sit down, look out the window and think that it's only the beginning of the day and I almost died.

The black streak begins again...

Well, here we are.

-"Thank you, here you go," - I say to the taxi driver, handing over the money.

- "Please be careful,"-  the driver answers mysteriously.

"Hmm, I wonder what he meant? Nah,it doesn't matter."

 Now let's hurry to the office, but, unfortunately, I didn't make it.

On the way to the office, I slipped on the stairs and, lying on the asphalt, looking at the sky, I thought: "It can't get any worse."

BUT then a silhouette of lightning appeared in the sky and I realized, "It could be worse…"