Gojin was rampaging through his shelf, located in another room specifically for his books. This room was a bit smaller than his bedroom, resembling a mini library, lined with dark wooden shelves.
It was about the size of a mansion's master bedroom, filled with around 100 books. Each book was meticulously organized, primarily focused on techniques, martial arts, and some history between exorcists and souls,which he kept on a timer for later reading.
The shelves were mostly empty. Gojin had a voracious reading habits since he was just one year old. It was quite surprising to the whole clan how a child so young could comprehend such complex material.
As he rummaged through the shelves, his fingers brushed against a brown-covered book. A thin white paper was on it, which read "Ki no Waza."
He picked it up and dashed back to his desk, clearing away the scattered books to make room for his new find.
Opening the book, he flipped to the contents page, quickly locating "Ki Tapping" listed as page 15. He turned to the page with eager anticipation.
The page read: Ki tapping is possible for anyone who has Ki, although it might be limited based on the user's innate abilities....
Gojin skipped the page.
He turned the next page, "Boring."
Yuki had already explained much of this. He was eager to learn the steps, not the history.
The steps were straightforward: Just clear your mind, think of where you want to appear, and focus solely on that. The Ki within you will begin to gather, and then—bam! The magic happens.
"Wow, that's so easy," Gojin exclaimed.
Suddenly, a notification flashed in front of him:
[Host has learnt a new technique: Ki Tapping]
[No reward will be given]
[Improving technique by 20×]
[Improving by 50×]
[Improving by 99×]
[Techniques: Ki Tapping (KT)]
Gojin frowned at the lack of a reward. "No reward for learning a new technique? It's not like I knew I could learn and not just gain," he grumbled, scanning through the notifications again.
He absentmindedly began patting his own head, a habit he had picked up from those around him always doing it to him.
"It improved the technique by 90×, so I'm really overpowered by the plot, but I still haven't gotten strong enough. Although, I'm still confused about why a system exists inside the novel; it had no system tag."
Shaking off the thoughts, Gojin focused on what mattered most. He cleared his mind, visualizing the training area where Ryu and Yuki were honing their skills.
Moments later, he vanished and reappeared right in front of Saki, one of the Junior Exorcists. Oddly, Saki didn't seem to notice him, leading Gojin to grin mischievously.
He remembered their last encounter when he had chased Saki out of the training hall simply because he was two years old.
Gojin tightened his fists. Saki's leg was as tall as he was, but that only made what he was about to do more easy to him. He launched a blow aimed at Saki's groin.
Saki's eyes widened in shock, and he doubled over, gasping in pain. Before he could recover, Gojin delivered another blow. The force was so powerful that it sent Saki skidding across the ground, crashing into the wall about ten meters away. Two of his ribs were also shattered.
Ryu, Yuki, and the other junior exorcist; Yoshito rushed to Haruki's side.
"Sakii!" Yoshito shouted, his voice was filled with concern as he knelt beside him. Yuki's eyes darted around, searching for the source of the attack, while the Ryu and Yoshito looked on in shock.
Gojin rubbed his hands together, cackling. Yuki suddenly turned the moment she heard the cackle.
Realizing he had been heard, Gojin quickly vanished, reappearing back in his room. He dropped to the ground, sighing in relief.
"The one technique I really want to learn is…" He paused, a grin slowly spreading across his face.
"A time control technique. I'm sure I can do get all that with ease, but it's only a matter of time."
A knock came at his door, and Gojin instantly jumped off the ground and dove into his mini library, not caring who was knocking. He feared they might have caught on to him, but so soon?.
He pretended to search for a book that wasn't even on the shelf.
At the door was Taro, holding a paper bag with a restaurant logo on it. After knocking for a while without a response, he burst into the room, worried that Gojin might be in danger. His eyes scanned the room until he noticed the other door open.
He walked in and found Gojin staring intently at a book.
"Gojin, I bought your favorite snack!" Taro exclaimed, revealing a bag of onigiri—triangular rice balls wrapped in seaweed, filled with savory ingredients.
Gojin immediately rushed out of the room and snatched the bag from Taro's hand with excitement.
He had fallen in love with these snacks and couldn't go a week without them; even after breakfast, he always requested them, and Taro never failed to oblige.
Usually, he, Ryu, and Yuki would eat together, but they were currently busy training for their upcoming entry into the academy in less than a year. Until they turned eleven, their classes would mostly be practical. The real six-year journey begins after then.
Although, Some clans, like the Kuroyami clan, preferred their children to start the academy at that age.
As Gojin dug into the snacks, Taro patted his head and reminded him to come for lunch at the special dining hall.
This hall was reserved forthe clan children; Ryu, Yuki , Gojin and top exorcists: Senior, Master, and Grand Exorcists, while the rest had a different dining area.
The clan head had his own private room for meals.
Suddenly, Taro's phone rang. He picked it up, the urgency as he sped out of the room indicated it was important.
A soul (Low ranked but multiple) had been detected, but Taro wasn't heading there himself as normal; instead, he went to relay the details to the Junior Exorcists.
Two minutes later after Taro had left, Gojin finished the snacks and decided to return to his reading, focusing on learning new techniques rather than martial arts skills, although he planned to get back to that soon.
Just then, a sudden tap on his shoulder made him turn around in shock to see...