
Lord of Darkness: My Recruitment is Ten Thousand Times Crit!

Hadye crossed. In this world, everyone wants to be the lord of the dark world. Recruit servants and open up territory! A general-level attendant can guard one side. A prince-level attendant can help a lord to become a king. And Qin Ye starts to activate the system and recruits tens of thousands of critical strikes! The recruited attendants start at an epic level! You have recruited an epic class—Nine-Tailed Monster Fox·Sudaji! You have recruited the legendary class-the eternal emperor Yingzheng! You have recruited the mythical level-the lord of heaven and earth·the blue dragon of the beast! … Each of his servants has become a nightmare for other lords! “Report! Lord Qin Huang has successively wiped out 18 little lords, and he still has more to say!” “Report! Lord Bai Qi slaughtered 300,000 subordinates of a certain lord of the African country!” When he stepped onto the altar, countless people asked for tricks. “What’s the trick to this? I’m an ordinary lord, that is, the servant is a little bit stronger than others…”

Big_Eve · Others
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Chapter 32

All the monsters have fallen into a sluggish state of being charmed!

Including the dark and decadent generals, they all lost their desire to attack!

this moment.

Although Xiao Daji is still a little loli, her figure is fascinating, like a goddess in the world!

The nine tails are lingering, and the demon power bursts.

All monsters are controlled by her!

"It's now, set the fire!"

Had Ye ordered!

The charm state is that once it is attacked, it will be lifted.

Therefore, once the important goal is fascinated, everyone must gather the fire immediately.

"Army attack!"

The sky queen Aksha, at this moment, released a skill in a timely manner, increasing the attack by 50% for all.

The next moment.

The surrounding demon mage, little fox Daji, etc., all attacked the general-level dark creatures at the same time.




A series of damage figures floated out.

The dark and decadent generals, three-story terrifying monsters, were directly killed by the fire.

Falling down to the ground!

"It's just a general-level monster."

"In front of the legendary nine-tailed demon fox, it's normal to be killed by a spike."

Had Ye glanced, all this was in his expectation.

Since he had let go of the dark bait twice before, the concentration of dark energy in this neighborhood was very high.

If this continues...

There will also be higher-level monsters!

"Now I don't need anyone to pick me up loot."

Had Ye squinted his eyes.

He looked at the shining objects in the pile of source crystals dropped by the general-level monster, and activated the void circulation...

Transfer it directly into your own hands!

This lord's ability is really easy and pleasant.

Had Ye took a look, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The lord's equipment is out!

You have to know that the drop rate of the lord's equipment is not high, and this is still dropped by the general-level monster...Four-star equipment!

[Hunyuan Sword (4 star lord equipment): lord personal combat power +95, attack +125, crit rate +30%. Hunyuan Slash can be triggered once every 8 seconds, hitting the enemy and stunned for 3 seconds. ]

[Equipment requirements: Level 9]

"It's worthy of being a four-star lord's equipment!"

Hadye sighed!

He is now level 10, and the lord's personal combat power is only 79 points.

But this knife!

It directly adds 95 points of combat power!

Without hesitation, equip immediately.

[You are equipped with the Hunyuan Sword! ]

[Your lord's personal strength: 79 points → 174 points! ]

A total of 174 combat power.

Equivalent to 1740 health, 348 attack power, and 174 defense power.

Coupled with the 125 attack of the Hunyuan Divine Sword itself, even his lord has 473 attack power.

"This attack is still a lot worse than Xiao Daji and Demon Mage..."

"It seems that although the four-star equipment is strong, it is still a little brother compared with the legendary attendant!"

Had Ye sighed.

Of course.

If he can obtain a lord equipment dropped by epic or even legendary monsters, he will be invincible.

Not just invincible in the dark world.

more importantly…

In Blue Star, his combat power can skyrocket!

If he wants to participate in the freshman martial arts club or something...

No need to think about it, you can get the first place with your feet.

Of course.

Hadye wasn't interested in any martial arts society, after all, the rewards were all reality source crystals... and he couldn't bring them into the dark world to help them grow.

Unless he is actually short of money...

It is possible to think about it.

As for him to bring the source crystals of the dark world out, it is currently impossible, after all, these source crystals are the capital of his development!

"make persistent efforts!"

"The more dark creatures die near here, the more likely a higher-level monster will appear."

"Servant equipment, lord equipment, the more you come, the better."

Had Ye looked around expectantly.

Dark creatures emerged continuously, but it was a pity that they were only dropped by the demon wizards just after they appeared.

Occasionally, there are a few seconds that can't be lost. They are darker creatures that are fleshier. Such dark creatures have low damage and are even less threatening to the demon mages...

Elite level, warlord level, these two levels of dark creatures also appeared in turn.

Keep dropping things to Hadye.

"The Seal of Broken Mist..."

"Recruitment book! This is not bad, and another one for nothing."

"Guardian equipment for the commander class?"

"Give it to Akasha!"

"As for Yuanjing..."

Speaking of Yuanjing, Hadye's eyes lighted up.

The surrounding dark creatures of level 15-21 can drop around 15 source crystals on average.

After half an hour, there are at least five to six million source crystals!

And with the talent bonus of S grade ten times the source crystal...

The total is five to six hundred thousand source crystals!

Five or six hundred thousand!

How many ten consecutive draws do you have? .

Chapter 37

When the dark creatures are constantly attacking!

Lin Mengyu, the school girl, was shivering all the time, for fear that some powerful monster would break through the line of defense and explode her lord core directly.

But soon...

She found that her worry was completely unnecessary.


There are no monsters at all, able to break through the defenses of the demon mages!

The vast majority of monsters are killed in seconds.

Even if there is someone who can resist one round of attacks, it is impossible to survive the second round.

Under Aksha's passive effect, the demon mages' defenses reached more than one hundred, which completely exceeded the attack power of ordinary-level monsters.

It won't be hurt at all!

Unless it is a monster with a grade, they can be touched.


The monsters with grades basically just appeared, and they were solved by the little fox Daji himself, and they almost survived three seconds.


In the beginning, Lin Mengyu also asked her civilians to build walls frantically, trying to protect the lord's core with a few more layers.


She found that this action was completely unnecessary.

It's not necessary at all!

Had Ye guarding this level 3 dark bait is too stable, as stable as Mount Tai!

"What about the taboo of the Dark Lord?"

"Okay, is it suicide to put a dark bait above level 2?"

"It's not true at all!"

"Even the general-level dark creatures were killed by Su Daji's little sister in seconds!"

"What else is there to threaten?"

When the territories turned from danger to safety, Lin Mengyu was completely relieved!

And Hadano.

It is constantly searching for equipment that has fallen around.

Ordinary level monsters will not drop equipment, and all those that drop equipment are monsters with grades, at least the elite level.

Elite level, drop two-star equipment.

Warlord level, drop three-star equipment.

General level, it is the drop of four-star equipment.
