
Lord of Darkness: My Recruitment is Ten Thousand Times Crit!

Hadye crossed. In this world, everyone wants to be the lord of the dark world. Recruit servants and open up territory! A general-level attendant can guard one side. A prince-level attendant can help a lord to become a king. And Qin Ye starts to activate the system and recruits tens of thousands of critical strikes! The recruited attendants start at an epic level! You have recruited an epic class—Nine-Tailed Monster Fox·Sudaji! You have recruited the legendary class-the eternal emperor Yingzheng! You have recruited the mythical level-the lord of heaven and earth·the blue dragon of the beast! … Each of his servants has become a nightmare for other lords! “Report! Lord Qin Huang has successively wiped out 18 little lords, and he still has more to say!” “Report! Lord Bai Qi slaughtered 300,000 subordinates of a certain lord of the African country!” When he stepped onto the altar, countless people asked for tricks. “What’s the trick to this? I’m an ordinary lord, that is, the servant is a little bit stronger than others…”

Big_Eve · Others
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100 Chs

Chapter 31

Had Ye's emptiness is enough to deal with.

Void circulation once a second is enough to guard long-range attacks from dark creatures!

The other function of Akasha's arrival is to increase defense and blood regeneration to all friendly units in this grid.

The passivity of this sky queen...

After level 9, it has been greatly enhanced!


[Passive talent: Increases 50 points of defense and 50 points of life recovery speed for all allies within a block (the effect will grow as the level increases). ]


From the initial 10 points of defense and 10 points of health recovery, first increase to 15 points of level 2.

By now at level 9, its effect has been enhanced to 50 points!

When Akasha came to this grid...

Lin Mengyu and her attendants, civilians and soldiers all enjoyed this effect!

The unknown knight rushes!

"My Lady Queen, your brilliance is so dazzling!"

"Lord Shadow Demon, what can I do for you?"

The nameless knight is very respectful!

He is now a second-level warlord-level attendant, with 360 health, 55 attack, and 23 defense.

When Akasha comes...

His defense skyrocketed to 73 points, and he recovered 50 points every second!

Let his defense directly exceed the attack!

It's horrible!

This made him, really couldn't help it, sincerely sighed, the Lord of Shadow Demon is really powerful!

"Oh, no, you just need to protect your lord."

Had Ye saw the unknown knight running over, so he said to him.

"Huh! Good lick!"

Lin Mengyu looked at her attendant, and felt almost crying.

Obviously his servant!

The result is so respectful to Hadye!

This man...

But let her put a level 3 dark bait in her own territory!

Damn it!

How is this different from playing with fire at home?

Although Qin Ye sent 30 demon mages...

But she is still scared!

Level 3 dark bait!

This is something that even her dad has never opened!


She is about to touch this, which is almost the taboo of all dark lords, so how can she not be afraid?

If Had Ye drove by herself, she wouldn't be afraid.

She felt that Qin Ye territory must be very luxurious, with all kinds of defense facilities, and the servants are strong enough to be able to defend it.

As everyone knows...

Had Ye's territory is almost the same as her current situation.

There is no defense at all!

Because of this, Had Ye chose to let her use the dark bait first!

Even if there is an accident and burst the lord core, it is not the lord core of Qin Ye...

Of course, the possibility of accidents is extremely low.

"Let me set fire to my own house!"

"I still owe my salary!"

"Woohoo! I'm not playing anymore!"

Lin Mengyu feels so angry! !

"Then what, the dark bait can be released."

At this moment, Had Ye said to her.

Lin Mengyu wanted to get more and more angry.

As soon as I heard what Had Ye said...


She obediently took out the level 3 dark bait.

The body is very honest!

"It doesn't matter, just die."

She closed her eyes and used level 3 dark bait!

With a burst of extremely strong dark power forming a whirlpool!

The surrounding dark edges seemed to start tossing up, level 3 dark bait, which is equivalent to a suicide weapon for almost all dark lords!

In the eyes of Qin Ye.

This is actually a cash cow!

"Build a wall! Build a wall!"

Lin Mengyu quickly commanded his civilians and continued to build walls around the tower at the core of the lord.

The more walls are built, the safer her lord core will be.


At this time, she saw groups of dark creatures rushing out on the edge of darkness!

Every dark creature is bigger than an elephant in reality, fierce and cruel, and extremely terrifying!


There is a 21st-level dark and decaying centaur, walked out of the darkness, three stories high, just appeared, and directly provided a violent halo to all the dark creatures in the audience!

[Dark and Decaying Centaur (Level 21), General Level! ]

Hundreds of dark creatures all around went directly into a violent state, rushing to the guarded demon mage like crazy!

"It's over."

Lin Mengyu was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that a general-level monster would come out directly!

This level monster...

Will provide various auras and boosts to other dark creatures!

"So many violent monsters..."

"How can their mage hold it?"

"This wave is about to be wiped out!"

However, just when she was a little desperate.

The demon mages started to move, and bombarded them one by one!






Everywhere in the audience, bright red numbers floated along with these numbers.

A large swath of dark creatures were all killed in seconds!

Occasionally, fish that slipped through the net, or long-range dark creatures, attacked the demon mages...





Unexpectedly, unscathed!

At this moment, Lin Mengyu was completely shocked!

"Is this... the legendary class unit?"

"It's too scary!"

"These are monsters around level 20! They were crushed?"

In her eyes, this scene is simply incredible! .

Chapter 36:

Damage, spike!

Get beaten, don't break the defense!

These demon mages...

Is it really a mage profession known for its crispy skin?

Lin Mengyu didn't dare to imagine, the scene before her was too shocking and exaggerated.

at the same time.

Daji, the little fox himself, was dispatched personally.

"The general-level monster is handed over to you."

Had Ye raised his hand.

Void circulation!

Directly teleported the little fox Daji who was killing the monster in the other direction to the front of the general-level monster!

"Everyone is dumped!"

The little fox was teleported to the monster by Qin Ye and raised the little red umbrella in his hand...

Unleash the big move!

At this moment, her petite and graceful figure, like a dancer moving gracefully, a burst of light red energy swept around 200 meters.

Within that range...