
Lord of Darkness Boyfriend Scenarios

An evil, sadistic, chaotic demon. He's one of the Over Lord's in Hell. But why is he such a gentleman or... gentle demon towards you? Can you love this chaotic demon?

MidnightMoon8888 · Movies
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27 Chs

When You Get a Pet

Since Darkness knows that a little extra protection goes a long way, he thought why not get you a pet or two. But not the pets you have in your realm, nope. He takes you to Hell's pet shelter, even reserving the whole place to make sure that you and Darkness were the only customers in there.

As the demon manager of the places unlocks the door that leads to the cages, you wrap your arm tightly around his and lean on him. You don't know what exactly you're about to see, but you want to be as close to him as possible.


Darkness: Do not worry, these creatures are secure in their cages.

Y/n: Yeah no... I'll just stay like this.


The demon manager opens the door and leads the way toward the creatures while you and Darkness follow behind. In each cage contains one creature, and every creature you see is different and has different abilities.

The first creature looks like a gorilla but it's twice as big as an average gorilla and has bleeding red eyes, pitch-black fur, and a set of large goat-like horns. The second creature is a two-headed Firey hell hound, it's fur dark as coal, firey red eyes, sharp teeth, and from what the chart in front of the cage says is that it has the ability to breathe out fire. The third creature is a female blue fire phoenix about the size of a bald eagle. It's incredibly beautiful, its feathers shine and reflect light. The chart says that its powers come from the coldest part of Hell, and it can create ice and snow from its eyes, mouth, and wings.

The next creature is a gigantic gray crab with yellow eyes. Its chart says it has three previous owners. All of them returned him back to this shelter after completing its tasks for its Demon Masters.

After seeing every cage and seeing every creature they have, you decided that instead of just one pet, you'll get two. You point out the two creatures you like, and Darkness instructs the demon manager that you'll be taking them.


Darkness: Hold still love.


Before you could even turn to face him, he had already cut a small piece of your hair from the split ends and given it to the demon manager.


Demon Manager: Thank you my Lord. They will be ready in three weeks to take to your castle. Would you like us to deliver them?

Darkness: Yes.

Demon Manager: As you wish, now we must bring them out of the cage. It is best if you two leave at this time, we wouldn't want any accidents to happen now would we?


He leads you out of the building and unto the back of the dragon where you guys rode on to get here. You sit in front of him and while he steers the dragon by the thick black chains, his arms are protectively over you.


Y/n: He said that they'll be ready in three weeks? What does he mean by that?

Darkness: They have to go through training where they'll use your scent in order for them to obey you when they see you.

Y/n: You saw the blue fire phoenix right? I'm so glad I picked her. The beautiful shades of blue of it, and how it even blends in the lower half of its feathers. If I had my painting kit, I would love to paint a portrait of her.


He keeps that in mind so he can tell his sorcerer to create a variety of paint for you to enjoy painting. He'll also have to have some of his men kill and capture certain beasts just for their fur to be made into paintbrushes. When it comes to you, he's more than willing to go the extra mile. So getting you Hell pets that will not only be your companions but will also protect you in case something were to happen. Which is something that he's been trying to prevent and not take any chances.

Even though you choose two Hell creatures to be your pets, you're still pretty scared of them. You just hope that whatever training they have to go through will work.