
Chapter 27

new things in the mall are now Silver Armor(lord only), Silver Sword(lord only), and silver bow(lord only), a Silver wand(lord only) automatic arrows tower blueprint, silver arrows, gold quality magic wall

seeing the items which come I, buyers, all the items except lord only items and see the requirement

Lin: for automatic arrow tower can be built with now resources and for the magic wall I need can also

now with I made one arrow tower as its attack range is 3 to 5 km and for the magic wall I need stone and gems which I have as the gem resource got empty

Lin: now the walls are made now arrow tower needed build on top of them

As I build an arrow tower on top of them with an ice tower and also attach it

Lin: now in every direction, there is 4 arrow tower where the archer can shoot arrows with more range and other archers can stay on walls and automatic arrows are also on walls, and an ice tower also on all the edges it is a good defense I got well defense

After that, I start cultivating life magic which is easy for me now as it is like fire magic it got completed in four hours after Emma and Alice comes back and their rank reached demi-god and the other elves are lowest is now rank 5 as I am also in rank 5

Emma: master today when we are hunting in the east direction just now and we got attacked by a force which has rank 5 goblins at the top and with goblins, there is human also as they attack us we were able to defend and we also launch a counter-attack in normally two goblin and that human left as they reached cross barrier as we got

as soon as listened to them I open the chat and see another party is talking there

[ guys I got attacked by elves today ]

[ what do you meat elves how they look like ]

[ all of them are not sexy men but they are also strong as they kill half of the troops but that is not as they wear gold and silver quality equipment, after killing them they must explode them ]

[ it can be I do not know the location I want to see Elves ]

[ you won't see them I want to catch them ]

[ wait guys how are you sure it will explode it as it can be troops or elf places near him, he cannot deal with elves as he cannot do that ]

[ yes it must be true if he can deal with elves he will do it himself by telling us ]

seeing what he is planning I feel that they want to hunt elves

Lin: let's see how you do that

Lin: listen now after the monster tide if he did not die we are going to kill him

Emma: okay master