
Chapter 24

// POV -- Lin Feng //

after waking up and with near 7000 points as going outside and talking with Aya as she will put on the trading floor in fifteen minutes which I tell put in chat as Aya put all of them which are silver quantity with an only attribute in batches as they go in batches near 300 equipment

Aya: brother, I got a lot of points now what I do with them

Lin: take it east now tell me what you have for defense now

Aya: In my defense, now I have 8 arrow towers and wooden wall with fences and now tomorrow at evening one uncle Draven also comes here and said he will come here for help to defend me

Lin: uncle Draven, can he be trusted?

Aya: he said he will come with other Draven's tomorrow for defending my castle

Lin: what is rank

Aya: I do not know that but he says as no one god comes to attack he will not be able to handle

Lin: he must be at demi-god or rank 9 then what your castle now

Aya: my castle is now at level 3

Lin: upgrade it to level 5 then today you will be able to do

Aya right now I do that

after seeing Aya upgrading the castle soon as she did

Aya: I did it, brother

Lin: now buy a stone wall blueprint from it and send the remaining 60% points to me

Aya: brother thanks for helping me

Lin: no it's fine at keeping an eye on Draven Uncle from now

Aya: okay, brother bye now I should work now

Lin: okay bye

[ congratulation, your friend send 10,000 points to you ]

Lin: now I should build also wall and upgrade the castle

after opening the castle page and upgrading the castle to rank 7 straight and open the mall to see what new things are there