
Lord Frieza incarnate in Gensokyo

-=| Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story |=- Synopsis : A playboy weeb from our world, that doesn't know anything about Touhou, gets Frieza-sama powers and the appearance of Killua Zoldyck from Hunter X Hunter, then gets isekai-ed to Touhou Project world. Note: From chapter 36, 'High school DxD' will be initiated. Read According To Your Status : _If you KNOW what Touhou is > In case you find incorrect information in the story, it’s not like I didn’t know about it and was making things, but I've deliberately changed it to fits my story or it can be the characters themselves didn't know about it, it’s not like they have a freakish wiki about their world or anything. You might also found new characters or additional information about the world itself. _If you DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > The MC himself doesn't know a damn about it, so there is no information requirement to read this story. _If you KNOW who Frieza is > Come here buddy, you’ve found what you're looking for ( ° ͜ʖ °), but you JUST have to endure until chapter 10 and you'll get what you want. (─‿‿─) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is > …Just type his freakish name in google, but i’ve made sure to explain everything about him in the story, so you don’t need to read his wiki page, just marvel at our Lord Frieza in Youtube and come back here :D. _If you KNOW who Frieza is and you also KNOW what Touhou is > Read this, i’m confident in my work ;) _If you DON’T KNOW who Frieza is and you also DON’T KNOW what Touhou is > Well, give me your damn brain, you’re basically gonna read a new novel. _If you KNOW or DON’T KNOW who Killua Zoldyck is > It doesn't matter, you only need to see his image on the thumbnail(He's the kid in front of frieza.) or google image, and you're good to go. -=| DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE CHARACTERS APPEARANCES IN GOOGLE. |=- /* Search someting Like this : ('name of the character' Touhou) */ And you should find official or fanmade illustrations of that character. -= AUTHOR COMMENTS =- So, I've just got this idea in my mind for a while now, and decided to write it out. I've accumulated chapters and edited everything to get a good foundation before publishing this. HOWEVER, if this will continue or not... it all depends on you guys. I'm basically a lazy person by default, so if I don't see any comments, review etc... I won't write anything. IN OTHER WORDS, you're the ones who will get me to write new chapters, and I wish you good luck in that, if you want a hint... then you should start by having at least 10 comments in every chapter and with reviews of course. And I promise that I will read every single comment, so you don’t have to worry about that... after all, that’s my only entertainment in writing this story. *Wink* English is not my mother language, in fact it's so far from it and considering that i know 4 other languages, which means it's 6 languages in total, thus i can't help confusing beetween them, so spare me the grammar, vocabulary etc... but it's definitely readable, i try my best here, you know? if you can read this Synopsis then you will be able to read my story, this, i can at least guarantee it for you. Also, if you're a kid or don't like swearing words, you should probably avoid my book =] . And finally, if you want to try this book, then you have to absolutely at least read the Foundation Volume before you decide anything about the story, the Foundation Volume is basically the first 10 chapters of the book, they are constructed in a way that... well, you'll find the answer in chapter 10. If you didn't read them and still leave my book, then you are just ignoring a good story (;一_一) Anyway, Enjoy.

Ridoux_Studio · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 22

Gensokyo - The Youkai Mountain

Youkai Mountain, from just the name you can already deduct that it has some kind of relation to Youkai.

And since this is Gensokyo, a place that is often labeled as The Youkai Heaven instead, then this mountain can only be exactly as you might think.

It is the home of the Youkai, a place where the majority of them live and some of them have been there since before Gensokyo or The Great Hakurei Barrier was even constructed.

It is also the land of two of the most significant Youkai species in Gensokyo, and they are the Tengu and the Kappa.

The first protects the sky and the land, and the other is responsible for the water and underwater.

The Tengu are obsessed with a strict social hierarchy system while the Kappa dislike authority entirely and love to act independently as they hate to be in charge.

Because of that perfect harmony, these two powerful groups of Youkai were able to live together peacefully to this day, which was extremely unusual, since powerful Youkai were always hostile towards another Youkai group that could possibly be a threat to their clan.

This is different from a loyal relationship, like the one the Tengu once had towards the Oni, this one was really an equal relationship.

And seeing that happening, the other medium and lower Youkai groups decided to follow after them and tried to somehow get along together, which was awkward at first but eventually led to the peaceful society that is currently known as the Youkai Mountain.

And it is not just the Youkai alone, it has to be known that many Goddesses, mystical beings, ghosts, powerful hermits, sages, fairies and many more creatures also live in this place.

All of them have gotten used to the peaceful atmosphere and they wouldn't ask for anything other than that, well... most of them.

So they will never do anything that might break their paradise and will even try to protect it with their lives.

That's just how precious the Youkai Mountain is to them.

And now, their heaven is facing another crisis.

It seems this time the Tengu has provoked someone that they shouldn't, and that someone has wiped out their strongest aerial arsenal and still wasn't satisfied as he promised the destruction of their heaven if the Tengu's leader won't send him an apology.

That should be easy to solve, but because everyone knows the limitless arrogance of the Tengu.

As expected, they kept that matter a secret until that purple sphere of doom replaced their sun.

It was said that the person they provoked was the one responsible for it.

That thing was so big, it basically became another sun for their heaven, they couldn't fathom how could a single individual squeeze out such a terrifying amount of Ki energy.

Such a thing could only be done by a Legendary Youkai or a True Goddess.

So, when the local Goddesses learned about the fact that he was a male… the poor Tengu almost got their headquarters burned to cinders.

Fortunately, the Hakurei Shrine Maiden and a mysterious hermit were able to save the Tengu from the crazy women.

But the death sphere in the air is still looming over them as it gets closer to their land with every passing minute.

To solve this incident, the Hakurei Maiden and the hermit who claimed to be one of the Youkai Sages are now talking to find a solution.

"Rather... aren't you the damn Hakurei Maiden? Use those Yin-Yang Orbs of yours or something."

The one that said that with an accusing tone is the mysterious hermit.

She has red eyes and shoulder-length pink hair with Chinese-styled buns, while her right arm is wrapped in bandages, and wears a white top and a green skirt.

Over her top is a maroon tabard with a thorny vine motif and large rose-shaped ornament just below the collar level, her single-strap shoes are colored the same as her tabard, and a shackle lays on her left wrist.

She was currently folding her arms as she looked at Reimu that was standing beside her.

And Reimu, who was looking at the huge purple sphere of doom on the sky frowned and answered.

"I can just cancel it with an even more powerful spell, but the problem is that it is now too close to the mountain, so I can't do that or else I would just be the one that will destroy the Youkai Mountain instead."

The Shrine Maiden of the Hakurei Shrine then looked around at the group of gathered youkai before her eyes landed on a certain crow Tengu.

"And all of that because of the Tengu who delayed the news."


The Tengu who heard those words flinched from the Hakurei Shrine Maiden's cold eyes before she said apologetically.

"Ayaya, Please Reimu, I really can't defy the higher-ups."

Her name is Aya Shameimaru, she has crimson red eyes, semi-long black hair, and wears a white blouse, black short skirt, and a tokin.

She is also known as the Traditional Reporter of Fantasy, as she runs the 'Bunbunmaru Newspaper', which is viewed by most humans and youkai in Gensokyo as a mildly popular gossip or tabloid paper.

She also has a shameless reporting style, tends to exaggerate events, and expresses her own personal opinions in her articles. As a result, many don't want to see themselves in her newspaper.


And although she is currently stroking her head apologetically like an idiot... She is actually the fastest being in Gensokyo and probably also one of the strongest Youkai in Gensokyo too, but this fact is only known by a select few, since she always acts silly and can be seen chased around by those she provoked through her fake news.

So behind that silly cold sweat filled face… actually exists a terrifying intelligent that is really befitting of her long age.

And without this intelligence… there would be no way she can provoke all those terrifying people and run away with it every single time for thousands of years.

Reimu, who was oblivious about all of that... just sighed helplessly before she turned back towards the mysterious self-proclaimed hermit.

"How about you then? Aren't you one of the Sages of Gensokyo?"

The hermit that is known as Kasen Ibaraki or The One-Armed, Horned Hermit just averted her gaze and answered hurriedly.

"W-Well, this is not my area of expertise, so..."


Reimu just kept gazing at her.


Kasen couldn't resist anymore and argued back with an embarrassed expression.


Reimu sighed for the millionth time today before she screamed in frustration.

"Ahhhhhh! And where is that damn Gap Youkai anyway?! Isn't she always just popping out somewhere at times like this?!"

"Hmm? You mean Yukari? Yeah... if it's her, then she could easily handle this kind of thing..."

"Then where is she?! Aren't you her comrade or something? Since both of you are Sages and all."

"...I don't know her that much, but this is really strange... she should be already aware about this Incident… and since she didn't come yet… did something happen? or-"


Suddenly extremely loud sounds were heard from the sphere of doom in the sky.

"What's going on?"

As everyone looks up, they can see that the terrifying sphere of Ki energy suddenly jolted as if it was hit by something.

And before anyone could comprehend what just happened…



The almost a kilometer in diameter mass of energy DISAPPEARED.



Just like that, it just disappeared, as if it was erased by something.

Reimu was extremely confused, so she turned to the Sage of Gensokyo.

"Hey! th-... what's wrong with you?"

At first Reimu planned to ask her about what the hell just happened, but she changed her question when she saw how all the hair in Kasen's body had stood up.

Kasen turned to look at Reimu with wide eyes on her face.

"You didn't f-feel it?"

She asked the Hakurei Maiden as if she was growing another head.

"Feel what?"

Reimu became even more confused.


Hearing that, Kasen thought for a moment before she grabbed her bandaged right hand with her left one and answered with a confused face too.

"Actually… I don't know... I've never felt something so unfamiliar like that before..."

'What the hell?' Reimu thought.


Gensokyo - The (Flying?) Scarlet Devil Mansion Balcony

-= MC's Point of View =-


I just silently fixed my tuxedo that was ruined by that loli vampire before I walked closer to the balcony's fence.

I then put my hands behind my lower back and scanned the Youkai Mountain that was about 50 Kilometres ahead.

'Hmmm... there are... 9,305,901,458,541 life force signatures, if we exclude the plants and such then… about 39,421 people?'

That's kinda low, or is it because the Youkai or the supernatural population is not that much compared to the humans?

After all, their gender ratio is screwed.

But their strength balance sure is bizarre too, since some of them could wipe out most of the others, while a few could probably one shot the planet too, and some would lose to even a human child.

"Oh? They finished their catfight?"

I said as I can now feel that Yukari's and Shinki's Ki had started to calm down.

Since Yukari's life force was decreasing rapidly, I almost teleported to their location… but it seems Shinki was a good girl and listened to me.

'Although, I can just revive her if she died anyway.'

But since they fought in another dimension, I don't know if that place would be considered in the same galaxy as me, so I better not take those kinds of risks for now.

After all, It would be a waste to lose such a good materia-*Ahem* a cute girl like Yukari.



I heard Flandre's excited voice besides me so I turned to look at her.

"Did the sky fall down?! That's so strange!"


'Hahaha, this girl is priceless.'

After seeing so many decades of disgusting cruelty and absolutely the most evil deeds possible in the universe... her innocent naivety is really just so refreshing.


Gensokyo - The (Flying?) Scarlet Devil Mansion Library

-= Koakuma's Point of View =-

"A-Are you okay Patchouli-sama?"

"...Y-Yeah *Caugh* *Caugh*"

I helped her to stand up from the floor back to her chair.

"What was that Patchouli-sama? We were suddenly pulled to the ground..."

"This is… we're far above the sea level..."

"Eh? Are we flying? B-But... we are in the mansion."

Hearing that, Patchouli-sama squinted her eyes towards the glass window in the roof before she extended her hand towards the table beside her.

"Create : 'All Seeing Sphere."

After she chanted those words, complex magic circles came to live on top of the table.

*Swirl* *Swirl*

They were moving in extremely complexe patterns before they suddenly grew in size.


After a few seconds, the numerous magic circles dissipated, and in their place a black sphere the size of a small melon was hovering a few centimetres above the table.

'As expected of a True Magician, she's using Origin Magic like a casual spell.'

No matter how many times I tried… I just can't replicate it using Devil Magic, no wonder that even Merlin Ambrosius himself couldn't do it.

As I was secretly surprised by her terrifying magic skills yet again… she lazily waved towards the strange orb and said.




As soon as she said that word, the back sphere flashed in pure white color before an image was shown.

As I looked closely, I could see the mansion, the garden and…

"I know it, the mansion itself has been lifted from the ground level."

"T-This is... what should we do Patchouli-sama?"

"It must be Remi's doing, but she did not tell me anything about this… and how did she do it anyway? I can't feel any large scale spell being used in Gensokyo right now… Hmmm..."

As she said that, Patchouli-sama pointed her right hand towards the orb, and a small magic circle appeared just at the tip of her index finger.

*Pica* *Pica* *Pica*

The images in the flying sphere were changing very rapidly as it changed from location to location, showing all the places in the mansion then the area around it and from all the angles.

"Strange… there is not a single trace of any magic being used… is this not magic? Then who is-"

"IT'S HIM?!"

Suddenly when the orb changed to the mansion balconies, I could see in one of them that everyone was there plus that hateful brat from yesterday.

What the hell is he? Even though I'm an Ultimate-Class Devil, he was able to so easily seal my movements… is it a Sacred Gear?

No... those toys can't enter Gensokyo in the first place.



As I heard that word, I was shocked out of my life.

'To think Patchouli-sama would utter such a word…'

"From his wavelength to his molecule levels... he is not something from this world..."


*Glare* "An extreme anomaly."

The moment Patchouli-sama glared at the brat in the orb…


'H-He's looking in our direction.'

He then smirked and moved his mouth without letting a voice.

Patchouli-sama easily understood and said what he was trying to say.

"I… can… see… you... be… good… girls..."

Suddenly a shiver ran through from the deepest part of my body.


I slowly turned around to look at Patchouli-sama.


She just had her usual blank-face...

Before a rare smirk slowly creeps its way to her cold-indifference expression.

"Not bad..." The True Magician said.