
Looks Is Better than Stats

Looks Is Better than Stats In the year 2033, humanity achieved an astonishing milestone in the realm of digital technology and interface integration, forever altering what was considered "normal." The Neurochip, a groundbreaking invention by the enigmatic genius "Ilun Mask," swept across the world like a digital tsunami, transforming the very essence of human existence. This transformative technology paved the way for the birth of the world's first Full Dive MMORPG, NEuEarth Online. Amidst the millions of players who ventured into this immersive virtual realm, one particular player stood out. In terms of looks, he is the strongest! but the saying "don't judge the book by its cover" has never been real when it comes to this player. Embark on a journey into this immersive FD- MMORPG, where a grand quest unlike any other awaits.

Ank_Art · Games
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45 Chs


With their plan in place and their resolve steeled, Klent stood up and addressed the party. "You guys ready?" he asked, his voice carrying a mixture of determination and anticipation.

Nods and affirmations came from each member of the group as they readied themselves for the impending battle. They had scouted the area and found a spot with a large boulder shaped like a "C," a perfect natural fortress for their strategy.

As if on cue, the ground trembled slightly, and the telltale growl of the approaching Arcane echoed through the forest. It was time to put their plan into action.

Andy, the tank, stepped forward, his large shield at the ready. His role was to draw the attention of the Arcane and lead it toward the designated battleground. With a mighty roar, he charged toward the approaching threat.

The massive creature emerged from the dense undergrowth, its fearsome form striking an imposing figure. Its sharp claws and towering stature were enough to send shivers down the spine of any adventurer. But this time, Kuonh and his party were prepared.


As Andy engaged the Arcane, drawing its attention, Kuonh and Tray, the swordsmen, took their positions on either side of the natural fortress. Their weapons gleamed in the dappled sunlight as they readied themselves for the coming clash.

Klent, the mage, stood behind the safety of the boulder, preparing to cast his spells in support. Naida, the healer, positioned herself strategically, ready to lend her aid where it was needed most.


The Arcane, now fully committed to the battle, unleashed a series of ferocious attacks. Its claws swiped through the air with deadly precision, but Andy's shield absorbed the brunt of the assault, protecting the party from harm.

Kuonh and Tray moved in, their swords flashing with each coordinated strike. They attacked with precision, aiming for the creature's vulnerable spots while defending one another when the need arose.

Klent closed his eyes briefly, channeling his inner mana. He began his incantation, "Mana of the earth, give me strength." As his words flowed, the air around him crackled with energy, and a sphere of fiery mana formed at the tip of his wand.

"FIRE BALL!" Klent shouted, unleashing the concentrated power of his spell. The fireball streaked toward the Arcane with incredible speed, impacting the creature with explosive force. The Arcane howled in agony as flames engulfed its body, dealing substantial damage.

Naida, ever watchful, cast her healing magic at the opportune moment, mending the wounds inflicted on Andy by the Arcane's relentless attacks. Her support kept the tank in the fight, ensuring the party's continued survival.

The battle raged on, a fierce dance of coordinated attacks and timely heals. The Arcane, though formidable, was slowly but surely being whittled down by their relentless assault.

As the minutes passed, their teamwork and strategy paid off. The Arcane, battered and weakened, let out one final, mournful roar before collapsing to the ground. The party had emerged victorious, their first true test in this new world conquered.

1 ARCANE killed

Receive: +145 exp + 22 silver

Item: +1 Arcane claw

[Level UP]

Exhilaration coursed through Kuonh and his comrades as they caught their breath, celebrating their another hard-fought victory. They had faced a formidable foe and emerged triumphant, their bonds of friendship and cooperation stronger than ever.


Kuonh exclaimed with a triumphant grin as the party celebrated their victory over the previous Arcane.

The others smiled and cheered in response, the thrill of their conquest still coursing through their veins as they prepared to face the next challenge.


The sudden notification sound sent a shiver down their spines. They all exchanged puzzled glances as they hadn't expected a global notification at this moment.

[Global notification]

"Global?" Klent questioned, his brow furrowing.

The message appeared:

Achievement: Player AlbaLos successfully PK another player for the very first time.

Reward: Title 'FIRST BLOOD' - upgradable

+15 to all stats

Skill: cannot be shown; upgradable

"Pk?" Kuonh questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Trey, his expression darkening, explained, "It means player kill."

A heavy silence fell over the group as they processed the implications of the notification. Minutes stretched on, then ten more minutes passed in eerie quiet.

". . . . . ."


"Anyway, let's continue our quest; we only have two more arcane to go," Klent said, though a strange smile played on his lips. Kuonh couldn't discern if Klent was aware of the uneasy atmosphere he'd created, but it sent a shiver down his spine.

His words were met with reluctant agreement from the others, their unease still lingering beneath the surface.



A sudden, jarring sound echoed not far from their position. It was followed by the slow, ominous emergence of another arcane creature from the dense woods, drawn by the scent of fresh meat.

"Everyone, get ready!" Klent's voice rang out, rallying the team into action. Andy took point, raising his shield defensively, while the rest of the party readied their weapons. It was time for another battle, but this time, their nerves were on edge, and the shadow of the recent player kill loomed over them like a dark cloud.

As the party faced the approaching Arcane and prepared for battle, Kuonh couldn't help but ponder the surreal nature of their situation. The virtual world of NEuEarth was so immersive that it was easy to forget it was just a game. The lifelike graphics, the sensation of real combat, and the camaraderie with fellow players blurred the line between reality and fantasy.

'This place looks real, but it's not real,' Kuonh thought to himself, 'everyone forgets they're just inside a game because of how realistic it is, and once that illusion breaks, thinking "this is just a game" can make some people do something crazy.'

Kuonh had heard stories of gamers taking their in-game actions far too seriously, losing sight of the fact that it was all for fun and adventure. He had no idea how crazy people could get inside an MMORPG, and the recent player kill notification was a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking within this virtual world.

As the party faced the approaching Arcane and prepared for battle, Kuonh couldn't help but ponder the surreal nature of their situation. The virtual world of New Earth was so immersive that it was easy to forget it was just a game. The lifelike graphics, the sensation of real combat, and the camaraderie with fellow players blurred the line between reality and fantasy.

'This place looks real, but it's not real,' Kuonh thought to himself, 'everyone forgets they're just inside a game because of how realistic it is, and once that illusion breaks, thinking "this is just a game" can make some people do something crazy.'

Kuonh had heard stories of gamers taking their in-game actions far too seriously, losing sight of the fact that it was all for fun and adventure. He had no idea how crazy people could get inside an MMORPG, and the recent player kill notification was a stark reminder of the potential dangers lurking within this virtual world.