
Looking Through the Battlefield

In the year 3000, humanity is paired up with either a Quincy or a shinigami. A war has broken out with each pairing trying to destroy the other, having enough of the verbal and sometimes physical abuse from her siblings, Karma leaves the frontline in search of her long-lost half-sibling. Problems arise causing her to put her search on a pause but she vows to find him before her time is up.

Kyra_Karma · Teen
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47 Chs

Home Bitter Home

When we got home, we were greeted by my father, surprisingly he seemed genuinely happy to see both Kaname and me.

"How are you both?" He asked pulling us into a hug.

"We're fine but I need to discuss something with you about Mom," Kaname says in a serious tone. Father looks at me and nods back to Kaname.

"Karma, we'll talk later alright?" Father says to me with a smile, I nod and take my bag upstairs. As I put my bag down Kami bursts into my room, angry.

"I take it you're still upset about what happened last week."

"Damn right I'm still upset, the fact that you plan to take what's rightfully mine. I'm boiling with rage."

"Kami it was never yours, to begin with," I say barely paying any attention to her, unpacking my dirty laundry.

"Look at me when I speak to you!" Kami yells at me as I put my dirty laundry in the basket. Kami put her hand on my head and forces my unbearable memories to resurface all at once, I drop to the floor as my most painful memories play through my mind on after another. "That should teach you," Kami says with an evil smile.

"K-Kami...please…I…" I try to beg Kami to stop the memories but she shakes her head.

"It's fine, Karma it'll only play for 5 mins," Kami says as she locks my door and walks out leaving me in tears on the floor.

The memories playing in my mind are domestic abuse that Kami did to me, her locking me in the basement, beating me up till I can't stand, her verbally abusing me, and treating me as though I'm literally crap. 5 mins pass and I feel extremely tired mentally and physically. I hear banging on the door and the handle twisting, I try to answer the person outside but I can't speak or move.

"Karma, are you there?" Father calls out from behind the door, turning the doorknob. "Karma, if you're there say something" he paused waiting for my response but he heard nothing. "Karma, I'm coming in" Father broke down the door, he was shocked to see me on the floor in tears. He picked me up and held me in his arms, "looks as though you can't move or speak." I move my eyes up and down trying to say yes, "Do you know who did this?" I move my eyes up and down, "Was it Kamiya?" I move my eyes up and down. Father sighs and carries me out of the room, "Kaname get the doctor on the phone!" He brings me into a room that needs his fingerprint to get in, knocks 4 times, and lays me on the bed. He kisses my forehead and exits the room, after he left I looked around the room. I couldn't understand why Father had to knock if his fingerprint was needed to open the door and after all these years I had no idea this room even existed.

Father comes back with Kaname and a phone, Kaname holds my hand. "She's getting cold" he checks my pulse and nods to my Father. "Do you know where Kami went? We can't find her." I shake my eyes side to side, Father hangs up the phone and says "It's not fatal but she'll be like this for the rest of the day and I doubt Kamiya will reverse this." Father signs and rubs his temple, "Why would she do this?"

"Karma wants to inherit the war, she told Kami that last week and she was really upset," Kaname says looking down at me. Father looks at me in shock and looks me in my eyes "Karma is this true?" I move my eyes up and down, Father gives me a small smile and hugs me. "I'm glad you want to take on the war Karma, I already wrote my will and sent it to the lawyer. The war was always yours to inherit." I looked over at Kaname who smiled at me. "Kaname we should probably go, the doctor did say Karma should get some rest."

"Get well soon K" Kaname patted my head and walked out of the room. Father was about the close the door but he knocked twice before doing so. He must be communicating with someone, but who and why. I looked around the room to find who or possibly what he was communicating with.

"You hungry? I have gummies"