
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 16- I don’t need you anymore

I liked to sit at the back where Miss Aecha wouldn't pick me as an answering machine. But this time, I decided to sit at the front with my new friends. Today our goal was to paint nature. Not a park, not an aquarium…but nature. Lucky for me….I'm old enough to have experienced what real nature looks like.

I decided to draw a bamboo forest that was half submerged in clear water. With all kinds of fish swimming among the bamboo stalks. After carefully sketching it I dipped my paintbrush in green and raised to the canvas-

'Psst, Hey!', Nyx called from next to me.

I turned inquiringly, 'Hm?'.

'I think I ruined my canvas', She whispered.

She'd drawn a beautiful caption of a coastline but in the corner of her canvas was a grey smudged mark.

'I didn't know my eraser's too old, it's like a rock', She held it up for me to see, 'It didn't do its job properly and now my work's all smudged'.

'Pfft', I laughed, 'An artist always carries extras'.

I produced a clean white eraser for her out of my purse. When I looked back at her I was startled to find her gaping at me.

'What?', I inclined my head, 'Something on my face?'

She started, 'Oh, uh…you should smile more'.

She grabbed the eraser out of my hand and rubbed furiously on her canvas. I shrugged.

'Hey, you got some black?', Darcel asked.

'My paintbrush broke', Chloe piped next to her.

'You guys…', I sighed, 'We should make a whatsapp group, so that I can remind you about your things'.

'We're going to add you to ours!', Darcel announced.

'Good', I said, 'Because I'm not helping you next time. My things are too expensive'.

'Heeey', Nyx laughed, 'Someone's being naughty on her first day with us'

She reached over and ruffled my hair till I apologised.

None of the four friends noticed Miss Aecha admiring their jolly fest from her table. It's good to be young, she thought.

All of us had lunch together and went back to our separate lectures for the basket subjects. Darcel and I went for figure painting while Nyx and Chloe went for digital art. We decided to meet at the Osmanthus tree to say our goodbyes. Darcel and I finished our lectures early so we walked over to the tree chattering about her two moms. There was nobody about the area except for one figure that was leaning against the tree. I stopped a minute too late…..

'Mae why did you stop?', Darcel asked, surprised at my abrupt halt.

'Mae?!', Min Joon said as he came over to us. I turned away without meeting his gaze.

'This him?'Darcel asked, blocking him from coming closer to me.

I nodded silently.

'Mae, who-who's this?', He asked.

'She's my friend, Darcel', I said, 'What do you want?'

'Mae listen, I'm so sorry', He continued, 'I shouldn't have said those things to you. I regretted it so much, I didn't expect you to fall sick after that. I'm sorry, I was wrong to say that. I thought about what you said. You're right, I-I think those aren't just dreams they're more like memories. I remember you now-'

'She doesn't need your apology!', A voice broke out harshly behind me.

'Nyx!', I exclaimed, 'Chloe, are your lectures over?'

'Yes, they are Mae', Chloe said frowning, 'Is he annoying you?'

Nyx joined Darcel's glaring club and stood protectively in front of me.

'We're here for you', Chloe whispered taking my hand.

'Mae, listen to me', Min Joon said desperately, 'I'm really-'

'I won't forgive you', I mumbled.


'I said I won't forgive you', I said, 'You can't take what you said back. What's done is-done'.

'Mae please', He said, 'I remember you as Sun-Hee. I remember what we used to be-'

'So what?', I asked gently, pushing Darcel and Nyx out of the way.

I stepped closer to him.

'Mae, I need your help', He said.

'You know what Min Joon?', I said, 'I don't like you either. You're a coward who doesn't like to own up to his own problems. I wanted to help you. You insulted me in front of an entire school and now you think I'll forgive you? Are you that fucking shameless?'

Min Joon stared at me, stunned.

I backed away to my friends who huddled closer to me.

'I have friends now', I said quietly, 'I don't need you anymore. I don't know you and I don't like you. So stay away from me. You have serious temper issues. Go see a doctor, Min Joon. You-need-help'

And with that I walked away while holding onto Darcel and Chloe. Nyx gave him one more death glare-

'Nyx come on, you'll give him nightmares babe!', Darcel called out.

We left Min Joon staring at our backs in pain and dismay. I know how he feels.

Now he knows what it feels like to be insulted by someone you adored in your past life.

I wiped a tear from my cheek, 'I love you guys'.

'We made you a promise cupcake', Darcel said, 'We're bound for life now'.

'Yeah Mae, meet us by the same tree tomorrow', Chloe said, skipping ahead of us.

'We'll keep an eye on that jerk', Nyx said, clenching her fist.

And that was how I made new friends without even trying to.

I was full of joy as I went home with dad. I burst into the kitchen the moment I entered the house and found uncle Wen boiling something in a pan.

'Uncle Wen!', I said hugging him, 'Guess what? I found new friends!'

'What?', He said, 'This soon? Are you sure they're not bullying you?'

'Of course not!', I said, 'They're really nice'.

'Hmph!', He said.

'Wen, shouldn't you be more happy for her?, Dad asked joining us by the stove.

'Oh I certainly am!' He said dipping the spatula in the gooey brown stuff and tasting it, 'Look at us. We look like a cute family'.

'Mae and I do, you don't belong', Dad said, snatching me from uncle Wen.

'I'm hurt!', He said, 'Here I am cooking like a mom for my two favourite people in the world. You're such a killjoy Hyun. Killjoy Hyun. Hey that matches!'

I chuckled as dad lunged for him. Uncle smacked across the face with the sticky spatula.

'Dumbass!', Dad cursed, 'I'm going to kill you!'

'Who's going to make food then?', Uncle said dodging, 'You?'

'What is this?'I asked, pointing at the boiling pan.

'I'm going to make honey taffy', He announced, 'For my Ah Mae'

'What about for dad?'

'That pig doesn't need more fattening', He said seriously.

'I heard that!', Dad shouted from the living room.

I laughed holding my sides.

'Can you not leave?', I asked uncle Wen leaning against the pantry.

He let out a sigh, 'I do want to stay Mae, but grandpa's getting old and he needs more help you know'.

'I'll be lonely when you're gone', I said sadly.

'I'll do my best to visit you often', He said.

As I looked out of the window I thought my troubles were finally coming to an end.

It seemed more peaceful.

But that was until I saw what I dreaded the most.

My death.

Am I going too fast? Can you let me know?

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