
Looking For The Beginning

Mae's been having vivid dreams ever since she was very young. As she grows up, they seem to be getting worse. As she tries to sort out her state, she forms a relationship with a familiar figure from her dreams. The truth begins to unfold as she confronts her fears. Are they just dreams? Or are they memories from her past life?

Everheart · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 15-New friends

I was at home for about two weeks and I only had three more days till the project. I was feeling really bad and got splitting headaches every once in a while. Dr. Taemin had apparently come the moment he got my uncle's call. He had told everything except for my reincarnation stuff and Taemin was worried that I might develop depression. He didn't want to wake me since I was in a deep sleep but had prescribed some calming medicine and some other activities. I was told to meditate in the afternoon and paint whenever I felt like it. It wasn't just the humiliation but mostly the pain. Uncle Wen was right. I thought I knew him but….I actually didn't.

So I decided to give up on him and focus on my health for the time being. Both my dad and uncle were very supportive. So was Dr. Taemin. He called from time to time to check on me and offer advice.

Dad told me that I have to go to the campus and remove my name from the project pending list since I can't participate in it any longer. I was hoping that I won't run into Min Joon but even if I did, I won't stand it any longer.

I was just passing the girls washroom in the art building until I heard someone say 'psst'.

I turned in surprise.

I walked back a few steps and kept my ear to the door. The voice behind it said, 'Come in, we've been watching you'.

I started to wonder if someone was stalking me. Eh, my life was the definition of weirdness. I wouldn't be surprised if someone took pleasure in stalking me.

I cautiously pushed the door open and stepped in, only to be surprised again by the sight of the strange individuals who were waiting inside for me.

'Mae, I'm so glad you came today, I'm Darcel, Darcel Gomez'.

Darcel was a dark girl with a load of black curly hair and owl earrings. She smiled and held out her hand. I stared bemused at it.

'Oh uh', Darcel said flustered, 'We're trying to be friends with you Mae, I swear on my life that we're not going to make fun of you or anything. I'm so sorry for the abruptness but we've been waiting for almost two weeks ever since that ... .incident with that spoilt guy'.

'Yeah, we were hoping to talk with you but you ran!', Chimed the girl with long flowy brown hair and doe eyes, 'I'm Chloe by the way, Chloe Patterson. I love your art, I think it's pretty. I've noticed that you don't like figure drawing though. Miss Aecha's pretty nice-'

'Girl give her some space would you?', Darcel interrupted, 'And Mae, meet our final friend-in-waiting-'

'Nyxora Galden, call me Nyx', said a voice from the corner.

As Darcela and Chloe parted I could see a slumped figure of a dark haired girl. As she came closer and offered me her hand, I noticed she was a sort of emo with black eyeliner, black choker and purple lipstick. She reminded me of Thalia Grace but more slender.

All in all, they were a weird set of people. I silently accepted their hands and words in surprise and overwhelm. I have to appreciate their sense of fashion though. Darcel wore a slim fitting pink jacket over a white top while Chloe had a flowery short dress with a pair of heels. I thought she was tall enough even without them. Nyx of course was donned in full black. I thought she looked awesome in her crop jacket and nonchalant face. I felt like I didn't fit in with my oversized top and faded jeans.

'Uh….', I said clueless.

'Oh yes!', Chloe gushed, 'We all saw how that-that person shouted at you that day and we thought you might need some help'.

'Help as in you know, as friends Mae', Darcel offered, 'It seemed like you were having a pretty hard time?'

'Hard time?', Nyx scoffed, 'I can't believe he did that. I mean his audacity!'

'I can't believe that either', I said quietly.

'You know that dweeb sweetheart?', Darcel asked suddenly.

'Um', I backed away.

'Darcel, she doesn't know us, why would she tell us?', Nyx asked, propping her elbow on her shoulder.

'Right!', Chloe said gleefully, 'Let's tell her'.

'Mmhm', Darcel agreed.

'Uh, you don't have to', I said, 'We could just be friends?'.

'No girl', Darcel said, 'You need a reason as to why you should trust us, so we'll gladly tell you so that you'd be more comfortable'.

'I'll start!', Chloe said, dancing on her heels, 'So you know my name. I, uh, actually come from England and we had this strange tradition in our family line where girls get engaged at a young age to suitors. I don't know where it came from, but I was engaged to this guy. A handsome guy, and I really liked him. Only…. To figure out that he liked someone else. So he broke off the engagement even though I didn't want to. And… that kind-kind of broke me. I developed depression and hurt myself countless times… That was until I came here and met these two. Now I feel a lot better. I'm just glad to be away from home'.

'Wow, I'm so sorry…', I said. I didn't know what to say. She looked so beautiful and kind, she certainly didn't deserve her past.

'I'll go next', Darcel said, pulling her jacket closer, 'I'm Darcel, I actually have two moms. And I'm adopted. I used to get laughed at a lot when I was in high school. One day I just got mad and pushed a girl. She unfortunately fell down the stairs and broke her leg. I didn't mean for it to happen, but…..it did anyways. Naturally, I was expelled. I had anger issues and had to go for therapy. My grandpa sent me here with his money and I met Nyx. And…that's it for me I guess

'I'm Nyxora but I like to go by Nyx', Nyx said leaning against the hair dryer, 'I'm an orphan and I grew up in a foster home. When I was sixteen I started to do a part time job and manage my high school fees. I somehow got a scholarship here. I'm good at graphics and spray painting. I used to smoke but gave up on it ever since the three of us got together'.

I was stunned.

'In other words sweetheart', Darcel said, taking my hands in hers, 'All of us used to have problems until we got together. It's not some sort of heroic thingie but helping people has become our kind of thing and it looks like we could use another friend. So…you want to join?'

I felt myself tearing up, 'Y-you want to be my friends?'.

'Yeah Mae', Chloe said, holding my shoulders, 'We can help you. Whatever it is'.

'But, my problem is completely different', I said, 'You might not believe me'.

'Hey', Nyx said walking closer, 'Try me! Like it or not we've already barged into your life. You can't push us out now'.

I laughed, 'Okay then, here goes'.

I started with my dreams and then how it connected to my past. I didn't mention much about Soochul and Taehyun. It was mostly about my life as a princess and Jae-Sung.

By the time I finished my speech everything was silent.

Nyx looks thoughtful and Chloe seemed to be in tears while Darcel was just…blinking.

'Oh Mae!', Chloe burst out and squeezed me till I couldn't breathe, 'Oh what a hard life you've had. I hate him!'

'Mae', Darcel said, 'That was-

'Crazy!', Nyx said, 'I love it! I guess reincarnation is real! But we still have to beat the crap out of that guy. I think-'

'He just doesn't want to accept the fact that he can remember', Darcel finished for her, 'He's still in denial'.

'Wait', I said, 'you guys don't think I'm crazy?'

'Pfft', Nyx laughed, 'You think our lives are any different? Your problem is like a mix of all our problems'.

'Mae', Darcel said, 'From today on we're your friends, understand?'

I nodded gratefully.

'By all our troths I swear that we'll never hold anything of what you said against you', She said, 'You're not crazy and you will get through this now that we have your back. You're an interesting person Mae, we knew you long before this you know?'

'I'm sorry', I confessed, 'I should've noticed you sooner. I just…was too busy with my schedule'.

'Hey don't stress on it', Nyx said smiling, 'Besides it's time for class now. You want to sit with us?'

I looked at the three hopeful faces that were looking at me expectantly.

'How can I say no?', I shrugged.

'Yay!', Chloe squealed, 'New friend! New friend!'

I laughed along with the others as we made our way to the lecture room

Looks like I do have a chance at a new beginning.