

Ava's P O V...

When i saw the number it show "Unknown number" I click the answer button

it was a familiar voice,

"Ava come to my office" it's Alvin😮....

Verona you go first , i'll come later

but why Ava ,who on the phone Verona questioned me.

I'll tell later, said and leave in hurry.

I'm infront of Alvin's room , i don't know whenever i come to his something happening to me , i fearly knock his door

Come in he said

Sir , i said and he looked at me

I look straitly to his eyes i didn' t hesitate,

what are you doing in caffeteria during working hours , Don't you know tha rules,he frowned,

Sir....i cuttoff by Alvin,

Did you see Anny Out side he asked me , "NO sir " I said politely.

Then go and get a Coffee for me he said in ordered tone.

"Yes", s...irrr

"Why are hesitate can't you do"

"No sir".....


Ava : No sir, i sai i can....i' ll bring it for you..

" Don't get it from coffee machine , made it yourself , Make it strong with low sugar" Ava did hear me ,

" Sir have you any diabetes problem" Ava teased him. But he asked "No Why are asking"

Nothing sir she giggled herself and take her leave.

why she asked that talking himself while loosing his tie.

I asked the saff in the room and ready to make the coffee.Why he didn't yell today and asking me to bring coffee what was he thinking,her mind was playing so many things

She pour the coffee in to the cup and the flask

"How did he know i good at making coffee, The only thing i'm good at making coffee and tea" she talking her self and knock the door

Alvin said her to come she put the cup of coffee infront of him,flask place it on side of the table.

What is this he asked,

she Said " Sir it is flask"

" Did you think i don't know that "he yelled

This cold , she groned and said sir it's Coffee i pour it for later, you have. What if Anny come late and if you want coffee that's why i pour it on the flask.

"I'm also kinda bussy" she said in lowtone.

Alvin :what???

Nothing sir i'll take my leave and she about leave.Alvin Called Ms.Ava ,

Ava thought: ahh he called for to say thanks.

Sir, she turned and stood there

Alvin hold coffee cup and walking towards her and said "Don"t hang around outside during the office hour, ok "

Okay sir she frowned.

She came out and Sigh out loud "Ahh i can't take it what he think about me , did he punished me to make coffee for went outside during working hour🤔"

Don't he how to say thanks what such jerk she finished and putting hands on her mouth,

watchout Ava what are you talking eventhough he is j* you can't say that out loud , where is your manner Ava , she scolding herself and watch right ang left did any one there, What if some one hear me,Aishh again i make a big mistake 🤦why I ' m this clumsy.🤷

Aishhh.... beating in Air...

Some one cleared their throat The sound came from inside , she runnig without looking back.

She went to the verona and she look like some one sucked her all energy.

Ava what happen?where you went ?why are you like this ?? Verona asked so many questions

Ava looked at her with out energy and she said I'm from my punishment.😖

punishment ?what punishment??? asking confusely.

Ava lay down on her desk....Aishhhh...