

David P O V...

After Ava went i stopped the bus and my car is alredy waiting for me there where i stepped down. Why i ' m doing this because of Alvin or Aa..va Oh now i' m struggling to say her name what was that...whatever i 'm not going to fall for her.

Sir, the tender was taken by Alvin his PA said fearly.

" It's okay i'm not into that so i don't have to bother about it" david said while looking on the phone.

"How about i fired you and appointed the female assitent for me"


" don't worry i' m not yet into that"

How about Kelvin reports david questioned him,

Sir he didn't tell anything since last week,

"ohh ,ok but I assigned him some other work there i hope he did well"he has smirk on his lips,

"You may leave"...I 'll get what i want...


" What?????" Verona Opened her like big round , Yea he did that i finished the sentence with bid sigh.

Ava it's your lucky day just think that way can only do that,

Yes whatever, shall we go , Ava said while packing her things and put in bag,

When we went out Alvin a is also waiting there for elevator, 3 of us went inside he did not turn towars us" what a j* sry ill mannered, i should i care about him "i turned other side, i don't want see his face.

Some time later

Mary called me and told me to wait outside, for dinner.

I'm waiting outside " Ava " i turned to the side of voice it's..... Ofcourse whoever it's David .

"You, what are you doing here " ahh sry i don't mind do your bussiness i don't question you "she said start walking.

he started follwer her,

She stop because Mary is came " shall we go Ava "Mary said and she looked David You...

Hi..I'm david and he give bussiness card to her ," Sorry last time we can't talk freely , so How about dinner i'll treat you" he said while smirking that plump eyes.

I don't how will Mary react, "Ok" She said, Mary we can't how could be i frowned.

" Come on Ava how can i be a stranger we met Alredy 4 times " he cuttme off.

But we can't Sorry Mr. David i said politely,because i don't want to hurt his pride at the same time i can't accept his offer.

Let's go Ava mary requested, Ahh

what happen to this girl why she want to have a meal with hime , but....She draged me

and Let's go Mr David.

We ordered our food it's almost 15 mins i didn't talk anything to him but they talked continously and laughing and i don't know what there to laugh he just talking nonsense.

Ava what is your favourite food he asked with the loveable smile on his face

"why should i tell you" she rolled her eyes.

He ahhh nothing just to know he said with the awkward smile.

My phone is ring again that unkown number... Why he is calling this time

Who is calling david is try to see my phone . Mister mind your bussiness i frowned my eyes.