
What Am I?

August POV.

When I said begin, people usually get a feel of they opponent before they go for a straight out attack. This is why I wanted to give Zooey some pointers on Isabel because Isabel is not a regular fighter. She don't give people time to analyze her attack moves. She attacks with the intent to end things quickly. Plus she is really fast because she is small with not a lot of muscles, so she uses that to her advantage.

Isabel closed the distance between her and Zooey and start throwing the first couple punches. If you blinked you probably would've missed it, yes she is that fast. It's seems that Zooey can dodge them with ease. That's good. But Isabel didn't let up she threw another punch but this time she rose her knee to Zooey stomach. I wanted to yell watch out to Zooey but I knew I couldn't help. Zooey blocked her punch with one hand and grabbed Isabel leg with the other. She blocked them both! People usually can't see Isabel's hits to block them because she is too fast.... So how did Zooey do it without breaking a sweat? Is there more to her? Of course there's more to my mate. She never cease to amaze me.

" Are you done playing or are you going to dodge my hits all day?" Isabel asked. She seems a little pissed that her hits are having no effect on Zooey. Zooey just smiled at her back. This seems strange for some reason.

" Fine then don't answer me. There's no way you can win anyway. I can do this all day " Isabel said. Zooey smile seemed to widen a little. She must have a plan. I wonder what it is.

Isabel kept throwing punches left and right to Zooey. None of them even landed on her. Everyone seemed to get bored with this kind of fighting.

" Hit her back! "

" Isabel your not even touching her "

" This is why I hate watching girl fights "

Then I heard a laugh. A girl laugh. It was coming from Zooey. Why was she laughing. ... Alize seemed to be smirking as well. What's going on?! I walked to Alize but kept my eyes in Zooey.

" You Know Something " I accused her.

" Beta What ever do you mean? " Alize ask faking innocence. Ugh women.

" What Is Zooey Doing? " I asked.

" Zooey is In Her Natural Habitat. Don't you know who her father is?" was all she said.

Hmm her father. That's...umm.... Something inside my head clicked. Like all the pieces formed perfectly. Mckalith...Julian Mckalith Her father. He was from the Marines. Commander of the whole army after the president. He got a lot of medals for outstanding performance in leading the entire army towards constant victories. Hell he even trained this pack before I became its Training leader. That's because The thunder moon pack and the Silver moon pack are allies. We even have a joint HQ base. We just have separate pack houses, But our military base is united. I never would have thought he would train his own daughter. I never hear about her fights though..... Hmmmm that's strange. She did say she didn't really enjoy the idea of fighting much. I wonder why...

" Your realizing how strong your mate actually is huh.. " Alize said. Taking me out of my daze.

I watch Zooey as she started to move a little more. She moves with calmness as if she already knows her next move is , mean while Isabel looks like she has run out of moves.

Isabel goes in for another swing but instead of Zooey dodging her hit this time she takes Isabel arm and flipped her on her back. Isabel groans while on the floor.

" Are you quite done? I don't want to hurt you anymore then I have. " Zooey asked. It's seems like she truly meant it.

" Don't act like you already won. I won't let you take this from me!! You already took August. Let me have this!! " Isabel screamed while she got back up. There's no way she can know Zooey is my mate.... No one knows but Alize And her Mate our gamma... Isabel went to go grab her katana.

" So I'm guessing using weapons is not against the rules? " Zooey Asked Hesitantly.

I Sighed. " No. Sorry Zoe.. " I forgot to tell her about that part of the rules. I felt bad. It was starting to look like she was going to win too..... Man I'm an idiot. I could have warned her. She took a deep breath and started to run towards Isabel. What in the word is she doing running towards Isabel unarmed?! Damn it... I might have to stop it early or else my mate will die. I was about to say the battle is over when Zooey Lifted her leg and kick the katana Out of Isabel hand before she can get it out its cover then turned and use her other leg to kick her in the face and sent her flying. Isabel was instantly Knocked Out. The training grounds was silent.

What in the world did I just see?? What kind of Strength Does she possess ?


Zooey POV.

I looked at Isabel on the ground knocked out cold. ....It brought back memories I didn't want to remember.

My dad. Blood ever where. So many people dead. No... I can't ...

" Please .... Dont go.. Papa ...Come back.." My panic attack was starting.

" Zooey Are you okay.? It's fine. Your fine. No need to panic. You are safe. " My mate whispered in my ear. I realized he was hugging me. How did this happened?

I looked in August Blue Eyes And Was Instantly Calm. No one can usually calm me down during my panic attacks. I leaned on his shoulder and breathe in his scent. Mmmm Man he smells so nice.

" My Bestfriend is just to awesome " Alize said with a smile.

" Man! Girl your kicks are pretty potent. ... I'll have to remember that Luna " Dimitri said with amazement in his voice. August and I Growled At him Simultaneously And he quickly made himself Scarce. I Started To Blush At us in sync already.

Everybody just started talking at once. My head was starting to hurt. I buried my head deeper into August Shoulder. Hoping he can sense my discomfort. I didn't want to talk about my victory. I was tired and exhausted. I wanted to go to bed.

" That's Enough! " August Used his Authority To Command silence. It worked too. It was like he was alpha.... Pretty scary. He was still hugging me when he continued his speech.

" Our Luna is keeping her title. Anybody who says other wise or do something against her will be punished for treason and will be sent to banishment or death. Now that we have our Luna we can proceed with our movement against the ones who attacked our home, and killed our alpha. But that will have to wait another day. Our Luna is tired. She deserve a good rest. So do the rest of you. Until tomorrow Thunder Forever More!!! "

" THUNDER FOREVER MORE!!!! " Everyone yelled, and dispersed.

" let's get you to bed Zoezoe. " He carried me Bridal Style to my room. I honestly don't remember the rest because once I felt his arms secure around me I was down for the count. Sleep like a baby. I hope he stayed by my side tonight and Every Night after that. ...


Zooey POV.

I'm surprised I didn't wake up to no nightmares. I usually do after panic attacks. I'm glad no one saw my panic attack but August. Oh crap ...August. Im going to have to explain myself sooner or later. I started stretch when I felt someone's arms tighten around my waist. What the heck. I look behind me and saw August sleeping face. He looked so peaceful mumbling in his sleep. I Started to blush as I hear my Name.

" Yeah Zoezoe.... Go get her... You can do it " he mumbled.

OMG he just can't get any cuter!! I think I almost fainted with the amount of cuteness I just saw. His grip around my waist got tighter. I was really in seventh heaven. I didn't want to move at all. My wolf just wanted to lick him all over. ... That was a disturbing picture she just put in my head.

" Good Morning Luna. Are you done admiring the view? " Double crap. He saw me staring.

" Um. Yes it's quite nice on the other side of the room?..." I said questionably. He started to chuckle. " Right .."

I started to get up embarrass on how we was laying and stretched properly...Yeah. That felt nice. I turned to see August staring at me this time. I smirked and Walked to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth. Fix my bed hair. Looked in the mirror. There I look a little better now. I walked back to my room. August was sitting on the bed. It look like he was waiting for me to come out.

" Luna we need to talk.... We are having a meeting in 5 minutes so be ready. I'll be coming to get you. " Ughhhhhhh I thought I had a couple of resting days before I had to take on my new responsibilities. Guess not. August left. I jumped in the shower real quick.


We walked into the meeting. The elders was there being Collins Dad, August parents, Benjamin's parents and my mom was sitting at the round table. Benjamin was here as well as Alize. Makes sense since he is the gamma of the pack and Alize is his mate. My mom is the one that looks out of place ....well her and Collins dad and I feel so bad. Everyone in here with their mate but them two.

" Hello Luna. Beta " They said. Well then.

" Now That we are all here we need to discuss the plans of attack and defense of this allied pack. " August mom said. She looks really pretty. Same eyes as August. ....Collins Dad keep looking in my direction. It was getting a little uncomfortable.

" Our pack trains everyday. Prepared for an attack at any time. " August said Side distracted. He Also Notice Collin dad body language towards Me.

" If you think they are ready then your still a little kid! A Beta Can see if his pack needs improving. He never thinks his pack is already at the peek of perfection. We are far from it if we let our alpha die. " August father said. What's his deal? Why is he talking to my mate like that! I Growled at him angrily. My eyes met His and he instantly submitted.

" Sorry Luna. I didn't mean to bring your late mate up to harm you. It was to prove a point. Please forgive me. " He Begged as he bowed his head.

" You need to apologize to your Beta. How Dare You speak to him in such a manner?! Where was the elders When our fearless late alpha met his demise? What was the counter measures?. Did you even have a meeting to see why he was being targeted? Do y'all have any information or anything useful that doesn't fucking involve bashing and name blaming? " I said To the Elders as I Noticed they all was about to Agee with August dad whose name is Robert.

" We are using the same training methods as before. And look where it got us. Without an alpha and without my son. We need to change something. I believe we should work on our defense. " Collins dad said.

" How Do You suppose we do that elder. ? We do not have a witch to help with our defense. We are a huge pack house. Defense could take weeks or even months to do without a witch. We don't have that type of time. " Benjamin said through gritted teeth.

" That's another reason why this young lady is here. Besides being the Luna's mother of course. " Collins father said admiringly.

Wait what are they talking about ? My mom blushes because we are all staring at her.

" Mom? "

" It's okay dear. My name is Brenda Mckalith. Mother of your Luna and Witch for the Silver moon pack. "

What. The. Actual.Fuck. MOM!!!!!!! I Mind Linked Her And graciously got ignored. Classic Mom. Always avoiding an actual conversation with me. Wasn't Always like this once upon a time.

" She can Help us with defense. Even teach her daughter witchery since its in her blood. If she agrees of course. " Collins said with admiration. ....admiration?! Now I'm the one staring at him uncomfortably.

" I don't understand why she didn't agree already " August father said harshly.

" You want me to leave my pack all alone? If they do live with y'all in this pack house they will not listen to anyone but me or my daughter. Are YOU prepared for that. ? " My mother asked.

" Since your daughter is our Luna it's more then fine with us if your pack only listens to her. She is their Luna as well once we become jointed. Silver Moon pack will merge with the thunder moon pack. We already have an alliance together so its not like our packs are complete strangers" Collins Father said eagerly.

" Fine I agree to all your terms except one. " Brenda said. We all waited to see what she would say.

" My daughter will not be learning any witchery just yet. Its Non negotiable. "

Wait. Woah. Shouldn't that be my choice? Not that I'm complaining. I don't really want to learn. That's just more violence added on to my fighting skills. No thank you.

Everyone was silent.

" Don't you think two witches is better then one? Why carry the burden all alone? " Collin father asked.

" You all know the consequence that comes with being a witch in a wolf pack. Witches have been trying to kill off the supernatural race for eons. So they forbid us from helping your kind. They kill us or our loved ones. I won't do that to my daughter. She deserves to be free from them. I already paid my debt to them unwillingly. Theres always a price to pay." Brenda said that last part mostly to her self.

Debt? Huh? Killed Loved ones? But my family is all alive except...

" Papa? They killed papa? ... " I asked confused. Last time I checked he died fighting for his country. ...

" Well I Don't Know If his cause of death was because of witches per say. I Am aware that your father had quite the obsession with my kind for most of his life. But No I wasn't talking about your father. I - well your father and I had a Baby before you Sweetheart But in order for us to live in peace with no war Between our two species the agreement was to give her our first born And Also every first born for the next three generations. Thats Why I Stop Dealing With The Council. Also The alpha Died by a witch as well...." Brenda said hesitantly. I was silent....This is the most I've heard my mother talk since my father died. Three years ago. She knew she was a witch all her life! The room immediately erupted in conversation.

" How do you know that!! "

" There's No way our alpha died from a witch!!"

" That doesn't make sense "

Everyone was yelling at mom. But I was quiet. I stop fighting because I thought the war is what killed papa. I wanted to heal people instead of fight them because I couldn't heal papa. Papa loved fighting! I should honor that version of him instead of the one of him and mom lying to me all my life. I couldn't heal the alpha..... Witches. ... Witches killed him, And they want me to learn Witchery?!? I'd Hate mom being the only able witch to teach me but I won't sit here idly while my pack is in trouble. I wasted so much time being lied to. By my own family. It caused too many lives. Important lives. No more!!! I won't Allow It. It's time to be useful.

" Beta Tell them to be Quiet " I quietly told August. He was the only one that can hear me.

" SILENCE!! " The room was quiet finally.

" Brenda Explain How You found out it was a witch " I Said with authority. She looked hurt I called her by her first name but she will get over it. Just like eventually I'll get over her lies.

" He was killed the same way they always kill wolves. Silver stamp to the heart with a crossed out moon as their sigil signature. Someone in this pack is a witch or is associated with a witch And is hiding it from us. Meaning there is a traitor in this pack. There's a mole. " she said.

Great. Just fudging great.

" A mole? How is that possible? Wouldn't we know? " Alize said.

" Not of she is cunning and deceitful my love " Benjamin replied.

I sighed. " We wasted enough time being blind and unprepared. It's time to take action. Brenda will set up the barrier around the pack house once the silver moon pack move in. She will also set up a detection spell so we will know when the witch uses her powers and we will catch her red handed. No one will tell anyone else in the pack that she is a witch. No need to scare our mole off. The pack military will continue training but we shall take 20 of the best fighters and teach them a different fighting method. This will create extra protection. Are we all clear.?! " I Asked.

" Yes Luna. " they all replied.

" Good. I don't want kept Secrets between any of us any more. We all need to be honest with each other if we plan to live. Do we understand each other ? " I asked everyone but I was looking at My mother.

" Yes Luna ! " They all said.

" Good since I said that I will be the first to abide by my rule. " I Took a deep breath and look at August. He looked confusingly back at me but didn't say nothing.

Well here goes nothing.

" August Was Choosing By the Moon Goddess To Be My New Mate. Don't ask me any questions because I do not know any of the answers. Ask her yourself if your that curious. Meeting is Dismissed. Thunder Forever More!! " I Finished my speech and leaned against August exhausted. This is only the beginning.

" Thunder Forever More!! " They said And left the room.


August, Alize And Benjamin was all in my room.

" Well well well. Cats out of the bag huh. " Ben said Once we entered.

" Are you okay Zooey? " Alize asked worried.

" Yeah I'm fine. It's my fault for being so blind. I should have known my father wouldn't be killed by regular humans in war. " I Laughed Weakly. August put his arms around me.

" Well you have me by your side now. I will never lie to you Zoezoe. I swear it. " August said to me. I just shrugged my shoulders. I'm too into my own thoughts to process his words.

" My question is who is the witch associated with and why? Because of the mole our alpha had to die?! " Benjamin asked.

" It's Quite simple. Some one wants this pack to be taken over by a new leader. I don't think they plan on the alpha finding its mate on the brink of death. " Alize said.

" Okay so we have to find the mole and find who else Out there is associated with the witch that want to end this pack. Great cause that's so easy " I muttered. Rubbing my temples. This is so much to take in.

" It's Okay Zoe We will find them. Their head will be on a pike when I'm finished with them!! " August said aggressively. I started to giggle. And so did everyone else.

" Why are y'all laughing at me ? "

" You're so cute when your being protective. " I said Flirting with him.

" Oh yeah? Would you Like to find what else is cute About me? " He said with a teasing smile.

" Well Now That You Mention it I Believe I do want to fin-" I was starting to say.

" OKAY GUYS WE ARE STILL HERE!! " Alize said. I was starting to like where that conversation was going too.

" Let's Go Train The Pack. August Are you leading 20 of the best fighters New Training methods? " Benjamin asked.

" Yeah I Think s-"

" No That Will Be Me. Let's go" I said getting up.

Time to get serious.



August POV.

For the last Two weeks Zooey Had our best recruits practicing old techniques and meditating. So to say that the fighters was pretty tired of this would be an understatement. I was kind of fed up with it myself but I was too much of a wuss to tell her.

" Beta Talk to her. We are wasting time. When are we going to learn something New? " Benjamin asked. The rest of them agreed with him. I sighed. Then I sniffed the air and the smell of peppermint filled my nostrils. Fuck I couldn't mind link Ben in time.

" So are you saying y'all not learning anything from calming your minds and body? " Zooey came out of no where. Everyone's back straightened. How does she do that? I'm glad I didn't open my mouth. Benjamin is in hot water now.

" I'm saying you said we are all going to learn something new. But we have learned nothing. " Ben replied crossing his arms. Zooey smiled.

" Very well you shall be my sparring partner today Ben. I shall show you all what a calm mind and body really do. " She said. Everyone was whispering because Ben is our top 3 best fighter. No one can beat him but me.

" Don't hurt my boyfriend Zoe. I need him ok? " Alize said. What?.... I don't even wanna know.

" Shouldn't you be asking me not to hurt your Bestfriend babe? " Ben asked. Alize just shook her head. Zooey Got in her fighting stance and so did Ben . She signaled for Ben to come at her. So he did. Ben Always eager to fight with someone new because he always beats them. He hate losing which is why I'm always his spar partner. It's kind of sad really.

Zooey side steps and Ben missed his target. She is moving like she knows his attack patterns already. ...But that couldn't be right. Ben fights on impulse so he don't have an attack pattern.

" Your Fighting Style is sloppy. Calm your mind. " Zooey said while dodging his hits graciously. He tried to hit her again but she blocked it and twisted his arm with ease.

" I SAID calm your mind Mutt "

She pushed him away and went back to fighting stance. Ben looked pissed. Her calm nature tends to get her opponents Upset. It makes them fight with more aggression and not a clear head. Which in turn makes them lose the match. Huh. What do you know. I think I figured it out. I'm so dumb. By the looks of it Ben figured it out to. He took a deep breath. And resumed his fighting stance. Although it looks like he changed the way he stand. Then Zooey went on attack mode.

She Sent a round kick to his chest and sent him flying. Woah. How powerful is her kicks? Benjamin's a pretty solid guy. I'm kind of curious now... He got back up with a groan. But resumed his stance. She went to attack again but this time she started with punches which he blocked. All of them.

" Yeah Ben your getting I- " Alize started to say till Zooey kneed his stomach and flipped him on his back.

Yeah. Ouch.

" Don't get confident because you think you know your opponents attack patterns. They can easily switch up on you. And you will lose. You calmed your mind which is why you went on defense mode. However you didn't calm your body otherwise you would have easily deflected my knee and my hands by straight reflex. This pack is always on attack mode. Which leaves your defense right open and costs you y'all lives. No more. Y'all attacks are good but if you guys sharpen up your defense your attacks won't be sloppy. It will be more put together and your hits will hit harder. " Zooey said. Silence filled the training guards.

" Well Said Luna. Your a pretty strong Luna indeed. "

That voice sent chills down my spine. And not the good kind of shivers might I add. Zooey sighed but didn't turn around.


Zooey POV.

" Isabel What an unpleasant Surprise. Did you came to train? " I Asked.

Great. I was having a good day. Showed the recruits what it means to calm your mind and body. Saw August Smile at me when I kick Ben ass. He looked so proud at me. My wolf was ecstatic that I was fighting again. ....Then. THEN his ex comes out of no where and let's say my happiness went down the drain real quick. And so did my wolfs. It's like somebody poured cold water on us.

" No Need. Because I'm quitting this pack. " everyone gasped. But me. I didn't gasped. Quite the opposite actually. I started laughing. Slapping my knees laughing. Things are starting to look up after all.

" la Belle why are you leaving? Just because you lost? I think that's a little dramatic don't you think? " August said. Why is he still calling her that.? I didn't really care whether she left or not but she is not his "La belle" anymore.

" No. Another pack wishes to make me there Luna so that's where I'm going. They notice my strength. I'm not needed here. We are no longer together. ....Unless your saying you want me Back Handsome... " She said flirtingly. She even went to him and leaned against his chest. The devil! How dare she!. He is mine. I Growled Fiercely At their interaction And she immediately removed her hands. Yeah mutt keep your hands to yourself and I'll keep mine.

" I knew you Couldn't Stay without me for long" she purred. He started to lean towards her. I couldn't growl aggressively at August. My wolfs confused too.

Tears started to sting my eyes but I held it in. I went around and walk right past them. I Couldn't bear to hear or look any more. If this is how it's going to be then I rather be a Luna Without a Mat-

" No thank you Isabel. I have a mate already " August said. I stopped walking but I didn't turn around. No need to get my hopes up. I have to have a calm mind.

" Don't say such nonsense. You mate died a long time ago. You was going to claim me as your mate..." Isabel said.

" And I'm glad I didn't claim you. Because I wouldn't have found my new mate the moon goddess has blessed me with. " August said. My Wolf Ears went on high hearing alert. Calm mind Zooey. Remember calm mind I chant to myself.

" That's Impossible. Maybe you was just Dreaming or something. You haven't gotten much sleep. Maybe you should Get Some Rest sweetie " She started to rub his shoulders.

He moved her hand Away Disgusted.

" I Get plenty of rest now that I know my mate is safe And in my pack house. You do well to remember that. So are you really leaving? " August Asked. I turned around by then. Calm mind calm mind calm mind, I was still chanting to myself but my heart was racing. I pretty sure everyone can hear it.

" Just one Question. Then I'll decide if I should leave. Who is your mate? " Isabel Asked. The whole training area Moved closer to listen as well. Well then....

" I thought It Was Obvious " He moved his head to the side. Man this guy is really dense sometimes. He thought he was obvious? I second guess he my mate myself sometimes. That's how not obvious he is.

" WELL ITS NOT !! " The Whole training Group said. I started to giggle to myself. You gotta love these guys.

He heard me laughing and look back. His eyes soften and he smiled. I Swooned. He drives me crazy without even knowing it. Calm min-

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer into a hug. And kiss the top of my head. I leaned in and breath in his Alluring scent. Pine Trees And A hint of Cinnamon.

" Zooey is My one And true mate. This beautiful creature right here. And I want her to stand by My side forever. So Zooey Will You? "

Aww screw a Calm mind.

I grabbed his face a planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

" I thought you would never ask " I said. My wolf was doing back flips with excitement. Finally!!!

" What the hell?! Is this some kind of sick joke? " Isabel Said.

" The only thing that's sick is that your still here " I mumbled under my breath. Although I know August heard me.

" Be Nice Zoezoe. Anyway are you leaving or not. You know you have to ask permission of our Luna First. " August said.

" I Rathe- nothing. Doesn't that makes you Alpha Now August? I think I will stay a little longer " Isabel said batting her eyelashes at him. She's lucky I don't stab her eyes out. Everyone started murmuring. Now everyone was curious. I wanted to know too. I mean I thought that's what it meant since he is my mate.

" No " Was all he said.

Wait no? That doesn't make a lick of sense.

" What Do You Mean No ? " I asked before Isabel opened her mouth.

" I wasn't meant to lead the pack just yet. You are the Luna. It's not my time to become Alpha As Of Yet. Also... We kind of have to do something before I can get the role as alpha when the time comes. " August said while scratching the back of his head. Huh what is he talking about.... Everyone eyes widen like they knew all Ready. Isabel Growled at me. Alize eyes look like it was Christmas Eve. Ben was laughing at my confused expression. August face was turning red.

" I wanna know what we got to do August. You already know I will do anything for you. If you want to help me with the pack I will be really happy. I don't know if I can do it by myself anyway. They need an alpha. Just tell me what to do and it's done. " I Told him. Even if it was something bad I know I would do it for him. I don't care what it is. He is my mate after all. Shit How far gone am I already?

" Um. (Cough) maybe I'll tell you later Zoezoe. Now is not really the best time. " He said while his face was getting redder by the minute. Huh. But I wanna know now. Everyone was trying to hold in there laugh. I puffed my face.

" Fine "

I walked away into the pack house. How come everyone knows but me! No Fair.


I was laying down in my room thinking of defense strategies when Alize walked in the room.

" Let's Go To a hot spring. We can relax our bodies there. Soothe our bones. " Alize said. I thought she came in here to tell me what August meant. What kind of bestie is she?

" Hmmph I don't want to go. " I Said. We can both play that game!!

" You sound like a baby who candy got stolen. Get over it. " Alize said.

" Do you think it's fair to leave your Luna out of the loop? I thought we wasn't going to keep secrets from each other " I had to play the guilt card with Alize. It works all the time.

" It's not a secret. It's common knowledge. You just don't have it. " Apparently not this time though.

" UGH . I'm Not going. I got things to do. " I said. I got up and walked to my dresser.

" August Said He Was Going.... " She Trailed Off. Didn't matter what else she was saying, I already had My Bathing Towel and a Change Of Clothes.

" So I'm Ready To Go. " I said already walking out the door. She followed me chuckling.

20 minutes later Alize Ben August And I Arrived at the hot springs. I never been to one before so this was a new experience for me. You can tell everyone else been here because they started walking inside while I was gaping at how big and beautiful it was. It looked like a prince castle. White and Gold.

" Are you going to stand there all day ? " Ben asked. I just stuck my tongue out at him and started to walk inside.

I was waiting for Alize to tell me which way is the girls restroom so we can split up and change but we just kept walking with the boys so I was highly Confused. They know better then me I suppose...

Then we arrived at the changing station. I figured we was going to split then but we was still walking with them. I was so confused till I notice there was no boy or girl sign. That and guys and girls was changing in the same room. My eyes started to widen when I saw a guy started to take off his Boxers. I looked straight ahead real quick.

" Omg omg omg omg omg " I was saying.

" Oh yeah Zoe this spring is unisex. Alphas, Betas and gammas only bathes here as well as their spouse. Other wolves and humans is not aloud. This is neutral Territory so there's no need to be so shaken up. It's natural we shed our fur. " Alize said.

Oh okay. Could have told me earlier but if It's normal.... I guess I can be fine with shedding my skin.... Wait she said fur. As in.....

" We bathe as wolves? " I asked. They all nodded they heads mad started to strip like its a daily activity. I on the other hand tried not to look at strangers naked bodies around me.

So let me try to understand....They brought me to a hot spring ...to strip naked in front of people I don't know and ... To change into my wolf. That's not crazy at all. Nope perfectly normal.

" So You guys can enjoy your selves. And I'll just wait for you in the car ok? " I started to walk backwards towards the Exit.

" So Your taking the coward way out. How you expect me to rule with you if you can show me or any of the other major leaders your fur? Are you that ashamed Luna? Or is It My Body That's Making you run away?.. " August said with a smirk. Where did this come from. ? When he said 'Luna' everyone's neck turned to our direction. Oh gods. So even if I did change I have to change with people looking at me. More attention I did not want or need. I groaned out loud. ... Then A Lightbulb switched on in my head. I started to smirk.

" It's Not That Beta. I just thought if it was better if the other packs didn't see me get undress. I wanted to save that for only your eyes. But since you insist for me to change in front of them sooooo badly..." I said as I batt my eyes at him I took off my shirt showing my Red laced Victoria Secret bra that gave my C cup boobs a lil push in the right direction. I started to unzip my pants showing my Matching Underwear Set. I was starting to take them off by bending over giving my hips a little shake as I do so, when I heard an intake of breath. I didn't stop though. I made it this far. I let my pants drop to the floor with my sandals. Took my ponytail out my head and shake my head and Heard some whistles.

" Damn Girl You know How To give a good Show " Someone said from somewhere. I started to blush then I met August eyes. And I wish I hadn't.

" EVERYONE SHIFT AND GET IN THE SPRING NOW!! " August yelled and he threw a towel at me. Why he so angry? Isn't this normal? I didn't say anything though. He was kind of scary when he is mad. He looks like he is ready to kill anybody who defied what he said. And no one did. I guess it's cause he is from the pack of Royalty. All packs had no choice but to obey the Thunder moon pack.

The changing stations was empty except for the four of us. Ben and Alize was completely naked by then. They shifted and started to walk away.

Good Luck. Alize mind linked me. Yeah Imma need it.

I looked at August. He seemed to have calm down. Thank you moon goddess. I don't think I could have deal with him angry.

" So you thought it was okay to show other people what is mine? Give them a show? " Oh no gods. He was deathly calm. The type of calm that makes you second guess about every single thing you ever did in your entire life.

" N-no that's not what I .. Um I didn't ... What I-I mean Is.." Dammit I'm a Stuttering mess. He got me so nervous. I just stop talking. No need to embarrass myself any longer then I already have. He walks closer to me and I just put my head down. Maybe I went to far but I really don't know what I did wrong. It's a bath house!! They change in front of everybody all the time. But when I do it he gets mad. Makes no sense. He never makes any sense. Am I ever going to understand him. ? I took a deep breath.

" Finish Stripping they are waiting for us. " he wants me to continue. ?! In front of him? And shift? My wolf was shaking her head. She didn't want to shift. That's weird she always begging me to go out for a run.

" My wolf doesn't want to shift " I said silently. Maybe he will let me leave with some dignity.

" I want you to strip and enjoy the water with me. Your wolf will get over it. Go on. " He said. Sorry wolf I told her. I remove the towel and gave it back but I still didn't look at him. He moved my head so I was looking at him and my knees almost buckled. The look he was giving me was so intense. So full of emotion. Like he was trying to control himself. He Sighed.

" I'll wait for you in the springs. I don't think it's a smart idea if I watched you..... I'm trying to get a hold of my wolf but he is fighting me... Hurry up and come to me Zoezoe. " was the last thing he said before he shifted. His wolf fur was a jet black shiny coat. He was even handsome as a wolf. I wanted to rub my hands through his fur. But he said he was trying to control himself. Whatever that means. He looked back at me with an almost wanting look.

I don't know why I did it but I know I wanted him to see all of me. I didn't want to be ashamed. I wanted to be bold and courageous for him. While he was still looking I unhooked my bra and let it drop. I slipped my panties off as well while maintaining eye contact with him. His tail was whipping back and forth like he wanted to pounce on me but he kept control. Or was trying to. I was completely naked. I know I was blushing hard but I didn't care. I know I had to shift which was the hard part.

My natural Wolf fur is Brown with white spots in the back. No one knows why I have white spots I just do. My wolf was whining begging me not to shift. And I should have stopped then and there but I wanted to please my mate more. I closed my eyes and willed every bone in my body to shift... I was used to shifting so it shouldn't hurt but every bone crack was like getting hit with a hammer. Everything was starting to hurt. And I was trying not to yell but tears was running down my eyes while whimpers escaped me.

What's wrong Zooey? August mind linked me Worried. Licking my face.

Everything hurts. I told him.

Then everything stop hurting. I was on all fours. I looked around and saw everything so much more clearly. Thank gods the pain was over I don't even know what that was. August came to me and rubbed my sides with his snout.

Better? He asked.

Yeah much better. Did you do something? I replied.

It's an Healing ability all leaders have. It only works with their mates. August said.

Oh well that's convenient.

I looked in the mirror and saw that my coat wasn't brown. It was pure white. And my eyes wasn't hazel. It was Green.

What the hell happened to me!

Hi Readers I Am Goddess!

Sorry About The late update. Updates are on tuesday! I'll try to be punctual next time! I hope you enjoy my Book So Far! and Dont forget to vote and support<3

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