
Lolipop Candy Love

When the coronavirus attack in 2020, the economy shut down completely in some countries. For Claire, her senior year should be amazing but when things happened, she could only wish everything would be better. Living in her own world, Claire do not like anyone and only think about her Thai actor, Arm Weerayut. Little that she knows, her meet with snobbish Aidan change her entire world. Trap in the campsite — getting accused for liking her own friends and almost get killed by her sister. Claire hate Aidan so much that she blames Aidan for almost everything but Aidan does not fall easily. He got his own mission for Claire. Until he achieves it, he will not fall. Would things actually turn worse this year and after? Would Aidan change her perspective towards guys and bring the new Claire? Or would Claire fall for Riera trap?

clairehyacinth_ · Teen
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10 Chs

Episode 2: Cliché Storyline

(City A Street Market)

I walk down the street. I was searching for the store where the guy told me just now about the store that sells the same shoes as Arm. I love using my money to buy shoes and shirts. I love to get matching items like Arm. My friends call this obsess but I call this love. Just when I found the shop and wanted to enter, a girl stops me from doing so.

"Hey, Claire." I look upon the caller.

"Ohh, Ivy. Long time no see." I smile as I look at her.

"What are you doing here? Buying another new shoe?" She asked me.

"Of course. That's my hobby right." I smile as I enter the store with her.

"I know. You are searching for new shoes so that you could look gorgeous in front of the guys later right? I heard that your partner is very nice and handsome." Ivy teasing me.

"No way. I am searching for a shoe like my Arm. He posted a new picture just now." I smile as I showed her the picture just now.

"Claire? You're wasting your money over this man who even doesn't know your existent?" Ivy keeps questioning me.

"Well, at least I don't waste my money upon anyone who will hurt my feelings later." I smile at her.

"Claire?" She looks at me and shakes her head.

"Help me find this shoe and I'll treat you with lunch later." I could see her smiling over things.

We asked the owner of the store. She is a very old lady and she smiles looking at me and Ivy. She shows me the shoes and I bought a pair of them. I was so happy that I knock on Ivy a few times.

"Thank you for buying. See you again." The old lady sends us off.

We smile at her and as we walk outside the store, we bump into a guy and he almost makes me fall. Luckily, Ivy catches me. I was so mad at him.

"Hey sir, It's you again. Don't you know how to say sorry?" I was mad.

"You bump into me and you expect me to say sorry? No way." He was being snobbish.

"You bump into me." I again defend myself.

"It's you."



"Stop." Another man comes and stops us from fighting.

We look at the man who stops us just now. I was madly in anger. Now another man comes in line. Can this man stop seeking problems with us women?

"I'm sorry on behalf of my friend. He was quite hot-tempered." His words cool my anger.

"Why do you need to apologize to her? It was she who bumped into me first." The man earlier starts getting mad at his friend.

"No point with arguing. We can settle it in a better way. Let's go." He drags his friends away from us.

"Look. This what I meant by not worth man. Always bickering around." I was really mad.

"Let's go. We already book for the buffet." Ivy drags me away from there.

Both of us walk to a very famous sushi store in the town. I like sushi so much same goes for Ivy. Both of us share the same taste. We don't eat strawberries and anchovies. We also share the same interest in music and fashion. Some said that we look like best friends but she got her own life and also me myself. We sometimes spend time together only when we are studying and having worked together.

"Miss, would you mind sharing seats with others?" A waitress comes and asked us.

"No. It's okay." Both of us smile.

Just then my smile fades away when I see those men from before. They sit in front of us. I hate to say but I don't like that man who bumps into me just now.

"I'm sorry that we need to share places with you guys. My name is Daniel and this is my friend Aidan." The sweet guy introduces himself.

"I'm Ivy and this is my friend Claire." Ivy tries to introduce us.

It was a very awkward lunch. Only Ivy and Daniel spoke to each other while Aidan does not give any reaction so do I. Just then, something catches both me and Aidan.

"So, you're from Lyra school, right?" Daniel's words make both me and Ivy shock.

"Yes. You guys from the prince school?" Ivy asked him.

"Yes. I'm from the sports department." Ivy smile.

"Hey, what a coincidence. I'm from the sports department too.

Aidan from the student affairs." I suddenly choked.

"Are you ok Claire?" Ivy gives me a glass of water.

"Hmm." I drink it slowly.

"Daniel, I'm going now. I need to make a draft for the upcoming event." Aidan gets up and walks away.

"Hey, wait. I'm sorry for his rudeness again. See you guys later." Daniel also walks away.

"I'm thinking of jumping from a building Ivy." I was completely zoned out.

"Don't say it like this Claire. Who knows he might be good when it comes to works? Well, we're going to work with both of them later. Cheer up. I will always be with you." Ivy tries to cheer me up.

"No. What the hell am I going to deal with that guy? No. No way." I wanted to throw tantrum.

"Let's get back to our room first. Umm, miss can you please give us the bill?" Ivy raised her hand.

"Ohh, your boyfriend already pays it for you." The waitress's words make both of them confused.


"The men just now. They paid in full." Her words make you even more shocked.

I stand and walk with Ivy. We chase for the two boys just now. Then, when I saw Aidan from his back, I poke him on his shoulder. He turns around and I grab his hand. I put an amount of money in his hand. He looks confused.

"Hey take your money back. I'm not a beggar." As I said it, I walk away with Ivy following me leaving him with a question all over his head.

"I'm sorry on behalf of her." Ivy smiles in guilty and follows me back.

-T5 (Council Bedroom)-

I put my head on the pillow, trying to forget what happened just now. Just then Aubrey comes in with some complaints from her mouth. She sits on her bed and throws away her beg on the floor.

"Wow, I thought you like that Gucci beg." I enjoy teasing her.

"Not now Claire. I was so mad." Aubrey closes her eyes and puts her hand together trying to calm herself.

"What is it now? Do you get into a fight again in the cafeteria? Or do you fight over Lyra for a man again? Or maybe one of your cards getting block by your father?" I try to guess about her problems.

"She got herself into problems this time." Andrea comes in suddenly with some documents in her hand.

"What did she do?" I'm asking her.

"She accidentally knocks on the vice principal car and..." Andrea's words stop.


"And she paints it with her nail polish to cover the stain but accidentally also..."


"The lousy cafeteria cooker saw it. Aubrey needs to pay her 1000$ to shut her mouth." I laugh as soon as Andrea finishes talking.

"Bahahaha. This was the funniest joke I ever heard in my life. Since when Aubrey gets scared over things? I thought you got nothing to fears at all?" I laugh out aloud.

"Waa, help me, Claire." She comes and hugs me.

"What can I do for you miss?" I'm asking her.

"Can you get her back for me?" Her words make me smirk.

"Of course. But I want something in return." I smile at her.





I walk to the cafeteria with my fellow student affairs members. We then sneakily enter the kitchen and we saw the lousy cafeteria workers is sleeping. I and my members get a marker pen and paint all over her face. We laugh and we get away without being traced. During lunch, her face went viral and even the teachers laugh at her. I was glad that no one even the principal does not heat the issues.

"Now, it's my turn." I smile and look at Aubrey.

"Ok. Here you go." Aubrey hand me her full set of nail polish.

"Next time if you wanted to do bad, please let me know. I will always help you. This nail polish now will be confiscated under the discipline unit. It's your Andrea." I hand in the nail polish to her.

"Claire, when would you be nice to me?" She asked me.

"When you learn how to appreciate me more." I smile and continue studying.

When I was distracting myself with books, a call come in. It was from my cousin, Aileen. She was studying at university and we often chat with each other. We always spend time together chatting with each other.

"Hey, sis. What's up?" I smile chatting with her.

"Hey, girl. What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Nothing just sort of boring stuff and preparation for the event. Did you get the parcel that I send to you last week?" I'm asking in curiosity.

"Yes. Thank you so much. My friends love it. Where did you get all this stuff?" She asked again.

"My friends bought it and I thought of giving it some to you. She bought it too much." Both of us chuckle.

"I get it. Claire, I got to go. I'm going to eat now. Talk to you later."

"Ok. Bye-bye ja." I hang up.




-The next day-

I walk in front of the music room. I saw Mr. Joss inside. I entered the room and he was busy with his piano. He stops when he realized I was there. He smiles at me. He was a young teacher who teaches music in our school. He was a Thailand man so I often greet him in Thai. He asks us to call him Brother Joss because he does not like to be called a teacher.

"Sawadikhap P' Joss. (hello brother Joss)" I greet him.

"Sawadikha Claire. What's up?" He asked me.

"Here is the list for the needs in the upcoming event. Can you look through it? I was in charge of the ball. I'm afraid the music and the other stuff, not suit your taste well." I hand in him a file.

"Thank you. I will look through it later." He smiles.

"Then, I better go first. We are going to meet the prince school representatives tonight." I smile at him.

"Tonight? Where will you meet them?"

"At the cruise restaurant. It was fully booked for us. Will you join us tonight?"

"I don't think so. This is just a meeting for you guys. We, adults, do not involve ourselves. Oh, before I forgot. Here you go." He hands me a plastic bag.

"What is it?" I confusedly take the plastic.

"I found out that you like Arm Weerayut. Since he was one of my friends, I'll ask him for his signature on a hoodie from his store." His words make me stunned.

"No way. You. Teacher. "I was crying in happiness.

"Take it as a present because you are one of my favorite students here." His words make me hug him.

"Thank you so much. I will not disappoint you. Promise." I smile and wipe off my tears.

"You better stop crying and go now. Prince does not like waiting for a long time." He pats my head.

"Ok." I walk away with happiness to the dorm.




"No way. P' Joss give you what?" Ivy was stunned.

"He gave me Arm Weerayut hoodie with his sign." I hug the hoodie and roll on my bed.

"Lucky you Claire. I hope one day he will notice you." Ivy pat my head.

"I can still smell his scent." I smell the hoodie.

"Hey wash. It first. The coronavirus is still around." Ivy smacks my head.

"Ouch ok. Where is my gown?" I'm asking her.

"I put it in your wardrobe. Adeline and Iris left a note."

"What? Where?"

"They said to bring us back a man of yours and stop dreaming with that artist whom you will never meet. Get yourself someone who can take care of you." Ivy was mimicking Iris's small voice.

"No, I will not. Never even in the next 7 life."

"Suite yourself Claire."