
LoL: Legends Of Runetera

Too Lazy To Write...] [Lore would not be accurate. Please be advice] Tags - System / Romance / Harem / Fantasy / Others... Note# - Need genuine Critics, or it will be deleted (Read Flags Below) Flags - #SlowUpdates #NewbieAuthor #MediocreEnglish #GrammarError #OnlyWriteOnMyPhone - I don't have Discord. If you want you can tell me and I'll try to make one - - Disclaimer: I do not owned nor I created the Cover Image Credits for Riot Games

TophMeansTough · Video Games
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"Hah! Hah! Haahhh!!"

"Say, Riven? Do you really wanted to join the Noxus army?"

"Haa... Ha... Yeah. You've already asked me this for the past 3 days now. Why do you keep asking me these?"

"... Nothing. I'm just bored."

"Then, eat something. We still have bread in the kitchen."

Besides the small fertile farm. Riven and Ryjhin were doing their thing. Riven was swinging a big sword as her training while the latter was just sitting on the patch of grass beside the tree watching her.

It's already been 3 days since they have met, rather, Ryjhin met one of his favorites characters in Runeterra Lore.

Though he can't master Riven, he likes her because of her backstory. A very compelling one.

(Riven Bio Copied on League Of Legends)

Riven is a child of the Noxus Empire. Her father lost to an unnamed battle and her mother to the girl's own stubborn birth, Riven was raised on a farm run by the empire on the rocky hillsides of Trevale.

Physical strength and ferocious will kept the children alive and working on the hard scrap of land, but Riven hungered for more than simply bread on the table. She watched conscriptors from regional warbands visiting the farms, year after year, and in them, she saw a chance at the life she dreamed of. When she finally pledged the empire her strength, she knew Noxus would embrace her as the daughter she longed to be.

Riven proved a natural soldier. Young as she was, her years of hard labor allowed her to quickly master the weight of a longsword taller than herself. Her new family was forged in the heat of battle, and Riven saw her bond to her brothers- and sisters-in-arms as unbreakable.

So exceptional was her dedication to the empire, that Boram Darkwill himself recognized her with a runic blade of dark metal, enchanted by a pale sorceress within his court. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad—perfectly suited to Riven's tastes.

Not long after, the warhosts set sail for Ionia as part of the long-planned Noxian invasion.

As this new war dragged on, it became clear that Ionia would not kneel. Riven's unit was assigned to escort another warband making its way through the embattled province of Navori. The warband's leader, Emystan, had employed a Zaunite alchymist, eager to test a new kind of weapon. Across countless campaigns, Riven would gladly have given her life for Noxus, but now she saw something awry in these other soldiers—something that made her deeply uncomfortable. The fragile amphorae they carried on their wagons had no purpose on any battlefield she could imagine...

The two warbands met increasingly fierce resistance, as if even the land itself sought to defy them. During a heavy rain storm, with mud pouring down the hillsides, Riven and her warriors were stranded with their deadly cargo—and it was then that the Ionian fighters revealed themselves. Seeing the danger, Riven called to Emystan for support.

The only answer she received was a flaming arrow, fired out from the ridgeline, and Riven understood this was no longer a war to expand the borders of Noxus. It was to be a complete annihilation of the enemy, no matter the cost.

The wagon was hit straight on. Instinctively, Riven drew her sword, but it was too late to protect anyone but herself. Chemical fire burst from the ruptured containers, and screams filled the night—both Ionian and Noxian falling victim to an agonizing, gruesome death. Shielded from the scorching, poisonous mists by the magic of her blade, she bore unwilling witness to scenes of horror and betrayal that would haunt her forever.

For Riven, memories of the hours that followed come only in fragments, and nightmares. She bound her wounds. She mourned the dead. But, most of all, she came to hate the sword that saved her life. The words carved into its surface mocked her, reminding her of all she had lost. She would find a way to break it, severing her last tie to Noxus, before the dawn.

But when the blade was finally shattered, still she found no peace.

Stripped of the faith and conviction that had bolstered her entire life, Riven chose to exile herself, wandering Ionia's battle-scarred landscape. When she finally returned to the village where she had broken the sword, it was revealed that her self-destructive needs had cost the life of their most revered elder... and yet Ionia embraced her with forgiveness.


That's what most of her backstory.

A child who just wanted love.

A broken child who longed for family that she can call home. And she found it on the Ionia.

However, if Ryjhin could remember clearly, her newfound family wanted to settle a farm where they could make a blissful memory. But her new mother died peacefully on the market while they were buying food on their journey.

Riven blames herself because of this. If she only the one who bought the goods, maybe her new father could be with her love at her last moment. But her father reprimands her to blame herself. And said that, she died peacefully while smiling.

With the duo, they build her a shrine just for her.

There, she met Yasuo who wanted vendetta for his Master and where she was captured by her War-Sisters and send to Noxus to face her sentence for deserting.

That's when the unfortunate thing happened to Ryjhin, he died, so he can't know what happened next.

But he watched, the trailer "Awaken" and it seems she fought Draven in the arena.

Her life was unending struggles that's why he likes her story. It was a very interesting one that even Riot focus on her story, most of according to him.

Actually, he tried to come in here when he was reincarnated in Gates Of Mourning orphanage. Unfortunately, he encountered a dragon and met Professor Mayne there and he took him in as an Apprentice.

He was cursing God that day for his faulty insurance if safety.

Before he was reincarnated, God gave him a chance to have powers, with, of course, luck. He has presented a roulette where many gifts that he can win.

And he won a System... A System that needs a Harem...

Its function was simple. He needs a Woman Champion to fall in love with and gained their strength or magic, like what they have. For example, Lux light magic.

And for the last minute, Ryjhin manages to bargain with God for his safety.

Runeterra has many World Ending Phenomenon, or demons that roam the entire Runterra, like Fiddlestick and Evelynn. It was a ticking time-bomb that will explode if not kept watch. So, Ryjhin requested that he will be safe until he turned 18.

Fortunately, God accepted, however, it only will keep him safe away from death but no injuries. He can lose limbs or eyes if not careful.

That's why he met Dragon that day and was saved by Professor Mayne.

As the two kill time besides the farm, the sun came down and the moon showed up.

The two entered Riven's house and ate their dinner.

Before sleeping, Riven trained her swordsmanship again.

Seeing this, Ryjhin could help but felt sorry for the little girl.

Riven thrive for power so she could join Noxus Army or a family that she longed for. It was one of the Noxus propaganda, they are all family, and they need to die for their family so they can save the unfortunate one who was not part of their family.

When Ryjhin still playing LoL without knowing the background of each Champion he always think that the Noxus is the bad guy and Demacian is the good guys.

Well, in a sense, it was right actually but, in Noxus there's no racism and all people are welcomed no matter what race you are if you are useful, you're welcome. And Ryjhin also thinks that war is normal for every era, so it factual for them to wage war for like them an Empire.

But he still not like their approach to that. He manipulated their citizen to wage war for them while the Elite takes all.

But that all change when Darkwill died and Swain took power. You might not actually believe it but Swain is actually a good guy despite his appearance and trailer for him

- A/N: Let's talk about Demacian for another day ;)

All that change, Riven will not see that, on his memories, but that all can be change. He was here, she can call him a family that she always wanted.

"Yosh! I'm going to grant your wishes Riven! Just you see!!"

"... What are you shouting for? And what wish of mine?"

"Ah! Sorry. Don't think about it."

"Pff- you know, sometimes, you're very weird."

"Am I?"


The two talk with each other. Riven felt a warmth inside of her, it's already long since she talks like this, in one whole house of her home.