
LoL: Legends Of Runetera

Too Lazy To Write...] [Lore would not be accurate. Please be advice] Tags - System / Romance / Harem / Fantasy / Others... Note# - Need genuine Critics, or it will be deleted (Read Flags Below) Flags - #SlowUpdates #NewbieAuthor #MediocreEnglish #GrammarError #OnlyWriteOnMyPhone - I don't have Discord. If you want you can tell me and I'll try to make one - - Disclaimer: I do not owned nor I created the Cover Image Credits for Riot Games

TophMeansTough · Video Games
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4 Chs

Dragons In Demacian Border

"Time surely works on wonder. It's already been 10 years since I came into this world. Sigh."

The boy said; lying at the field of green grasses outside the gate of "Gates Of Mourning"[1] city stronghold.

He died 10 years ago due to misfortune. Then he met God and been bestowed to be reincarnated in another world of his preference, and he picked the world of "League Of Legends"[2], also known as "Runeterra"[3].

As a Pro-Player of hard-stuck-platinum, only entering Diamond lll once, he tried playing "Legends Of Runeterra" to cool his head-off.

It was a card game that "Riot"[4] created. It was a simple game yet challenging if you took it seriously.

At first, he just wanted to see how this simple card game became so popular--but, oh boy, he became hook immediately after his third game.

The simple interaction with Champions[5] amazes him.

Garen and Katarina flirting dialogue, Draven and Darius siblings troupe, and other minor characters inside the universe of "League Of Legends"[2] that he didn't know exist until now.

Then, like a child who wants candy, he rummages every lore in League websites.

Starting from that he became a true fan of Runeterra Lore stories. He bought every merchandise, comics, novel, and game that might have secret lore on it. He became the epitome of a "True Loyal Fan".

So, no wonder he chooses this world out of anything despite being a Weeb.

"Ryjhin, young man! How's the weather?"

Out of the blue, a giddy Old Man entered his vision.

"Good morning, Professor Mayne[6]! The morning breeze is quite great. Our morning trek would be easy this time, and the Dragons should be at peace and would not notice our arrival. We can probably sneak in on one of the nests."

"Great! Quite an observant, ain't 'ya boy?"

"Of course, you've taught me under your tutelage, Professor!"

"Hahahaha! There's no need for formality my boy. You deserve where you are now, ain't it right? You're a Demacian citizen! Held your head up and show me what you can do this time!!"

"Yes, Professor Mayne!![6]"

"Okay. Now, we should go on. We don't want to be late for Dragons."

"You surely do loves Dragons, ain't you, Professor?"

"Why, yes, Of course!!"

The Teacher and Apprentice walk along the trails down to the mountain range to hunt some Dragon Nest.

Walking down the trails, the valley of mountains increase, and its enormous sizes dwarf them.

Here, many Dragons are everywhere. This place was their paradise and also Professor Mayne's[6] dreamland.

As they walk, the screeching noises of the Dragons in the distance echoed across the Valley, so the two of them became vigilant and use the boulders as covers.

Then, they spotted one.

A Stalking BroodMother[7].

It has fury white hairs on its body and two stripes of black between the eyes across down the shoulders.

Professor Mayne[6] admired the creatures silently while Ryjhin taking notes and the behavior of the creature.

A Stalking BroodMother[7] is a peaceful yet dangerous Dragons if provoked.

It got its name of BroodMother of how defensive and hostile if its Eggs are on dangers.

A very unlikely target for them for today. This species of Dragons develop to have a very strong smelling sensor to be aware of hidden dangers, so there's no wag they can infiltrate its nest.

Actually, as of now, the Stalking BroodMother[7] is now looking at them, it was very hostile.

But the two didn't budge and just avoided its line of sight to show off there is not a threat, and not also to agitate it on combat.

With its watchful eye, the two of them walked down the trails and left the Dragon and its nest.

Next, they encountered a Screeching Dragon[8], a perfect target for them.

Poor Girl. Professor Mayne[6] will definitely once get a Dragon Egg today.

Ryjhin couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor Dragon.

"Professor Mayne... Don't you think having too many Screeching Dragon[8] would be pointless? Why don't we hunt another Dragon Egg this time?"

"There's no pointless in research my boy! Having many Dragon Eggs from Screeching Dragon[8] would make the research more prominent and accurate. I need every little detail that I could find before I feel satisfied with my final report!! Do you get me?"

"Yes, yes. I get you, Professor Mayne[6]"

"Now, be ready. You know what to do."

"Yes, Professor. You lure the Dragon while I snatch the Eggs inside the nest."

"Good. Now be ready!"

The two separated and position themselves.

"Hey, my Big Friends! Here, I have your Dragons Eggs!"

Professor Mayne[6] who distances himself taunts the Dragons.


The Dragons screech towards him and slowly but intimidating get off on its nest.

These Dragon are stereotypical Dragons in a fantasy world, red and intimidating, but their size was too small compared to the other Dragons.

The Dragon charged towards Professor Mayne[6] who run easily despite being Old.

Ryjhin who left behind entered the nest and put the ropes on one of the Eggs and get ready to immediately escape the scene and met with Professor Mayne[6].

But something unexpected happened.

One of the three Eggs cracked and a baby Dragon showed up.

Its size was two times than of Professor Mayne's[6] height if on its two-limb legs. And, Ryjhin, being a 10 years old boy was small compared to it.

But thankfully, it's weak and needs its mother for support to eat, much more to kill him.

However, it cried, and a very loud roar echoed on his back.

The Screeching Dragon[8] is coming for him!

Ryjhin immediately escapes the nest with a pale face but he was late to hide, the Screeching Dragon[8] saw him and charged at him with anger.


Professor Mayne[6] shouted while trying to divert the Dragon's attention to no avail.

Ryjhin then runs at the side of a stiff side of a valley of rocks.

The angry Dragon, who became very irrational, bumps itself to it, and a small tremor occured, putting Ryjhin of balance.

But he has no time to ponder because of how close the dragon to him. He stood immediately and run.

The Dragon saw him and stood on its four hind legs and chase him.

"You won't, Big Friend!!"

Out of nowhere, Professor Mayne[6], jump on the dragons head and smash a big rock on its head.

The Dragon wobbled and stumbled on the ground creating a small tremor but it far from sleep. It shakes its head off and continues to chase the thief.

Ryjhin who was running is now nowhere to run anymore. He was at the very edge of a cliff.

He looks back and saw the dragon charging at him. He tried to think of a solution but he can't. Then, he thought that Egg.

He unropes it and throws the Egg below the cliff so the Dragon would chase it and divert its attention.

However, it didn't happen. The Dragons did chase the egg but Ryjhin was on its way so he was dragged too by its left wing.

Then he blackout after it happened.



Waking up with a scream. His ribs ache due to the Dragon bump at him. Nonetheless, he was alive which was a miracle on that fall.

"Wait... Where am I?"

It seems he was in a very unfamiliar house. The place was in dark and red theme contrast to Demacian white and gold.

Then, in the door, a young girl entered. Ryjhin became vigilant.

It was a girl around his age, young and healthy. She has a petite body and a cute but peerless face. The main attraction to her features was her white hair.

"Oh, you're awake." The young girl said. "You should rest more, I'll heat you some left-over soup to gain your strength back.

"... Yes...? Uhm, who are you?"



"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Riven. How about you?"

[1] Gates Of Mourning - Southeast Border of Demacian Kingdom.

[2] Legends Of Legends - A MOBA Esports Game.

[3] Runeterra - League Of Legends World.

[4] Riot - League Of Legends company creator

[5] Champions - League Of Legends /Runeterra important characters.

[6] Professor Mayne (Egghead Researcher) - Legends Of Runeterra Card (Demacian Region) (Normal Card)

[7] Stalking BroodMother - Legends Of Runeterra Card (Demacian Region) (Dragons Card)

[8] Screeching Dragon - Legends Of Runeterra Card (Demacian Region) (Dragons Card)