
Loki reborn

Fair warning for the first three chapter this fanfic would be fast paced. I have no intention to explain the entire plot of ghost of tushima or the entire story of naruto. There would also be a time skip as I dont intend to explain the entire childhood of a child Loki. CHeck out my other fanfic Phantom effect. Loki decides to leave Asgard after getting too tired of being its punching bag. Gazing into the Mimir's well and finds his salvation and so he sacrifices his magic. Please support me on Patreon. (patreon . com/ phantom pain 826)

phantompain · Movies
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63 Chs

Vol 2 ch 7

Loki had decided to evacuate with everyone present there as well. While everyone was moving towards the fire exit guided by soldiers. Loki had discreetly slipped away. Making sure that nothing was observing him as well as seeing that their was no cameras present as well. Loki had activated his seal.

An orange mask on his face, and a cloak around him colored green. It was time for Tobi to come out to play.


The army had approached them and Bruce had run away urging Betty to go a different way. Looking around he saw that most of the people were being evacuated. Atleast that was a sigh of relief.

As Bruce ran, he began to realize that he was being slowly and methodically being led into a trap. Bruce now found himself into the library, the only way out was closed out. Tear gas was fired where he was. Bruce tried to use a piece of clothe to protect himself from the gas. As he look out the window, he see the last scene of Betty running towards him, her hand extended. When she went down as she was tackled down.

At this moment, Bruce had only one thought in his head. Betty was in danger. His hand on the glass, Bruce slowly began to transform. Rage started to fill him. It was strange, bruce was submerged at the back of his subconsciousness and the Hulk came forward.

With a large yell, it had broken through the wall and had stepped forward. Its steps had caused primal fear among all the soldiers, the hulk roared and their hands trembled. They felt weak, vulnerable.

General Ross yelled loudly, "What are you doing? Fire, Fire everything at them."

The soldiers woke up, strengthened their resolve and began to fire at it. A couple of Humvee's had reached the ambush point and began to fire as well. All the bullets bounced off Hulk. It was the testament to the sheer amount of bullets being fired per second that had begun to push the Hulk back.

Hulk roared as it began to run. It jumped at one of the Humvee's as he ripped it apart with his bare hands. The other Humvee began to drive away and Hulk began to run after it. The Hulk jumped and landed in front of that Humvee and put its foot down. The Humvee could not stop its motion and collided with the Hulk. Its front was entirely dented. Hulk had proceeded to crumble it into a ball and had thrown it at another Humvee.

"Blonsky, move in." General Ross yelled. Blonsky moved in to engage the Hulk.

They needed time to get the supersonic weapons into position. Hulk roared and threw another Humvee at their location. It had caused the remaining vehicles that his soldiers were taking cover behind to explode.


Tobi was watching all the destruction happening while eating some popcorn. *crunch*crunch*cruch*crunch*

He was standing on a chair, peeking from General Ross side as the fight was happening.


"Who the fuck is eating over here." Ross could not take it anymore He had been thinking that this had been only in his head. He turned around and saw that there was a orange masked boy kneeling on a chair, a bag of popcorn in his hand. He was eating. The popcorn somehow moving through his mask. Betty and everyone stared at him. For a moment everyone's brain shut down.

*crunch*crunch* "I am Tobi" *crunch*crunch*

Brains done rebooting.

"The soldiers all pointed their guns at Tobi." Tobi spoke out loud. Hearing that the soldiers turned their firarms in the masked individual direction.

Tobi folded his arms and began to sagely nod.

"Who are you?" General Ross thundered.

"Tobi is Tobi. Tobi cannot not be Tobi." Tobi unfolded his arms and adopted a thinking pose. "Tobi confused now. Tobi confused Tobi."

"What do you want?" General Ross asked him.

"Tobi can help stop hulk. Tobi just needs payment." Tobi had replied and explained while spreading and waving his hands.

"General, supersonic weapons in position." At that point, General Ross ordered his soldiers.

"Blonsky get him in range." General Ross shouted

Betty had looked at the Tobi and shouted. "Save him, and I will pay you."

The soldiers had tried to apprehend him but Tobi kept on slipping and dodging them in all kind of weird ways. General Ross veins were bulging due to anger.

He had yelled, "Use your weapon." He was not gonna stop, not when he was so close to his prize. He would succeed.

"The soldiers fired but their weapons would not fire." Tobi said. The soldiers tried to fire their weapon but there was only a sound of clicking.

"And with that Tobi made his escape." Tobi said as he jumped into the ground and used Hiding like a Mole technique to burrow into the ground.

General Ross glared at his soldiers who realized that their safeties had been turned on and that's why they could not fire. General Ross thought that maybe the masked man can be used in the future for the project that the pentagon was pushing forward which was led by Amanda Waller.


Loki could feel the life forces of the Hulk and the soldier fighting him. Where it felt as if superman's life force was limitless and bright. Hulk's life fore was green and pulsing. Growing stronger and stronger the longer the fight goes on. Even now, Loki could feel the Hulk getting slightly faster and stronger the more he missed the soldier.

Loki came out of the ground in his Tobi getup. "Whack a mole technique" He yelled as he first hit Hulk, dived into the ground and then hit Blonsky.

Loki started to repeat this action.

Hulk was focused on Blonsky hence he did not care but Blonsky was starting to get annoyed.

Seeing a machine gun lying near him. He had dodged out of the Hulk's grasp and picked it up. He shot it at Loki. Loki had phased through the bullets and then had pretended to go down.

Blonsky had focused on getting Hulk into position once more. Suddenly, Hulk and Blonsky had been hit with a variety of household appliances. Tobi was up once more and his hand were spinning. Kitchen knives, shampoo bottles, toasters, microwaves all these things were flying towards them. The Hulk had turned around and roared. Tobi had already jumped into the ground by that point. Using hiding like a mole to escape once more.

By this point, Ross had ordered the Humvees with the sonic weapon to move up.

"Blonsky, get out of the way". He had yelled.

The sonic weapon was fired and shockwaves emitted from them. All of them focused on Hulk. Hulk had been pushed down. Loki had felt Hulk grow stronger from its rage. It had brought one of the shield up and had begun to move up to the Humvees. It then threw one of its shields at the Humvees, destroying the sonic weapon at the top. Hulk had then yelled once more and rushed forward. The remaining Humvees were not enough to stop Hulk. He had jumped and smashed one of them, and threw the last shield ripping the second one apart.

The operation had failed. "Retreat, I want the chopper to cover our retreat." General Ross yelled.

Blonsky had ignored orders, feeling frustrated that even the serum was not enough to fight the Hulk. He had yelled at Hulk, "Is this all you can do."

The Hulk had kicked out.

But the kick never hit the target. Two things had happened simultaneously, Loki had grabbed Blonsky feet and dragged him down with him. Using Hiding like a mole technique, he had escaped to where General Ross was. Coming out while dragging Blonsky after him.

"Here, I have a delivery for you." Loki had said with a high pitched voice. "Careful comes with an ego."

The second that happened was that Superman was holding the leg with one hand. The kick had caused a breeze to blow out.

"Banner, give up. I don't wish to fight you."


"Good job Hill on informing Superman." Nick Fury had said. His eyes on the screen infront of him which displayed a top down perspective of the battle field. "Fortunately, he gave us a panic button in case we need him."

His eyes went to the recording of the masked individual.

"What do we have on this Tobi." NIck Fury Demanded.

"He showed up and stopped metallo when he was fighting superman. Unknown if fluke or not. His actions had suggested a general lack of awareness and common sense. Abilities presumed to be moving through the ground. He also had great ability to distract people." Agent Hill had read from the dossier.

"Natasha, approach him if you can, Get any information possible. And attempt to recruit him." Nick Fury had ordered.

Any advice on what to do with characters which are functionally the same like Green arrow and clint barton

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